
  • 自信のある問題もあるが、イコール表現が思い出せない問題に悩んだ
  • 問題でも自信がない
  • 会話の問題の内容をまとめました
  • ベストアンサー


自信のある問題もあるのですが、どれも答えとしてありえそうで悩んだ問題もありました。 道案内や電話についての問題はまだよかったです。 【B】問題は、片方は分かるけど、イコール表現が思い出せない問題がいくつかありました。 【C】問題も自信がありません。 各問題で、訳やポイント等あれば、付けていただけると助かります。 お願いします。 【A】 1 A:May I take a look at the menu,please?   B:().   アHere you are イHere you can ウHere you have エHere you may 2 A:Many people could not solve the problem.   B:().   アI couldn´t,either イSo,could I ウI couldn´t エNeither I could 3 A:Frank drives much too fast.Someday he´ll have a terrible accident.   B:Oh,().   アI don´t hope so イI hope not ウI´m not afraid so エI´m afraid not 4 A:Emi!I haven´t seen you for ages.How are things going with you?   B:().   アQuite often,thanks イI´ve been twenty.and you? ウNot bad.And you?   エThey are going by car. 5 A:Do you need that report right away?   B:No,there´s no hurry.Take your().   アchance イpart ウrest エtime 6 A:I passed my entrance examination.   B:Did you really?()!   アTry again イGood job ウTake it easy エHow well 7 A:How about coming with us to the party?   B:().   アWith pleasure イNot really ウThat´s too bad エYes,you´re right 8 A:Excuse me,could you tell me where the post office is?   B:Sure.Just go straight two blocks.It´s on the right.You can´t()it.   アfind イmiss ウget エmake 9 A:Shall I hang up,operator?   B:No,sir.()the line please.   アHold イKeep ウSticks to エTake 10 A:May I speak to Mr.Hall,please?    B:I´m sorry,he´s not here at the moment.Can I take a()?    アmemo イmessage ウnote エrecord 11 A:Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the station?    B:I´m sorry,but I´m not()here.     アa stranger イwell known ウfrom around エlived 12 A:Would you like to come to see a movie with me?    B:()    アI wish I could. イOf course,you can. ウWhat do you say? エI haven´t gone. 13 A:How do you like your tea?    B:().    アWith lemon,please イWith a spoon,please ウI like my tea エI don´t like it 【B】 1 Would you(d    )me a favor?  =May I(a    )you a favor? 2 (W    )don´t we go to a sushi bar this evening?  =(W    )do you say to(g    )to a sushi bar this evening? 3 (M    )your own business!  =This is(n    )of your business! 4 Give my best(r    )to your parents.  =(R    )me to your parents.  =Say(h    )to your parents. 【C】会話の並び替えです。 1 A:I hate the cold weather.   B:That sounds much better.   C:What about a warm beach in Frorida,then?   D:How about going skiing in Canada this vacation? 2 A:All right.Here´s ten.Keep the change.   B:How much do I owe you?$8,did you say.   C:No,I´m afraid.$8.40 now.The meter changed a moment ago.   D:Here we are at the Northern Airlines Terminal!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

