• 締切済み


自分で訳してみましたが、???はよく分からなかった部分です。 簡単にでいいので、訳していただけるとうれしいです。 間違った部分の指摘など…よろしくお願いします。 (1)Not all of this varied music could have settled comfortably into a uniform notational language and a homogeneous modal system derived at a very distant second hand from classical Athens. この様々な音楽のすべてがゆったりと非常に遠方の秒針で古典的なアテネから引き出された一定の記号法の言語と同じ様式のシステムに決着をつけたかもしれないというわけではありません。 (2)Also, several liturgical traditions had been marginalized by Charlemagne’s reforms- among them the Ambrosian chant peculiar to Milan, the Mozarabic chant of Spain and the Old Roman chant of the papal city – and these were notated only in part or not at all. また、いくつかの典礼の伝統がシャルルマーニュ大帝改革の中でミラノに独特のアンブロジオ聖歌、スペインのモサラベ聖歌、およびローマ教皇の都市の旧ローマ聖歌が取り残されました、そして、これらは一部だけまたは全く書き留められませんでした。 (3)Melodies, through the great age of chant composition that in western Europe was drawing to a close by Guido’s time, could be learned from their singers. ???の時までに西ヨーロッパで終わりに近づいていた聖歌構成の黄金時代を通してそれらの歌手からメロディーについて学習できました。 (4)But it was not so easy to pick up music that had two or more distinct melodies being sung at the same time - polyphony - whose development notation crucially abetted. しかし、重要に同時に歌われる2つ以上の異なったメロディー--対位法--開発記法を助けた音楽を拾うのは、それほど簡単ではありませんでした。 (5) Accurate natation also enabled the chant of Guido's age to go on resounding, if in changing styles of interpretation, through the thousand years to the present. また、正確な???は、グイドの年令の聖歌が、鳴り響き続けるのを可能にしました、解釈のスタイルを変える際に、現在への1,000何年間もにわたって

  • 英語
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  • 英語が得意な方へ。和訳をしています。

    私が訳したものですが、間違っていると思うので訂正お願いしたいです。お願いします。。 Once this system was in place, as happened when the innovations Guido of Arezzo put forward in his Micro logus(c.1026) were generally adopted, chant Melodies could be written down in a form readable and singable by those acquainted with the notation wherever they might be – and indeed whenever, down to the present. It is this legible notation that has given western music a history quite unlike that of other musical culture, and this is the story that now will be followed alone. かつて、このシステムは、アレッツォのグイドが彼のMicro logusで進めた革新(c.1026)が一般に採用されたとき、適所で起こった。彼らがどこでも記法に詳しかったものが読み込み可能で歌いやすい形に聖歌のメロディーを書き留めることができました。-そして本当にいつ現在に伝わったか。それは、全く他の音楽の文化のものと異なった歴史を西洋音楽に与えたこの読みやすい記法でこれは、今単独で従われていることです。

  • 英語が得意な方。和訳してくださいm(__)m

    Other theologians of the time, such as St Jerome, found Biblical support for Plato's doctrine in the story of David at his lyre calming saul, while the Roman philosopher Boethius concurred with Plato in his statements not only of music's power - "Nothing is more characteristic of human nature than to be soothed by sweet modes and disturbed by their opposites" - but also of its essence, writing that "the soul of the universe is united by musical concord" and describing three levels of music: that of heavenly bodies in rotation (the music of the spheres, which, according to later theorists, we cannot hear because it is always there), that of the human being (the concord of body and soul) and that of instruments.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします。 At the NATO council meeting in December 1957 the Federal Chancellor also called for talks over détente between West and East in order to secure his position the eyes of the West German public.

