• 締切済み


「←」は自分の解答です。よろしくお願いします。内容自体は面白いです。 Two Harvard psychologists,Nalini Ambady and Hobert Rosenthal,did an interesting experiment. [[[Ambady had originally wanted to study what makes teaching work well.]]]-下線部A She suspected that nonverbal cues―body language and so on―were important.To test this, she used some videotapes that had been made of a group of Harvard teachers.She planned to show silent video clips of the teachers to a group of people and have them rate how good they thought the teaching was. Ambady wanted to use one-minute clips of each teacher.Unfortunately,the tapes showed the teachers commmunicating with students. [[[That was a problem,]]]-下線部2 because if students were seem in the clips,it might somehow change the raters'oponions of the teachers. Then Ambady looked at the tapes again and decided she could get ten-second clips of teachers in which no students were seen. She did the study with those ten-second clips.Based on just ten seconds, the raters judged the teachers,answering fifteen questions on the paper. Okay,if you have to judge someone from a ten-second video clip,you can.However,you probably wouldn't expect that such a judgement could be useful. Ambady repeated the experiment with five-second clips of the same teachers. Another group of raters judged them.Their judgements were almost the same as the rating of the people who saw the ten-second clips. Ambady then had another group watch two-second clips of the same teachers. Again,the ratings were basically the same. [[[The shocking thing]]]-下線部3 was this,Ambady compared the video-clip ratings to ratings made by the students of the same teachers at the end of the semester.The students knew the professors much better than anyone possibly could from a silent video vlip. However,―the students' ratings were in close agreement with those of the people who saw only the videos.Perfect strangers' opinions of a teacher,based on a silent two-second video,were nearly the same as those of students who had sat in classes all through the semester. It looks like people make [[[a map judgement]]]-下線部4 of a person within two seconds of meeting him or her―a judgement not based on anything the person says. 下線部2の理由として最も適当なもの ア 学生がビデオに写っていると評価者の評価に影響するかもしれないから←? イ 学生にビデオに写ってもらうと評価者から文句がでるかもしれないから ウ 学生の担任だとわかると評価者の意見が左右されるかもしれないから エ ビデオに映りたがる学生がいると評価者の邪魔になるかもしれないから 第4段落[Okay,if you have to judge] から第6段落[Ambady then had]に述べられている実験内容を以下のようにまとめたい。 空所に20字以内の日本語を補え。ただし読点も字数に数える。 別々のグループに対して、第一段落と同じ実験を______行う。←徐々に実験時間を減らしながら? 下線部3の具体的内容を以下のようにまとめたい。空所に15字以内の日本語を補え、ただし読点も字数に数える。 教授を評価する場合、______は関係ないということ。←その人の顔以外は? 本文の内容から、下線部4の具体例として正しいものを下のア~オのうちから2つ選び、記号で答えよ。ただし解答の順序は問わない。 ア 長く付き合うといい人だとわかったい イ 話の内容のよい人はやっぱり賢いことがわかるね。 ウ 電話の方が相手の性格がよくわかるんだ エ 会ってすぐにいいお医者さんだって思ったよ。← オ 音を消したテレビを見ていても、この人の演説は説得力があるってわかる。←

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1



こんにちは。面白い内容ですね。 下線部2の理由 ア でいいと思います。理由は下線部2の次の文です。 because if students were seem in the clips,it might somehow change the raters'oponions of the teachers. >別々のグループに対して、第一段落と同じ実験を______行う。←徐々に実験時間を減らしながら? いいと思います。 >教授を評価する場合、______は関係ないということ。 これは、学期の最後の方になると、教授のことをよりわかっている学生の評価と、2秒のビデオクリップとはそう大差ない、その人のことを長く知っているかどうかは関係ないというようなことが言えていればいいのかなと思います。 最後の質問の回答はエとオでいいと思います。