【A】 1.ア Here you are. A:メニューを見せていただけますか? B:はいどうぞ。 2.ア I couldn't, either. A:多くの人がその問題を解けませんでした。 B:私も解けませんでした。 ☆エ Neither could I. ならば可。 3.イ I hope not. A:フランクは如何にもスピードを出し過ぎる。いつかひどい事故を起こすだろう。 B:起こさなければいいけど。 ☆エ I'm afraid so. ならば可。 4.ウ Not bad. And you? A:恵美!久しぶり。調子はどう? B:悪くないわ。あなたは? 5.エ time A:あのレポートすぐに必要? B:いいえ、急がない。ゆっくりやって。 6.イ Good job. A:入学試験に合格しました。 B:本当に?偉かったね。 7.ア With pleasure. A:私たちと一緒にそのパーティに来ませんか? B:喜んで。 8.イ miss A:すみません、郵便局がどこか教えていただけませんか? B:いいですよ。2ブロックまっすぐに行って下さい。右側にあります。見逃しっこありません。 9.ア Hold A:交換手さん、電話を切りましょうか? B:いいえ。切らずにお待ちください。 10.イ message A:ホールさんをお願いできますか? B:すみません、彼は今不在です。御伝言をたまわりましょうか? 11.ウ from around A:すみません。駅までの道を教えてもらえますか? B:ごめんなさい。私はこの辺の者ではないんです。 ☆ア I'm a stranger here. ならば可。 12.ア I wish I could. A:私と一緒に映画を見に来ませんか? B:できればそうしたいのですが。 13.ア With lemon, please. A:紅茶はどうしましょう? B:レモンを付けて下さい。 【B】 1.do, ask お願いがあるのですが。 2.Why, What, going 今晩お寿司屋さんに行きませんか? 3.Mind, none 余計なお世話です。 4.regards, Remember, hello ご両親によろしくお伝えください。 【C】 1.DACB D:今度の休みにカナダへスキーに行くのはどうかな? A:寒い気候は嫌いなの。 C:だったら、フロリダの温かいビーチはどう? B:そっちの方がよさそう。 2.DBCA D:ノーザン・エアラインズ・ターミナルに着きました。 B:いくらかな?8ドルって言った? C:いいえ、すみませんが8ドル40セントです。ほんの今メーターが変わりました。 A:そう。これ10ドル。おつりはいいよ。



回答ありがとうございます。 自信があった問題で、間違えていました。 11番は、答えはアかと思っていました。 あと、13番なんかも、「スプーンをつけてください」でもおかしくはなさそうなのに… 意外なところでミスしていました。 一度はどこかで目にした問題ばかりだったので、おさえておきます。


  • 会話表現の問題です。

    分かっていそうな問題もありましたが、念のため、全問載せました。丸つけをしてみたいと思います。 各問題で、ポイントや、解答のカギとなるものがありましたら、一言でも結構ですのでつけていただけると、見直しに助かります。そして【B】の問題だけ、訳がほしいです。 特に知りたい問題は、【A】の5、6のような問題です。この見極めかたを知りたいです。どれか迷ってしまいます。 【A】 1 “I´ve caught a bad cold.”“That´s()bad.”   アvery イtoo ウa little エhardly 2 ()come and see me this evening?   アWhy don´t we イWhy don´t you ウLet´s エHow about 3 “Passport,please.”“()it is.”   アThere イYes ウHere エCertainly 4 “I like traveling alone.”“(),too.”   アSo イMe ウYes エMine 5 “Didn´t you go there?”“()”   アYes,I did. イYes,I didn´t. ウNo,I did. エNo,I didn´t. 6 “I met him yesterday.”“Oh,()?”   アare you イdon´t you ウdid you エdidn´t you 7 Please()yourself at home.   アmake イlet ウget エease 8 ()yourself to the cake,please.   アEat イGet ウHelp エTake 9 “May I take your order?”“()…I´d like the special lunch.”   アLet´s take it イLet´s not ウLet me see エLet you decide 10 I´ll()you very much when you are gone.   アremember イmiss ウsee エhit 11 There´s no need to be upset.Take it().   アsimple イcomfortable ウeasy エrelaxing 12 Who´s(),please?   アyou イtelephone ウname エcalling 13 The line is().   アtalking イfull ウbusy エcrowded 【B】 1 A:I wonder if the typhoon is coming.Will it stop raining soon?   B:()   アI´m afraid not. イI don´t think that. ウNo,I´m not. エYes,I have. 2 A:Takeshi,you have a phone call.   B:()   アGoing! イComing! ウGive me your number,please. エThank you,I will. 3 A:Excuse me.Do you have the time?   B:()   アNo,I´m free. イIt´s 3:45. ウTime is money. エSorry,I don´t have much time. 4 A:I´m nervous.I have a job interview tomorrow.   B:()   アGood job! イGood work! ウGood word! エGood luck! 5 A:Would you mind my opening the window?   B:(),not at all.   アCertainly イYes ウDo エNo 6 A:How come you are here?   B:()   アI come here on time. イI come here by train. ウI worked because the bus was    crowded. エBecause I am supposed to be here. 【C】 1 誰かに何かを言われたが、よく分からないので聞き返すとき。   アSame to you. イI beg your pardon? ウHow are things? エBless you! 2 友人のパーティーを楽しんだ後、おいとまするとき。   アThank you,I´ve had a great time. イThis party was very funny,thank you.    ウI´m sorry that I didn´t stay longer. エExcuse me for missing the party. 以上です。

