• 締切済み


Clause 9 : Damage to the Leased Property In the event that the Leased Property shall be destroyed or damaged by fire, explosion, storm, tempest, flood, strike, riot, aircraft or anything dropped there from, (except where such destruction or damage has been caused by the fault or negligence of the Lessee) and the Leased Property shall be rendered unfit for use or completely destroyed, then either party shall have the alternative, by sending within 30 (thirty) days, written notice to the other, to terminate this Agreement. On the contrary, if neither party wants to terminate this Agreement the Lessor shall, after receiving the insured amount, promptly rebuild and reinstall the Leased Property to substantially their former condition. No rental shall be payable until the Leased Property are again rendered fit for occupancy and use according to this Agreement.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ID10T5
  • ベストアンサー率31% (732/2313)

第9節 貸借した資産への損傷 貸借した資産が火災、爆発、暴風雨、暴風雪、衝突、洪水、暴動、飛行機その他の墜落によって破壊されたり損傷を受けた場合(貸借人の誤りや不注意によってそのような破壊や損傷が生じた場合を除く)、または貸借した資産が使用に堪えなくなったり完全に破壊された場合には、いずれの当事者も他方の当事者に30日以内にこの同意書を破棄する通知を送付するものとする。これに対し、両当事者がこの同意書の破棄を望まない場合、貸借人は補償料を受け取った後、速やかに貸借した資産を実質的に元の状態に修築・修繕するものとする。この同意書に基づいて、貸借した資産が再び使用可能となるまでの期間の占有について賃料を支払う必要はないものとする。


  • 英文の契約書の日本語訳に困っています

    海外のお客様との契約書を初めて扱うことになり、日常会話では使われないような言い回しや単語が出てきているので、英訳に困っています。 どなたか日本語訳をお願いできないでしょうか Arbitration and Competent Court of Law Nothing in this agreement shall be construed so as to require the commision of any contrary to law, and , wherever there is any conflict between any provision of this agreement and any statute law or ordinance concerning the legal rights of the parties, such as the right to contract, the latter shall prevail to the extent it cannot be disposed of by said partied, but in such an event, the affected provisions of this agreement shall be curtailed and limited only to extent, necessary to bring it within the legal requirements. In the event that the provisions of this article shall be invoked by either party hereto and any curtailment or limitation of this agreement alerts said rights and duties of the parties hereto, then said parties shall negotiate in good faith, so that rights and duties of said parties, as nearly as possible, shall be the same as before the invocation of the foregoing provisions of this article. Should any part of provision of this agreement be held unenforceable or in conflict with the law of any jurisdiction, the validity of the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected by such holdings and an equitable adjustment shall be negotiated by the parties, whereby any portion of this agreement, that may be in violation of the laws of a country to which this agreement extends, may be stricken or modified and equitable adjustment can be made to conform the revised portion to the benefits intended as set forth herein. Any dispute, controversy of claim arising out of or in connection with this agreement, or the breach, termination or invalidity thereof shall be settled by the amigable arbitration of the international Chamber of Commerce at Singapore. よろしくお願いいたします

  • 契約書の日本語訳

    契約書の日本語訳を頼まれたのですが、以下の一文がどうしても解りません。 頻出のshallに続く動詞が解らず困ってます。 どなたか、概訳でも構いませんので日本語に訳してください。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。 The parties hereto shall not and shall ensure that the Company shall not at any time during the term of this Agreement or subsequent termination thereof shall in any way or manner whatsoever make known, divulge or communicate any technical, industrial or market information relating to the establishment or operation and management of any of the parties hereto, which may have been furnished by or exchanged between the Company or any of the parties hereto to any person, firm or corporation and shall at all times take such reasonable precautions as may be necessary to prevent disclosure thereof.

  • 契約書の日本語訳について

    初めてのことで契約書の中で日本語訳がわからなくて困っています。 概要を教えて頂ければありがたいです。 契約書は販売代理店契約書です。 PRICE: Prices are also void of any sales, use, excise, value added, withholding or similar tax of any kind Distributor agrees to pay, and to indemnify and hold DISTRIBUTOR harmless from any sales, use, excise, value added, Quantity discounts will be provided at Manufacturer’s discretion for large orders on a case by case basis provided Distributor has received prior written approval from DISTRIBUTOR. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PARTIES: All Products supplied to Distributor hereunder shall be purchased by Distributor for its own account at its own risk and resold only in accordance with the terms hereof. MANUFACTURER and DISTRIBUTOR are “linked entities” and are not, and shall not represent themselves as, principal and agent or joint ventures. Distributor shall act as a principal on its own behalf and has no legal power or authority, expressed or implied, to act for or obligate MANUFACTURER & DISTRIBUTOR in any manner. TERMINATION: (b) Following the initial 6 months of this agreement, by either party upon written notice if the other party has breached the terms of this Agreement in any material respect and fails to cure such breach with 60 days after such other party's receipt of written notice of such default. 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 契約書の訳を教えてください!