  • 代名詞の問題教えてください

    代名詞の問題教えてください 1( )に代名詞何がはいりますか? 1-1 Each of us are willing to do (   ) best. 1-2 There were ten eggs in (     ), but only four are here now. 1-3 Will you lend me some money, if you have (    )? 2誤りを教えてください 2-1 His neither books seems very interesting to university students. 2-2 Every my book has a label on its back. 2-3 All of houses had white walls and blue roofs. よろしくおねがいします

  • 英語の問題((長文です

    本文 1 "Mom, my car Dosen't move,″a boy said. 2 His mother answered, "Don't worry. 3 Let's take it to the toy Hospital. 4 Students at Omori Gakuen High School in Tokyo repair toys. 5 They open the "Toy Hospital″ at their school once a month. 6 They use techniques learned at school. 7 Through this service the students learn the spirit of saving things, and they pass on the same spirit to many children. 8 At this school, the students also volunteer for repairing wheelchairs and some other activities. 9 Students enjoy their volunteer work. 10 In Nepal many children cannot study because there aren't enough school. 11 In 1998, students at Nagayoshi High School in Osaka heard about this. 12 That summer, they ren five hundred kilometers for six days through many cities and towns, and collected money. 13 Since then, many students have run for the same purpose. 14 As a result four schools were built in Nepal. 15 But recently, they heard that some children living near the schools could not go to school because they had no money. 16 So the students started to run for a different purpose for these children. 17 Their goal has no end. 18 In Japan, many students are active in various kinds of volunteer work like the students from these two school. 19 How about your school? 次の質問の答えを本文から探して英語で書きましょう。 (1) What do the students at Omori Gakuen High School use to repair toys? (2) How many schools were built in Nepal through the volunteer work by the students at Nagayoshi High School? (3) Are many students active in volunteer activities in Japan? 次の英文を和訳しなさい (a) There is someone waiting for you at the station. (b) Andy likes the singing birds. 本文の訳はいいのですが、 問題が分かりません。。。 どうかお願いします。

  • 英語の問題が分からないので教えてください。

    Richard and Karen Carpenter were a brother and sister duo. They started out in the mid-sixties when they formed a band. Karen was the drummer and Richard played the keyboards. They were quickly noticed by a recording company after winning a talent contest. The group later became famous all over the world mostly because of Karen's beautiful voice. Their songs were easy to listen to and appealed to fans in many countries including Japan.Many of them went to the top of the pop charts in the 70's. Sadly,Karen suffered from a disorder called anorexia nervosa, a sickness which makes sufferers not want to eat enough to keep healthy. She died in 1983. "I Need to be in love"is about someone who feels she is unloved. 1.a)They were successful because they were brother and sister. b)It was their skill in playing instruments that was special. c)The fame of the duo rested on Karen's lovely voice. 2.a)They found fame in a few short years. b)They only became famous after many years. c)Most fans liked to listen to other groups. 3.a)They did badky in a song contest and were noticed. b)A recording company put them in a talent contest. c)Their success in a contest led to a recording career. 4.a)Their songs were popular but did not become hits. b)Many of their records were huge successes before 1965. c)They had lots of hits in the 1970's. 5.a)Karen died in a hospital for old people. b)The disease Karen had made her eat too mach. c)Karen had an eating disorder which led to her death.

  • 英語の問題で困っています。

    Q次の英文のうち、誤っている箇所を1つ選びなさい。また、なぜまちがっているのか教えていただけたら幸いです。 1.Turning to the right, you will see a very old building was built in 1785. (1)Turning to (2)the right (3)will see a very old (4)was built in 1785. 2.Most of the people attended the recent seminar on effective teaching were high school teachers. (1)Most of the people (2)attended (3)on effective teaching   (4)were high school teachers. 3.There are many things those we would throw away, if we were not afraid that others might pick them up. (1)those we would throw   (2)away, if we   (3)were not afraid that others   (4)might pick them up. 4.The days have long gone how we fed our families from our own gardens. (1)The days   (2)have long gone   (3)how we fed our families   (4)from our own gardens

