
  • ネズミの匂い覚え実験で、エンコーディングの皮質への影響を調査
  • 匂いを提示し、適切な場所を特定するトレーニングを実施
  • 実験結果からネズミの匂い覚えとエンコーディングの関係を解明
  • ベストアンサー


皮質中のエンコーディングに対する実験で Guided by the retrieval cue of different flavors of food given in the start box of an event arena on each of six dialy training trials, the animals learned to recall the location of the appropriate sand well, where they were rewarded by retrieving more of that same flavored food. という文章がありました。 ネズミに匂いを覚えさせてそれがどこに適切にあるのかを探させるようなものだということはわかるのですが的確な役に自信がありません。御教授願います。

  • ligase
  • お礼率92% (997/1082)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

Guided by the retrieval cue of different flavors of food given in the start box of an event arena on each of six dialy training trials, the animals learned to recall the location of the appropriate sand well, where they were rewarded by retrieving more of that same flavored food. 6つの毎日の訓練試行のそれぞれでイベント・アリーナのスタート・ボックスで与えられる食物の異なる風味の探し出す手掛かりによって導かれて、その動物は、よく適切な砂の位置を思い出すことを学びました、その砂は、その同じ風味をつけた食物のより多くを取り戻すことによって、彼らが報いられたところなのです。 ☆ あまりよい訳ではありませんが、句読点で、分けて考えてみました。イベント・アリーナと言うのは実験をしている装置を指しているのだと思います。 Guided by ~によって案内されて the retrieval cue of different flavors of food 食べ物の異なる風味の検索手掛かり given in the start box of an event arena イベント・アリーナのスタートボックスで与えられる on each of six dialy training trials, 6つの毎日の訓練試行のそれぞれで the animals その動物は(ネズミ?) learned to recall 思い出すことを学んだ the location of the appropriate sand 適切な砂の位置を well, よく(→learned to recall) where そこでは(→on the sand, in the sand) they were rewarded 彼ら(その動物)は報われた by retrieving 取り戻すことによって more of that same flavored food. 同じ風味の付いた食物のより多くを



ものすごい丁寧に文法から単語の詳細な説明まで誠にありがとうございます。 お返事を書いたつもりでいたのですが確認画面まで進んでおらずお礼を申し上げるのが遅れてしまい大変失礼いたしました。今後ともご教授よろしくお願い申し上げます。


  • 実験用のねずみ


  • だいたいでいいのでどんな内容か教えてください。

    Food coloring is a substance, liquid or powder, that is added to food or drink to change its color. Food coloring is used both in commercial food production and in domestic cooking. Due to its safety and general availability, food coloring is also used in a variety of non-food applications, for example in home craft projects and in education. People associate certain colors with certain flavors, and the color of food can influence the perceived flavor in anything from candy to wine.[1] For this reason, food manufacturers add these dyes to their products. Sometimes the aim is to simulate a color that is perceived by the consumer as natural, such as adding red coloring to glace cherries (which would otherwise be beige), but sometimes it is for effect, like the green ketchup that Heinz launched in 2000. While most consumers are aware that food with bright or unnatural colors (such as the green ketchup mentioned above, or children's cereals such as Froot Loops) likely contain food coloring, far fewer people know that seemingly "natural" foods such as oranges and salmon are sometimes also dyed to mask natural variations in color.[2] Color variation in foods throughout the seasons and the effects of processing and storage often make color addition commercially advantageous to maintain the color expected or preferred by the consumer. Some of the primary reasons include: Offsetting color loss due to light, air, extremes of temperature, moisture, and storage conditions. Masking natural variations in color. Enhancing naturally occurring colors. Providing identity to foods. Protecting flavors and vitamins from damage by light. Decorative or artistic purposes such as cake icing. Birthdays and other celebrations.

  • 少し長い文章を読んでいます

    最末尾のRecall is a siren call.とはどういうことでしょうか。 Yet the problems of memory go much further than that: to the roots of individual memories, on which social memory depends and of which most historical sources are composed. We know very little about it except that it is usually bad. There has been an enormous amount of work in recent years by psychologists and anthropologists, but about all by neurophysiologists, which combines to undermine our faith in memory even further. In the work of a psychologist such as Alan Baddeley, it resembles a trick mechanism for evading awkward facts, as much as a trap for capturing them. We practise convenient oblivion. We retrieve memories through rosy filters. The memory is the massage. Among anthropologists, in work well-represented by a paper by Jack Goody, it is increasingly recognized that non-literate cultures' orally transmitted memories are not fossilized, word for word, in bardic retrieval systems, but are substantially re-created, reinvented with every retelling. Memory is wired to be warped. It is not a highway for time travel: the past it takes you to never really happened quite in the way you think. Recall is a siren call.

  • 実験動物は何故ねずみなのか?

    マウスによる実験により確認したという報道が多いが、ねずみ以外での例をあまり聞かない。 他の動物でなく何故ねずみで実験するのか?

  • ネズミの実験結果 

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z760XNy4VM 全く聞き取れません。どなたか日本語に翻訳できる方いらっしゃいますか。よろしくお願いします。 ※OKWAVEより補足:「NEC 121ware :タブレット」についての質問です

  • the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct.とは何か?

