• ベストアンサー


Your English is fine. It is very easy to understand and very proper. Keep writing to us for practice. (妻の名前) would like to see pictures of your baby and hear more from you. How is your mom doing? (妻の名前) says you and your mom should move here. 上記の文章です。 お手数をおかけしますが宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

>メール返信に必要な【英語訳】 と言うのがよく分からないのですが、お示しの英文の【英文和訳】は以下の様になります。 あなたの英語は素晴らしい。分かり易いしとても適切です。練習だと思って私たちに手紙(メール)を書き続けて下さい。(妻の名前)はあなたの赤ちゃんの写真を見たいし、あなたからもっと便りが欲しいと言っています(あなたからもっと聞きたいと言っています)。あなたのお母様はいかがお暮らしですか?(妻の名前)はあなたとあなたのお母様がこちらに引越せばよいのにと言っています。 この内容に関して、ご自身で返信を考えて、英文の添削を求めるか、難しいと思われたら、そのままの丸投げの質問でも良いですから、新たにこのサイトに投稿されれば、誰かが回答してくれると思います。



英文和訳ですね、失礼いたしました。 ご丁寧に解答して頂き、ありがとうございます。 とても助かりました。


  • 英語

    I understand you, I hear this same story I have friends from Japan who left because of this Too serious Australia is very different , more relaxed Not so much pressure I enjoy my work I chose a long time ago to prioritise doing what I love and what I think is good for the world and animals ad plants instead of just chasing money 日本語にお願いします…

  • メールの英文の訳をお願いします

    アドレスが間違えているのか、迷惑メールなのか分かりませんが気になりましたので訳をお願いいたします。 ちなみにこの英文のあとにURL的なものがついていました。 hello hi and love .i am fine.quite jest like you the trvavel was not so good.bikose you was not with me .and no girlfriend?i was jest my salf .and my life is now so sad .now hear in varanasi is to hot ....an ran. i have no time for to go .........ganga. i am to busy at my huose.its good nwes for you. you have your room at my home .wan you come to india ....you no nide hoteel ,,after 2 dey i am free to go ganga and work. and its ....take 2 manth to make room ...........how is your life go.........do you have your internet..write me soon. if you can. i mas go to home. i love you. i miss you. you are one nice girlfriend?of me missing you hear a lot.i hope i wish same form you your lone

  • 英語のメール ニュアンスが分からない

    はじめまして。今現在連絡を取り合っているペンパルの外国男性がいるのですが、 彼からのメールでニュアンスがよく分からず客観的に翻訳いただけないでしょうか? 彼とは会ったことがなく、それなのに日頃はLove youを連発し、そのうえ最近連絡がつかず お別れしたいの?といったメールを送ったところ、このようなメールが届きました。 私と友だちとして続けたいと言っているのですが、他の文中で細かなニュアンスがつかめず、 お力をお貸しください。また他掲示板でも同様の質問を投稿させてただいています。 翻訳をお願いします。 今連絡を取り合っている外国の方がいるのですが、今ひとつニュアンスが掴めないメールが届き、客観的に翻訳をいただけないでしょうか。 全体はわかるのですが細かなニュアンスまで理解できず、お力をお貸しください。宜しくお願いいたします。 I am very sorry I have not contacted you recent, I was on special mission, and not allowed to communicate with outside, I understand your frustration, I know my job very much sacrifice, I have much love for you, I wish I can have more time to show you more. I do not want to break up, but I understand it is no fair for you to wait, you need to live your life too, I can't stop your life for me. I miss you, and I care for you, I want better opportunity to meet you someday soon, please, stay friends if you decide for now until better time to move on to next level, I do not want to loose you, but I am prepared if you decided to move on and go, hope you understand, please do what is right for you no matter the cost. I hope we can still talk and laugh as friends. With love, Your friend, ○○(名前)

  • 英語の訳をお願いします

    Good morning. How are you? I'm not doing very well. I have the flu Fin, thank you. How are you? I have to go I'm sorry to hear that It was nice to see you I hope you will recover soon Goodbye. see you later Bad. I've got a cold Hi. How's it going? Oh, what a shame! Pretty good. How about you? Take it easy, and you'll get better soon I've got to be going Nice seeing yo Bye .Catch you later  

  • 英語メールの訳をして欲しい。

    <FONT>Klez.E is the most common world-wide spreading worm.It's very dangerous by corrupting your files.<br> Because of its very smart stealth and anti-anti-virus technic,most common AV software can't detect or clean it.<br> We developed this free immunity tool to defeat the malicious virus.<br> You only need to run this tool once,and then Klez will never come into your PC.<br> NOTE: Because this tool acts as a fake Klez to fool the real worm,some AV monitor maybe cry when you run it.<br> If so,Ignore the warning,and select 'continue'.<br> If you have any question,please <a href=3Dmailto:as****@geocities.co.jp>mail to me</a>.</FONT></BODY></HTML> 以上のような内容と添付ファイル付で届きました。 まだ本文も開かずに、プロパティで上記の内容を拾ってここに書込みしました。この英語の訳をどなたかやって見て下さいな。

  • 訳をお願いいたします!

    確認をしたいのでお願いします! I mentally try out a few ways to praise and encourage my daughter. "I can tell you are working really hard on that project. You are really doing your best work." I wonder if it's necessary to get involved at all, depending on her own sense of motivation. My daughter says she is ready to read about the rest of Sammy's adventures. For now, my job is simply to listen.

  • 女性からの初めての返信メールです。訳してください

    Thanks for your mail.. I'm so glad to read from you.. I'm Sonia Howard, single.. Looking for someone who is ready for serious relationship not a game player... Someone who is honest,caring,loving,faithful and trustworthy man to have a relationship with... .. i will like to get to know you..You can write me a letter through this email address *******@gmail.com or you can add me to your IM list my yahoo ID is ********@yahoo.com..Hope to read from you very soon... Elizabeth

  • 英語の訳お願いします

    John Palumbo, another industry expert, is sure that underground marketing is the right way to reach young people. "A product has to have credibility to succeed," he says. "People have to see it. They have to understand it in real way. The best way to do that is to put it in their world. And that's what we do. We put the product in their lige." However, one might ask what exactly is "real" about two young women pretending to be enthusiastic about a sweater? Advertising executives would say it's no less real than an ad. The difference is that you know an ad is trying to presuade you to buy something. You don't know when a conversation you overhear is just a performance

  • 英語力がたりません。。どれくらい通じているかが知りたいです お願いします

    この英語は不自然ですか?直すべき箇所ありましたら教えてください。教科書的な英語ではなくていいので、日常会話的な範囲で間違えや分かりづらい部分あったら教えてください。 相手から届いたので初めてこちらからメールするという状況です。 Hi, How are you doing? Thank you for your message. Im glad to hear from you. are you interested in Japanese? thats good, thank you! I'll tell you about Japanese culuture, and help your Japanese. お願いします。

  • お悔みの言葉を英語で書く場合

    お悔みの言葉を英語で書く場合 We are so very sorry to hear about your loss. We were disturbed and saddened by the untimely death of Naomi. Our thoughts are with you and your family at this most difficult time of loss. We would like to offer our deepest sympathy. お悔みを英語で書く場合は、個人が書いても複数系WEから書くのでしょうか? I am so very sorry...., I was disturbed and.... My thought is with you and..., I would like to offer.... では、おかしいですか? あと3番目の文章にyou and your family ではなくて、個人名を入れるのっておかしいですか? 友人の家族(親、彼氏、子供達)みんな知ってます。 やはり形式的な文章だから、you and your family の方がいいのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。