  • 英語です。書き換える問題です。

    次の文を指示に従って書き換えなさい。(関係詞は、関係代名詞と関係副詞のこと) 「」の中の単語は下線部がある単語です。 1.He lent me some books. I knew the books were difficult to read.(関係詞を使って1文に) 2.I will read ahy book. You recommend me to read books.(関係詞を使って1文に) 3.The thing happened during his absence.(彼のいない時に) He was utterly ignorant of its nature.(関係詞を使って1文に) 4.Bring me the magazines. I have left them in the room. we have been talking in the room. (関係詞を使って1文に) 5.A broad river, 「though I have forgotten its name,」 forms the northern boundary of the province. (下線部を関係詞whoseを使って) 6.Here is a machine of superior quality, and some parts of 「it」 have been manufactured in Japan. (高性能な機械) (下線部を関係詞whichを使って) 7.He was a young gardener 「of my acquaintance.」 (関係詞を使って) (私の知り合いの庭師=私が知っている庭師) 8.I bought a camera and sold it the next day. (I sold…で始まる文に) 長くなりましたが、頭のいい方、英語の得意な方、御手数ですがお願い致します。

  • 英語の問題

    1:Our dog ( ) for manyweeks,but in the end shecame back. (1)has missed (2)missed (3)was missing (4)was to miss 2:The manager got angry because we ( )finishedthe work by the deadline. (1)had (2)hadn't (3)have (4)haven't 3:After we ( )a few miles one of us had to fall out as a result of a sprained ankle. (1)are (2)had been to (3)had gone (4)were 4:I lost the watch whichmy sister ( )me for mybirthday. (1)gives (2)has given (3)had given (4)will give 5:We want to the beach in his car on Saturday, because our car still won't( ). (1)fixed (2)have been fixed (3)have fixed (4)having been fixed 解答と訳お願いします

  • 英語で分からない問題があります。教えてください><

    分からない問題は4問あります。 まず、次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適後を入れなさい。というものです。 (1)a. As the number of these persons increased, fewer people were infected. b. ( ) greater the number of these persons became, ( ) fewer were the people who were infected. (2)a, Nobody can tell when she will come back here. b. It is ( ) to tell when she will come back here. 次に次の各文の( )にdoを適当な形にして入れなさい。というものです。 (3)Young people begin to work by ( ) the simple jobs. (4)I didn't know you had ( ) your homework.. 1つでも分かる方がいらっしゃればどうか回答よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語 和訳

    The feeling on their part must have been like that of a teacher receiving his old students,for it was their Commodore Perry who had effected the opening of our country seven years before,and now here we were on our first visit to America. この英文をどなたか訳してください。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語 7問あります!

    空所に適当な選択肢の語を入れてください! 1.() students missed the train. (1)The most of (2)Almost of (3)Aimost all of the (4)Almost all of 2.“Is it true that Frank had a car accident?” “I'm afraid ().” (1)it (2)true (3)so (4)that 3.“Is Tom coming to the party todey?” “I (). He's sick.” (1)don't suppose it (2)suppose it (3)suppose not (4)suppose so 4.I am innocent. I had () to do with the accident. (1)everything (2)something (3)nothing (4)anything 5.Just relax and () yourself. There's nothing to worry about. (1)ease (2)enjoy (3)favor (4)please ()内の語句を並べ替えて正しい英文を作ってください。 6.この洗濯機は妙な音が出る。どこか故障しているに違いない。 This washing machine is making a strange noise. I think that (be/ something/ there/ with/ must/ wrong/ it) 誤った箇所を指摘して正しい形に直してください。 7.Most of (1)(students) seemed to (2)(have understood) (3)(how fortunate) they were (4)(to be living) in a peaceful country. 以上の7問です! よろしくお願いします!

  • わからない英文があります

    "Effective use of Internet allows teachers to expose students to places students otherwise could not access." この英文の意味を教えてください。