  • 会話の記号問題です。

    全体的に難しく感じた問題が多かったです。特に悩んだのは、【B】の問題です。どれも当てはまりそうだと感じ、時間がかかってしまいました。各問題で、答えを選択する上で、ポイントとなるものを、付けていただけると嬉しいです。 お願いします。 【A】 1 A:This dinner is going to be very expensive.   B:Don´t worry.This is()me.   アby イon ウto エwith 2 A:How about another glass of beer?   B:No,thank you.().   アI don´t like it イI´ve had enough ウI don´t drink it エI can´t drink it 3 A:I´ve never been to Paris.   B:().   アMe,too イMe either ウSo have I エNeither I have 4 A:().   B:OK.For here or to go?   アThe hamburgers are really delicious イThe waitresses are very cheerful   ウI´d like to enjoy my dinner by the window エI´d like two hamburgers and two     cokes 5 A:I didn´t pass the exam.   B:().   アYou are kidding イYou are improbable ウI am afraid not エI hope not 6 A:Be sure to visit my family while you´re in London.   B:I´d love to.In fact,do you think I could stay with them for a couple of days?   A:()I´m sure they´d be delighted to have you.   アHow come? イHow could you? ウWhy not? エWhy on earth? 7 A:Do you know where John moved last month?   B:Sorry,I have no().   アhint イidea ウthought エopinion 8 A:Don´t forget to do your homework this afternoon.   B:().Thanks for the advice.   アI won´t remember イI remember well ウI will エDon´t worry I won´t 9 A:I have to go.I have a morning class.See you.   B:().   アShine up イTake care ウMake sure エLift up 10 A:Will you agree to her proposal?    B:That().    アdepicts イdemands ウdepends エdiffers 11 A:I would()it if you would turn the music down.    B:Oh,sorry,I will.    アappreciate イarrange ウassign エattempt 12 A:How are you feeling this morning?    B:().    アGood for you イMy pleasure ウI couldn´t be worse エThanks.Just the same to     you 【B】空所に入れるのに適当でないもの 1 A:Won´t you come and join us at the party?   B:().   アSure.Go ahead イSounds like a good idea ウI´m afraid I can´t エYes,I´d love to 2 A:Would you give me directions to the city hall?   B:().   アIt´s the third building from the corner イYes,I´ll show you around the city   ウWell,I suggest you take a taxi エSorry,I don´t live here 3 A:Can I give you a lift?   B:()   アSorry.I missed that. イYes,I like a lift very much. ウThat´s kind of you. エWould     you mind repeating that, please? 【C】会話の並び替え 1 A:No,I´m not tired.Can I see the rest of the house?   B:We´re glad that you feel that way.You need to rest,don´t you?   C:Sure.I feel like a member of the family already.   D:This is your room.Make yourself at home,Eiko. 2 A:You´ll have to show me how to do that next time I book a trip.   B:No problem.   C:Are you using the internet to make your travel plans?   D:Yes,it´s quite simple,actually. 以上です。

  • 中学の穴埋め問題です。お願いします。

    (  )内に入るものを選びなさい。と言う問題です。 “Show me your passport,please.” “(    )” ア yes,you can. イ yes,you do. ウ Here it is. エ Sure. I can. それで、アとエが違うのは分かるのですが、イとウのどちらが正解なのか分かりません。 模範解答ではウになっています。なぜイではだめで、ウなら良いのか理由を教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 英語の問題です。