  • 英語がとくいなかた和訳よろしくおねがいします

    The forests of the earth are home to most of the world’s species, but living things there are in crisis today. Many places on the earth need to be protected, but how can we protect all of them at the same time? In 1988, a British biologist named Norman Mayers conceived of the idea of “hot spots” to identify particular places on the earth that need to be protected urgently. A hot spot is determined by the level of danger faced by a species in a particular region. There are hot spots on land as well as in coral reefs, but in the case of land hot spots, the number of native plants in a region is one factor that determines whether of not it is a hot spot.

  • 英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。

    英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。 私ではきれいな日本語に訳せませんでした。 金融のお話です。 Looking at the trend in stock (debt), the total market capitalization of stocks increased sharply to \84 trillion ($933 billion at the rate of \90 to the dollar) at the end of 1999 from about \35 trillion ($388 billion) in the previous year. However, in the period following the bursting of the IT bubble to the end of 2002, the balance declined. Although the balance turned upward again toward the end of 2003 due to a recovery in stock prices, increasing to \149 trillion ($1.6 trillion) at the end of 2006, it dropped precipitously in 2008 to \69 trillion ($766 billion) because of the Lehman Shock. In terms of regional breakdown, the share of American investors has risen rapidly from 2007 onward from its previous level up to 2006 of about 41%. The share of European investors, on the other hand, has declined. The total amount of domestic debt securities held by overseas investors, long-and medium-term bonds and notes combined, has increased to approximately \50 trillion ($555 billion) in recent years from \30 trillion ($333 billion).This trend probably reflects the previously mentioned stability in the government bond market and expectations for improvement in bond yields. By region, unlike in the case of stocks, European investors still hold more than 50% of the total despite a downward trend, while American investors continue to hold only around 10%. The foregoing suggests that Europeans tend to favor debt investments in contrast to Americans’ preference for equities

  • 英語の得意な方、和訳お願いします!4

    At the UN,Ogata worked for refugees. She did this not because she felt sorry for them. She did this because she believe that every person has basic human rights. She believes in the dignity of every person. Let's think about the words she has said about the human rights of children. All the children in the word have the same basic human rights. They have the right to live with their families,the right to go to school in peace,and the right to grow up in safety.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします Between 1945 and 1948 it had, on occasion, participated in Lander governments, with the exception of Schleswig-Holstein and Wurttemberg-Hohenzollern. It pursued a policy aimed at the whole of Germany and emphasized activism in the workplace. If formed a 'working partnership' with the SED in the Soviet Occupation Zone and later the GDR, aiming at a united Socialist Party for the whole of Germany.

  • 英語や英訳の得意な方和訳してください!!

      I could wake up to you evey mornig and look at that wonderful smile of yours このcouldは過去形の意味で使われているのですか?? 最後のyoursはyouではないんでしょうか?? 詳しく解説して下さると嬉しいです 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    The unique contribution of the twelfth century to the arts was stained glass, which, like cloisonne enamel, the technique of which it resembles, was begun at Con stantinople and developd in western Europe. It is important to realize that the glass was stained, dyed, in the making, that the colour per-meates the glass, and that only painting, at least in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, was with an opaque brown enamel used for drawing faces, drapery folds, and other detail. As glass could be made only in small pieces, these were ioined by strips of lead, a soft and heavy material that had to be supported by iron bars across the opening in which the win-dow was to be inserted. Obviously these bars could not be ignored in the design, which had either to be made big enough to be independent of them, or small enough to fit into one unit of the frame. At Canterbury the first method was adopted in the majestic figures of the clerestory windows, the second in the aisles, where the detail could easily be seen : Noah in his Ark, for example, which served as a type for the Baptism of Jesus in a neighbouring medallion. Against a dark blue sky Noah is releasing the dove from a window at the top of the Ark, a multi-coloured, three-storied structure with Ro-manesque columns and arches, against the stability of which the writhing ridges of blue, green, and white-capped waves are powerless.

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします。 Not until the 1960s would the question of co-determination be taken up again, culminating in 1972 after long debates and negotiations over the extension of employees’ rights in legislation on the constitution within the workplace, and in 1976 in legislation on co-determination.