    今急に契約書の翻訳を頼まれたのですがどうしてもわからない箇所があります。 詳しい方、助けていただけないでしょうか。 The Parties shall keep the execution of and matters provided in this Agreement confidential and shall not disclose or otherwise provide the same to any third party; provided, however, that such confidential obligation shall not apply to the information required to be disclosed by a court or administrative authority in accordance with due proceeding or the information required to be disclosed in accordance with provisions of the applicable laws and regulations; provided, further, however that, in such case, the parties shall ensure that the relevant information is disclosed or provided to the minimum extent possible. The provision of this Article 16 shall survive the termination or expiration of this Agreement for a period of [3 years] years after such termination or expiration. すみません。自分でやってみたのですがむちゃくちゃで、、どうかお願いいたします。

  • 英文契約書 2

    下記の和訳をお願いします。 "In the event that the company fails to pay any amount payable hereunder as and when such amount becomes payable and such failure continues for a period of more than 30 days after the due date and whenever there shall be a breach of any provisions of this agreement by the company, the Servicer may terminate this agreement and shall be compensated for all costs and damages that may be incurred and suffered by the Servicer." 上記の文中で特にわからないのは、"whenever there shall be a breach of any provisions of this agreement by the company"と言う部分で、支払いの不履行と同時に何らかの規定違反がなければ弁済は免責されるという事でしょうか? 因に以下が私の和訳です。 よろしくお願い致します。 「『会社』がこの記載に従った支払いが満期を迎えても行わず、それが支払い期日を30日以上過ぎても継続して行われなかった場合、かつ、本契約のいずれかに規定違反がある場合、サービサーはこの同意契約を終了し、被った費用及び損害全てを弁済されなければならない。」

  • 和訳することが出来ますか? (NDA)

    11. Survivability. Each party agrees that all of its obligations undertaken herein as a Receiving Party shall survive and continue to survive 3 (three) years after the termination or expiration of this Agreement. 12. Governing Law and Arbitration. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and any claim, dispute or controversy arising between the parties out of or in relation to this Agreement, or breach thereof, which cannot be satisfactorily settled by the parties, shall be finally settled by arbitration upon the written request of either party, in accordance with the Commercial Arbitration Rules of The Japan Commercial Arbitration Association. The place of arbitration and judgement shall be Kyoto, Japan. The arbitration proceeding shall be conducted in English. The award shall be final and binding upon both parties. Judgement upon the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. 13. Miscellaneous. This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding among the parties hereto as to the INFORMATION and supersedes all prior discussions between them relating thereto. No amendment or modification of this Agreement shall be valid or binding on the parties unless made in writing and signed on behalf of each of the parties by its authorized officer or representative. No party may assign or transfer, in whole or in part, any of its rights, obligations or duties under this Agreement. The failure or delay of any party to enforce at any time any provision of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of such party's right thereafter to enforce each and every provision of this Agreement. In the event that any of the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement are held to be illegal, unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms, conditions or provisions hereof shall remain in full force and effect. 14. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in two or more identical counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which taken together shall be deemed to constitute the Agreement when a duly authorized representative of each party has signed a counterpart.

  • 中途解約の場合のペナリティーは?

    以下の英文の契約書について、教えて下さい。 ワイキキの知人が契約しているコンドですが、 A- この契約を中途解約する場合、契約期間の残り期間の家賃を全額支払うことになるのでしょうか? B- 「2. TERM」の条項にある、「Thereafter」とは「 DECEMBER 1, 2010」以降を指すのでしょうか、 それとも、契約期間6カ月が過ぎた後のことを指すのでしょうか? STANDARD RENTAL AGREEMENT 1. COMMENCEMENT DATE. This Agreement shall commence on DECEMBER 1, 2010. 2. TERM. This Agreement shall be for a Six (6) month term. Thereafter, the Agreement shall be month to month tenancy. The Tenant may end the month to month tenancy by providing Landlord written notice of intention to terminate. Such notice to terminate must be provided to Landlord at least 30 days prior to the desired date of termination of the tenancy. If at any time Landlord desires to terminate the tenancy, Landlord may do so by providing to Tenant such written notice of intention to terminate at least 30 days prior to the desired date of termination of the tenancy. 17. TENANT’S HOLD OVER. If Tenant remains in possession of the Premises with the consent of Landlord after the natural expiration of this Agreement, a new tenancy from month-to-month shall be created between Landlord and Tenant which shall be subject to all the terms and conditions hereof except that rent shall be then be due and owing at $1600.00 per month