    英語の問題です。 できればでよいので教えてください。 1. 2文がほぼ同意になるように( )を埋めなさい。   It is reported that the president left London yesterday.   The president (  ) left London yesterday. 2. 次の会話文が成立するように、最も適切なものを選びなさい。 (1) A: I passed my entrance examination.   B: (  ) ア.Try again! イ.Good job! ウ.Take it easy! エ.How well! (2) A: Be sure to visit my family while you're in London.   B: I'd love to. In fact,do you think I could stay      with them for a couple of days?   A: (  ) I'm sure they'd be delighted to have you. ア.How come? イ.How could you? ウ.Why not? エ.Why on earth? (3) A: How are you feeling this morning?   B: (  ) ア.Good for you.イ.My pleasure.ウ.I couldn't be worseエ.Thanks.Just the same to you. よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語の記号問題ですが…

    文法項目別ではなく、問題形式別だったので、難しく感じました。 解いてはみたものの、自信がないです。時制や前置詞など曖昧なものもありました。 一言で結構ですので、解答とあわせて、訳や解説を何かつけていただけないでしょうか。 お願いします。 1 By the time the fire engine arrived,the house().   アalready burned down イhas already burned down ウhad already burned down エ     would already burned down 2 You ()such a book,however interesting it may be.   アhad better not to read イhad better not read ウhad better not reading エdidn´t    have better read 3 After going over the plan,we decided()finance.   アdiscussing イdiscussing about ウto discuss エto discuss about 4 I took off my shoes()make any noise.   アbecause I イin case I ウso that エso as not to 5 Upon returning from class,().   アthe mailbox had a letter in it イa letter was found in the mail box   ウI found a letter in the mailbox エa letter would be in the mailbox 6 If you keep the warranty of this DVD player, you can have it()for free.   アfixing イfixed ウto fix エto be fixed 7 Just()he is taller than you does not mean he is better at basketball.   アbecause イso ウas エlike 8 ()of my friends have been to Japan this year.   アNumerous イSeveral ウEach エEither 9 I will have finished the work()this time tomorrow.   アtill イsince ウby エuntill 10 We were waiting for him()a cup of coffee.    アto イon ウat エover 11 There were three other people at the meeting()Mr.Smith.    アbut イbesides ウalso エas well 12 Mary is expecting her uncle to arrive()September 15th.    アof イon ウat エin 13 ()my horror,a stranger peeped into the room through the window.    アFor イWith ウBecause of エTo 14 My father often enjoys()his colleagues after work.    アtalks イto talk ウtalking エtalking with 以上です。 

  • 英語の問題です

    解答解説、お願いします。 1 I´ll have read through this book by the time I () you again.   アsee イwill see ウsaw エwould see 2 Mike was seen () a book in the library yesterday.   アread イreading ウhave read エat reading 3 He wants something () ; any pen or pencil will do.   アto write イto write with ウfor writing エto write on 4 He was ashamed of () make his point.   アbeing not able to イnot being able to ウbeing impossible to エbeing incapable to 5 Another mistake, () he will be fired.   アand イelse ウfor エotherwise 6 This is the hottest summer () 30 years.   アin イsince ウduring エamong 7 () in 1912 that the Titanic sank during her first voyage.   アIt being イIt was ウWhen it is エWhen it was 8 () present at the conference included the president and his wife.   アThis イThat ウThese エThose 9 The workers and paid () the hour at the store.   アfor イwith ウby エat 10 Mother has not been feeling well ().    アlate イlately ウlater エlatter 11 You shouldn´t speak () your mouth full at table.    アas イin ウwith エon 1 This medicine will make you feel much better.   This medicine will () you a great deal of good. 2 The sharp curved road caused many accidents.   Many accidents resulted () the sharp curved road. 3 She couldn´t help crying when she heard the news.   She had no choice () to cry when she heard the news. 4 Work hard, or you will fail.   () you work hard, you will fail. 

