• ベストアンサー


When she started working in the 1970s, Campbell found it was more difficult to compete for positions and succeed. When she was turned down for a position, she was told the woman who had the position before did not work out and that no other woman would be hired in her place. よく分からないのは二つ目のwhen以下です。 彼女は役職に就く事を断られた?とはどういう意味でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

彼女が1970年代に働き始めたとき、キャンベルは地位を争って、成功することがより難しいとわかりました。 彼女がある地位に対して拒絶されたとき、彼女は、以前その地位に就いていた女性がうまく行かなかったこと、それで、彼女が勤めている地位に他の女性が、採用されることがないのだと言うことを告げられました。




その他の回答 (1)

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)






  • 英語の質問です

    英語の問題なんですけど、答えてくださる方早急にお願いいたします! He gave her a beautiful ring. と同じ文構造をもつ文が以下のうち全部で2つあるらしいのですが、どれとどれか分かる方お願いします。 (1) Keep a diary in English. (2) Shall I bring you a glass of water? (3) There are twelve months in a year. (4) Nobody found this quiz too difficult. (5) She turned pale when she heard the news. (6) She found me the book. (7) She became the first woman doctor in the village. (8) He knows how to cook. (9) Please leave me alone. (10) I always leave for school at six in the morning.

  • watchとlookの動作イメージの違いについて

    下記にan eldery woman's shoplifting を目撃したことを話すmailの文章があります。動詞を適語にして文を完成させます。 I was buying a new alarm clock the other day in Taylor's the jewellers, whan I actually saw somebody shoplifting. I'd just finished paying for my clock and as I turned around, an elderly woman was slowly putting a silver plate into a bag that She was carrying. Then she walked( was walking) over the another part of the shop and picked (was picking ) up an expensive-looking watch a number of times. when she thought that nobody was looking (looked), she dropped it into the bag. before I had a chance to tell the staff in the shop, She noticed that I was watching (watched) her and hurried out. Unfortunately for her, two police officers was walking past just at that moment and she ran straight into them. 上記の文の中の was looking とwas watching のみが正解らしいのですが、looked とwatched も それを最初から最後まで目撃したよ という意味ではlooked とwatchedもありだと思っています。 臨場感を考えると過去進行形しかありえないのでしょうか?それともlookとwatchの根本的な意味を間違っているのでしょうか?教えてください。

  • 英語の質問です。

    英語の問題なんですけど、答えてくださる方お願いいたします! She made her son a baseball player. と同じ文構造をもつ文が以下のうち全部で2つあるらしいのですが、どれとどれか分かる方お願いします。 (1) Keep a diary in English. (2) Shall I bring you a glass of water? (3) There are twelve months in a year. (4) Nobody found this quiz too difficult. (5) She turned pale when she heard the news. (6) She found me the book. (7) She became the first woman doctor in the village. (8) He knows how to cook. (9) Please leave me alone. (10) I always leave for school at six in the morning.

  • この英語を日本語に訳してください。

    この英語を日本語に訳してください。 Last Sunday, when I was waiting for a friend in front of tha atation, I met my elderly neighbor. She had a big bag with her, and she was going to walk across the street. When the light turned green, I helped her with her bag, and we walked across the busy street together. She said ''Thank you'' many times to me. That made me very happy.

  • VOA 仮定法過去完了

    She said she could not have advanced this far in her career had she started out married with young children and frequent travel even made dating too difficult. 幼い子供を連れて結婚を始めていたならば、彼女の職業でここまで前進することができなかったであろう。そしてたまの旅行さえ日にち的に難しかったであろう。 (1)and以下がうまく訳せません。 (2)and以下がこの位置にあるのはどうしてですか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    日本語訳がわかりません。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)My mom says it felt as though someone tapped her on the shoulder, but when she turned around no one was there. (2)It was then that she noticed I wasn't in sight. (3)She saw me in the pool, kicking and waving my arms in the air, trying to keep my head above the water. (4)She held me in her arms and thanked God that I was all right.

  • 長文ですが、英文和訳教えてください!!