  • 英文契約書 6

    個別契約に関する項目で、解らない文章がありましたので質問致しました。 "However, any details common to each Individual Contract may be separately agreed upon in advance, and incorporated in a separate common agreement or each individual contract. The terms of such common agreement or individual contracts, as the case may be, shall, wherever in-consistent, with or absent in this agreement, shall supersede this agreement." 下記は私が翻訳した文章ですが、"a separate common agreement "や"as the case may be, shall, "の箇所がうまく訳せませんでした。 特にshallは以降のshall supersedeと重複している様に感じるのですが、shallの直後に動詞が省略されているのでしょうか。 「しかし、各個別契約に共通する任意の詳細は、別途、事前に合意され、共通の同意または各個別契約に組み込むことができる。矛盾や存在しない項目がある際は、場合によって、この共通の合意や個別契約の詳細が優先されなければならない。」 お力添えどうぞよろしくお願い致します。

  • アパートの賃貸リース契約がもうすぐ切れるのですが・・・(アメリカ)

    英語カテゴリと迷ったのですが、暮らしに密着した質問なので、こちらのカテゴリにしました。よろしくお願いします。 アメリカ在住です。昨年5月に現在のアパートに入居し、1年の賃貸リース契約を結びました。要するに「1年は自由に退去できない“しばり”」があったわけですが、一般的に、1年過ぎた後はどのような形になるのでしょうか? 新たに契約書を交わすのですか? 昨年契約を結ぶ時にも、そのことを大家さんに聞きましたが、「月払いに切り替えたいというケースが一番多いけど、まあそれはまたその時に。レントは今のままで据え置きになると思う」という程度の説明でした。 しかし、期限が迫っても大家さんからも特に何も話がないので、気になって契約書を丁寧に読み返してみました。お恥ずかしいのですが、こういった不動産契約の文面は読み慣れないため、ある程度意味は取れても細かいニュアンスに自信がなく、正直「分かった」とは言えない状態です。万一、リース期限をもって追い出されるようなことがあっては、泣くに泣けません・・・ こちらでの賃貸契約の慣例なども含めて、私の置かれた状況を解説していただけましたら有り難く存じます。 以下、契約書の抜粋です。 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on 1st, June, 2008 ("Commencement Date") [check either A or B] [ ] A. Month-to-Month: This Agreement shall continue as a month-to-month tenancy. If at any time Tenant desires to terminate the tenancy, Tenant may do so by providing to Landlord written notice of intention to terminate. Such notice to terminate must be provided to Landlord at least 30 days prior to the desired date of termination of the tenancy. If at any time Landlord desires to terminate at least 30 days prior to the desired date of termination of the tenancy. Notices to terminate may be given on any calendar day, irrespective of Commencement Date. [*] B. Lease: This Agreement shall continue as a lease for term. The termination date shall be on 5/31/09 at 11:59 PM. Upon termination date, Tenant shall be required to vacate the Premises unless one of the following circumstances occur: (i) Landlord and Tenant formally extend this Agreement in writing or create and execute a new, witten, and signed agreement; (ii) local rent control law mandates extension of the tenancy; or (iii) Landlord willingliy accepts from Tenant new rent, a month-to-month tenancy shall be created. Either party may terminate this month-to-month tenancy by following the procedures specified in paragraph 1A. Rent shall continue at the rate specified in this Agreement, or as allowed by law. All other terms and conditions as outlined in this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. リース契約ですので、Bのほうに*(チェック)が付いています。私は当初、(iii)の部分に着目して、「6月のレントをいつも通り支払った時点で、Aの月払いに自動的に移行するのだ」と考えていたのですが、よく読み返してみると、「Tenant shall be required to vacate the Premises unless ~」のところが、「特に何もなければ退去しなければならない」という意味にも取れ、とても不安になってしまいました。 長文すみません。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。今、とても引っ越しができる状況ではないので、追い出されることになったらどうしようかと、冷や汗をかいております・・・

  • 英文契約書

    英文契約書の勉強を続行しています。この間質問にお答えいただきましたが、また分からない文章にぶつかりました。executedやdeemed to constituteなどの訳し方がさっぱりわかりません。どなたかご教授いただければ、ありがたいです。This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and any single counterpart or set of conterparts signed, in either case by all the Parties hereto shall be deemed to constitute a full and original agreement for all purposes. constituteは構成するという意味だと思うのですが、すべての目的において、完全で当初の契約を構成するというような、中途半端な訳しかできない状態です。どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。