    Memory is an active mental process rather than a simple tape-recording of what has happened. In many ways, this is quite a hard concept to grasp, because we always feel as though we are remembering exactly what happened. But it’s true, nonetheless. (中略) One of the important witnesses in these trials was John Deane, a man who was considered by many to have an astoundingly accurate memory. During the trials, he related a number of very specific conversations which had taken place between the President and other people in the White House. Deane was convinced that he had recounted them accurately. However, later on in the trials, a number of tape-recordings of the same conversations were discovered.  The results were fascinating. In almost every conversation, John Deane’s recollection of what had actually been said was wrong. Different words were used, topics were mentioned in a different order, and sometimes particularly memorable phrases hadn’t actually been said at all. And yet, even though the details were all wrong, the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct. Deane didn’t remember the details accurately, even though he thought he did, but he did remember what had happened. It was the meaning of the events which he actually remembered, and his knowledge of what it all meant influenced his recall of the details.   Nicky Hayes氏の Psychologyという本からの引用ですが、the social meaning of what had gone on was perfectly correct.という部分がよく分かりません。具体的に説明していただけますでしょうか?

  • 訳をお願いします(>_<)

    この学術記事?を訳して頂けないでしょうか? お願いいたします On July 30th, 2004, a Scottish newspaper produced a report that shocked the country. Hundreds of thousands of seabirds, they reported, had failed to breed and the species was disappearing. The cause of these deaths, scientists believed, must have been global warming. In the last twenty years, the temperature of the North Sea has increased by 2℃. This has caused the plankton in the area to move north in search of cold water. As a result, new generations of sand eels, which feed on the plankton, cannot hind food. Because of this, there has been a decrease in the sand eel population, sand eels, in turn, are the main food of many seabirds. Their near-disappearance has caused widespread starvation among the birds, who are now failing to breed. Food Chain: Plankton→Sand ells →Seabirds Scotland’s 2000 study reported that many kinds of seabirds have produced almost no young. For example, the 6,800 pairs of seagulls on the Shetland Islands would normally produce hundreds of chicks, but they had almost none at all. Recent studies estimate that about 1,150 bird species, or 12% of all birds, are in danger of disappearing. This number has increased by almost 400 since 1994, and another 600 to 900 could soon be added. What is happening? Global warming is a threat to carefully balanced ecosystem, not only in Scotland, but all over the world. Species have adapted to certain climatic conditions, which are now changing. As summer temperatures slowly increase and winters become drier, plants and animals may either move north to cooler areas, or die out . With the increase in temperature, species that pupate or hibernate may emerge early to find that the plants that they feed on have not changed their own calendars. The result will be that animals find it more difficult, or even impossible, to find food. One example of this was in 1989. The early emergences of Edith’s checkerspot butterflies in California caused the death of the entire local butterfly population. The butterflies must have hatched early from their pupae because the flowers they needed had not yet begun to bloom, the butterflies starved. Losing an entire population like this may have had several consequences. For one thing, birds and other creatures must have looked for butterflies to eat, but never found them. Doesn’t this remind you of the chain of events set off in Scotland’s sea?

  • 英語の質問です!!

    英語の質問です!長文の訳はしなくていいです。 Japan exported eighty-three million packs of instant ramen in 2004. The amount of instant ramen eaten in Japan. Most of the billions of packs eaten in the world every year are made in the countries where they are eaten. The instant noodles have been changed to fit in with the tastes and eating habits of the local people all over the world. For example, most instant ramen is chickin-soup based in the US, while tomato-flavored and cheese-flavored ramen are popular in Brazil. In Europe, The soup is a bit thicker, and both chicken and tomato flavors are popular, Spices are Very important in Asian countries, so instant ramen sold in China is flavored with Chinese spice, While that sold in Thailand tastes like traditional tom yum soup. Flavor is not the only thing we should think about when selling instant ramen in other countries. For religious reasons, Hindus do not eat beef, and Muslims do not eat pork. Therefore, Vegetarian ramen is made in India, where Hinduism and Islam are the two major religions. 1The instant noodles have been changed to fit in with the tastes and eating habits of the local people all over the worldについて (1)文中のhave been changed は現在完了の何用法か答えなさい。 (2)文中のtastesと同じ意味を示すものを1つ選びなさい。 a.This chocolate has a bitter taste. b.This food doesn‘t agree with my taste. c.Nancy has bad taste in clothes. 2Spices are Very important in Asian countries, so instant ramen sold in China is flavored with Chinese spice, While that sold in Thailand tastes like traditional tom yum soup.について (1)whileの意味を書きなさい。(2)下線部のthatがさしている語句を抜き出しなさい。 3Flavor is not the only thing we should think about when selling instant ramen in other countries.について (1)whenとsellingの間に省略されている語を抜き出しなさい。when( ) ( ) selling. 次の文を日本語に直しなさい。(1)I went to the bookstore, where I met my homeroom teacher.(2)I went to the bookstore,where I bought several books.

  • 高校英語 文法

    複数質問あります。 (1) I could tell he was only pretending to read, because his book was upside down. 「彼は読むふりをしてただけじゃないのかなあ。だって彼の本は逆さまになってたもん」 という文がありました。 「じゃないのかなあ」はcould tellが反映した結果だと思うんですが could tellにこんなニュアンスの用法ありますか?? (2)Those refugees had no money to buy food with. 「with」とはなんでしょうか (3)He looked for the glasses with which to examine the papers. to不定詞のなかでも関係代名詞の繰り上がりの用法は使えるんでしょうか。 これはそれを使ったものだと思うんですが。する意味がないような・・。 (4)Which is the better way of getting to know the city, walking with friends or taking a guided tour? の文の仕組みがわかりません。 ,の前までは「都市を知るようになるためのよりより方法」って感じになるところまでは分かります。

  • ネズミがいなくなる方法