  • 英語

    英語の記号問題です。 1He sat all afternoon () TV. アwatching イwas watching ウhad watched エwatched 2Don't walk about with your shirt () out. アhanging イto hang ウhung エbeing hung 3She lay on the bed with her () and soon fell asleep. アarms folded イarms folding ウfold arms エfolding arms 4I am sorry () to you much earlier. アnot to reply イnot have replied ウhave not replied エnot to have replied 5I have a strong objection () treated like this. アto be イwhether I am ウto being エwhether I should be 6() that he had a talent for languages, he decided to train as an interpreter. アBeing realized イRealize ウRealizing エTo realize 7Not () which course to take, I decided to ask for advice. アbeing known イto know ウknown エknowing 8() alone by himself, how lonely the poor child must have felt! アLeave イLeft ウWas left エLeaving 9() all the material that the teacher assigned, he was able to get full marks. アTo read イTo have read ウHaving to read エHaving read 10 I will visit your home by all means, (). アweather permitting イwheather permits ウweather will be permitting エweather is permitting

  • 英語の問題です。

    各問題に、訳と解答解説をつけてくださると助かります。 お願いします。 1 The air conditioner (), we had to take out our old fan from the closet.   アwas broken down イbroke down ウbeing broking down エhaving broken down 2 Wooden bridges are inferior () concrete bridges.   アfrom イto ウwith エin 3 There is no () in complaining any further.   アdoubt イpity ウpoint エpossibility 4 You´d better not work much ; () you won´t get over your fatigue.   アotherwise イunless ウso エtherefore 5 This is the () best book I´ve ever read.   アfar イmost ウmuch エvery 6 Mike goes fishing every Saturday () the weather is bad.   アexcept when イin spite of ウnevertheless エregardless of 7 He looked for a place ().   アfor how to sleep イin where to sleep ウin which to sleep エfor where to sleep 8 “Why are you so angry with him?”“He kept me waiting () two hours.”   アso long as イas long as ウvery long as エquite long as 9 This apple is not as delicious as () I bought yesterday.   アmuch as イsuch as ウit エthe one 10 I came () an old friend of mine at the station yesterday.    アover イup ウacross エat 11 I´ve run () of sugar. Will you give me some?    アfull イshort ウwant エlack 12 I was reading a book last night when Jane called ().    アme off イover me ウme up エat me 13 A fire broke () in my neighborhood last night.    アup イout ウover エinto 14 This country is so () that it takes no more than a day to drive around it.    アlarge イnarrow ウsmall エwide 15 “Is the tax () in the price?”“No. It will be added later.”    アexcluded イincluded ウconcluded エconnected

  • 正誤問題

    お願いします。 文中のア~エのうち、誤った英語を含んだ部分を選ぶ問題です。 (誤りがない場合もある) 1."ア(How) do you think イ(of) the election ウ(for mayor)?" "I don't know. I'm not エ(very) interested." 2.The math class I ア(was taking) イ(turned out) ウ(to be) one of エ(the most fascinating courses). 3.The children ア(took turns) イ(carrying) ウ(the baggages) エ(all the way) for the old man. 4.Though ア(Shinano River) is hte longest river in Japan, it is イ(far) from ウ(being) エ(the longest) in the world. 1.ア(How) →  What 2.誤りはみつけられませんでした。 3.ウ(the baggages) → the baggage 4.ア(Shinano River) → the Shinano River よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文法の問題を教えてください

    各分の( )内の指示に従って書き換えた場合、選択肢のどれになるか選びなさい。 1.I gave her what little money I had with me.(youを主語にして直接目的語をwhにした疑問文に) ア)Do you gave her what? イ)Did you gave her what little money I had with me? ウ)What little money I had with me did you give her? エ)What did you give her? 2.【Somebody】 hit Dr.Johnson in yhe head several times.(受動態にして【】を尋ねるwh疑問文に) ア)Did who hit Dr.Johnson in the head several times? イ)Who was hit Dr.Johnson in the head several times? ウ)Dr.Johnson was hit who in thw hwad several times? エ)By whom was Dr.Johnson hit in the head several times? 3.You must show your ID card to them.(命令文に) ア)Must you show your ID card to them. イ)Show your ID card to them. ウ)Do your ID card to them. エ)Must your ID card to them. 4.The problem and the anawer are very simple.(howを用いた感嘆文に) ア)How simple are the problem and the answer! イ)How simple the problem and the answer are! ウ)How are the problem and the answer simple! エ)How the problem and the answer are simple! 5.She is a dramatic actress.(whatを用いた感嘆文に) ア)What a dramatic actress she is! イ)What is she a dramatic actress! ウ)Is she what a dramatic actress! エ)She is what a dramatic actress! 以上です。よろしくおねがいします。