    ナスカの地上絵を、祖国から離れてでも守ろうとする女性の話です。 宜しくお願いします! Maria Reiche was born on May 15,1903,in Dresden,German. She graduated from the Dresden Technical University,whereshe studied mathematics,geography,and foreign languages. In 1932,Maria was a 29-year-old unmarried woman who was not happy with the political mood in Germany,especially with the rise of the Nazi party and a frightening leader named Adolf Hitler. She looked for any possible way to leave her country. One day,Maria found an ad in the newspaper asking for a woman to work as a nanny and a teacher for two children of a German consul living in Cusco,Peru. Soon after she applied for the job,she was hired. So off she sailed,full of hope for a better future. Maria loved the Andean mountains and enjoyed her years working with the two children in the ancient Inca capital of Cusco. At this time she had not even heard about the Lines of Nazca. In 1939,Maria was teaching in Lima,the capital of Peru, and doing scientific translations. By then ,Germany was already at war in Europe, so she didn't want to go back to her country. Then Maria heard from an American scientist in Lima about the mysterious Lines and Figures of Nazca,which he had recently seen from an airplane . She was interested enough to take a flight herself in a small plane over the Nazca desert(pampa) . When she saw the figures from the airplane of the spider, the hummingbird and the monkey ,she was so fascinated by them that she moved to Nazca to study the Lines herself.Maria Ruiche made many flights by plane and helicopter ,taking photographs of the many lines and figures on the pampa. She was especially drawn to the image of the monkey, but when she enlarged the photos she had taken, she was amazed to see that one hand had only four fingers...just like her. When she first came to Peru , one finger was amputated after it developed gangrene from a cactus infection. She then learned that Peruvian ancestors believed that this was a mark from the God of Thunder, which gave special power to communicate with the gods. For the next 40years, Maria lived alone on the pampa in a tiny one-room house , just to study and guard the mysterious Lines of Nazca/ One of the biggest threats to preserving the Lines was the Pan American Highway that cut across the pampa, slicing the picture of the long , crocodile-looking lizard in half. After Maria published a few articles about the Lines , more and more people started coming to Nazca so they could go out on the pampa to see the figures and lines for themselves. Maria persuaded the government of Peru to make the pampa a restricted area,so no one could walk on the desert except her assistant and herself. She was given many honors by the Peruvian government before she died, including Honorary Citizen of Peru and the title of Great Lady of Nazca. Everyone in the town of Nazca had grown to love and respect this woman who had come from far away to reveal to them the secrets of their ancestors , secrets that had been hidden out in plain sight for two thousand years.

  • what I am about

    I have been seeing a woman who is 21 years younger than I am. She says she loves me, but I am hesitant because of our age difference. We have known each other for years. She had a crush on me when she was 16, but I was married at the time, and she was too young. We made love a couple of times when she was in her 20s because I was divorced and she was single. Now it's 10 years later. I'm in my late 50s; she's in her 30s. We are both single, and she wants to take care of me for the rest of my life. She brings me lunch every once in a while, which I am amazed at because it's a long drive from where she lives. I worry about what other people will think, but she doesn't care and says she wants to love me and care for me because she knows what I am about. what I am aboutはどのような意味でしょうか?what I amとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 英文でわからないところがあります。

    下記英文の、so I guess 以下をどう訳せばよいかわかりません。わかるかたがいらっしゃいましたら、教えていただけませんか。 よろしくお願いします。 赤ちゃんの言語スキルは子宮の中にいるときに発達し始めると研究者は考えている。Campbell はFinnをみごもった時ロースクールにいた。「私はロースクールの最後の学期を終えました。なので、・・・・・・」 Researchers think babies begin developing language skills while they are in the womb. Campbell was in law school when she was pregnant with Finn. "I was finishing my last semester of law school, so, I guess, check back with me in 30 years and see if he's a litigator, because he would definitely come alive in my corporations classes and he always heard my professors speaking," she said. ---補足--- 【前の文】 Covington Campbell started talking to her baby even before he was born. "I spoke to Finn all the time. I sort of narrated what I was doing," Campbell said, 【出展】 VOA:Researchers Finding Babies Smarter Than Previously Thought http://www.voanews.com/english/news/health/Researchers-Finding-Babies-Smarter-Than-Previously-Thought-92920154.html

  • 副詞節は名詞句も修飾するのですか

    She was a pretty woman when she was twenty years old. という文章かあります。when以下は副詞節で名詞節であるa pretty womanを修飾しているのでしょうか。 よくわかりません。どなたか教えてくださいませ。