• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:高校英語の和訳)


  • Mary and Jane have been good friends and rivals since childhood. They went to the same high school. Mary excelled in mathematics and science, while Jane excelled in history and language. After high school, Mary became a doctor, while Jane became a lawyer.
  • Baseball and football, also known as soccer in Japan, are both popular sports. Baseball originated in North America in the nineteenth century, while football originated in England in the same century. Baseball is famous in Japan, Cuba, Korea, Taiwan, and the USA, while football is popular worldwide.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

メアリーとジェーンは、子供の頃から親友でありライバルでした。 彼らは、同じ高校に通いました。 メアリーは、常に数学と科学で一番でした。 一方、ジェーンはそれらの科目では成績が良くありませんでした。 その代わりに、彼女は歴史と語学では全優でした。 高校卒業後、メアリーは医学部に通いました。 現在、彼女は医者です。 対照的に、ジェーンは法律の学位を取りました; 彼女は彼女の法律事務所を開業したばかりです。 日本では、誰でも、野球とフットボール(ここではサッカーとして知られている)を知っています。 野球の現代のバージョンは、19世紀に北アメリカで発達しました。 他方、フットボールの現代のバージョンは、同じ世紀にイングランドのパブリックスクール(私立)から始まりました。 アメリカと同様、日本、キューバ、韓国、台湾は、野球で有名です。 しかし、フットボールは世界中で、非常に人気があります。



  • 英語の和訳!

    英語の和訳をよろしくお願いいたします! With these sensors, she tests your body moisture, body warmth, and chemicals in your sweat. If she Iikes what she finds, she bites. But if you don't appeal to her, she'll turn to someone more delicious.

  • 和訳教えてください

    和訳教えてください   As she did , she did her best to the end. よろしくお願いします

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Dear Annie: My adult daughter recently visited from out of state, and she has developed some odd and off-putting habits. I really don't mean to judge her, but I'd also like to help her. At the same time, if I said anything, she might run a hundred miles in the opposite direction. She has stopped showering every day. I'm not sure whether it's a "save the water" thing or what, but frankly, she smells like the zoo. No deodorant, either. Her clothes are dirty, as well. She has also dropped table manners. She frequently eats with her hands -- says it's what they do in other countries. Her open mouth chews away as she talks, with bits of food spraying all over. She burps freely, and it's not a health/indigestion issue. Her body language says "relax," no matter what position she's in -- slumped at the table, reclined on the couch, etc. I think she's trying to be as earthy as possible. Her husband is very similar, so at least they're not offending each other. -- Judgmental-ish Mom Dear Judgmental-ish Mom: It sounds as if your flower child has taken on a whole new look and smell, and she wants you and everyone around her to notice it. It is lovely that she has found a more relaxed state of living, but not at the expense of her own hygiene. The dirty clothing and lack of bathing will eventually catch up with her -- perhaps in the form of a rash or sickness, and that would take away from her and her husband's "relaxed" state. The dirty clothing and lack of bathing will eventually catch up with herの和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

    My mother came in from the pantry with a steaming pot in her hand. She stopped midway between the table and the fire, feeling the tension flowing through the room. She followed their stare and saw me in the corner. Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. Then she crossed over to me and knelt down beside me, as she had done so many times before. "I'll show you what to do with it, Chris," she said, very slowly and in a queer, choked way, her face flushed as if with some inner excitement. Taking another piece of chalk from Mona, she hesitated, then very deliberately drew, on the floor in front of me, the single letter "A." "Copy that," she said, looking steadily at me. "Copy it, Chris." I couldn't.

  • 英語の質問です!!

    Mary joined Aki`s class as a one-year exchange student from Boston.She was cheerful and quickly blended in with her classmates.Aki, the volleyball club captain, learned that Mary played volleyball,so she took her to practice.After practice,Aki said to Mary,`We`re lucky to have such a good player as you.` Mary replied,`Thanks,but I`m frustrated. I hear there`s a big tournament soon, but you practice as if you (be) not interested in it at all. Shouldn`t we practice more seriously?` Aki and other members felt as if they had been slapped in the face. Nobody had criticized them for this openly.It shook them up, and they started working harder.Aki,however, was a little afraid of Mary`s frankness.One day,Aki praised Mary for her improvent in Japanese.Mary said she owed it to her friends, including Aki.`With out help, my Japanese would not have improved this much. I really appreciate it when you correct my errors.` Aki asked Mary if she felt embarrassed by having her errors pointed out. Mary said,`Of course,not. Sincere advice is always appreciated.` Aki found Mary was not only frank but also ready to receive comments from others. Aki admired Mary, because Mary always did her best and because she was open-minded.They because good friends.When Mary left Japan, both of them wised they had more time together. Aki thought if she were to have a chance to visit Boston, she would like to meet Mary again. 1(be)の語を適切な形に直しなさい。 2they started working harder.の理由を日本語で説明しなさい。 3With out help, my Japanese would not have improved this much.を次のように書き換えるとき、空所に入る適語を書きなさい。 If (  )(  )(  )(  ) for your help, my Japanese would not have improved this much. 4次のaからdについて、本文の内容に合うものには○、合わないものには×を書きなさい。 aMary soon got used to her new class. bMary critized the members of the volleyball club. cAt first Mary`s frankness surprised Aki. dMary didn`t like other people pointing out her mistakes.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The top amateur baseball event is the All Japan High School Baseball Championship held each summer at Koshien Stadium. Regional playoff winners from Hokkaido to Okinawa battle it out for the national pennant as Japanese nostalgically root for teams from their home prefectures. Koshien broadcasts always score very high ratings. In spring, Koshien Stadium hosts the National Invitational High School Baseball Championship. At the end of each game in the tournament the winning team's school song is played, and the school flag is raised. The losing team collects dirt from the playing ground and scatters it on their home field as an inspiration to work harder. よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 和訳、できれば文法的説明もお願いします

    She looked up as she heard his footsteps, and the gracious smile which her lips put on, was an invitation to make himself happy in a seat beside her. But he resisted the blandishment, and lifting his hat as he passed, with a smile in return, he soon disappeared from her presence, and joined the two who awaited him. 上の文の和訳をお願いします。 the gracious smile which her lips put on (彼女の唇がおいた優しい笑顔・・・?) an invitation to make himself happy in a seat beside her 等々よくわからないのです。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    “The first time I saw a Great Blue Heron and a Great Egret,” Mary Lou says, “they were beautiful sights because both of them are majestic, slow-moving...very neat,” she explains, and them adds, “They're beautiful to watch fly across water.”  Many birds are easy for Mary Lou to identify, but she cannot always name every bird she sees. Every day, there is a new lesson for Mary Lou to learn, a new bird to identify, and sometimes the sky is full of secrets. At one point in an afternoon of bird-watching, Mary Lou sees an unfamiliar bird. “I don't know what that is,” she says as she watches the bird flying across the sky. “Whoa! He's back out there...he just did a complete nose dive,”says Mary Lou as she tries to figure out what the strange bird is. She attempts to find the bird in her bird book in order to idebtify it, but she cannot. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語教科書の和訳です

    英語教科書の和訳です。 一部分だけなので、文章の流れがよくわかりません。 A young man, a long scarf twisted around his neck, was standing outside the Curzon cinema, his muscular body supported on an umbrella that seemed on the point of snapping beneath his weight. It was not the young man seen in the train that evening but this one, too, had gazed at her on some occasion in the recent past, though she could not remember when or where. Now, too, he gazed at her as she passed: first at her legs, then at her face, then at her breast. Should she stop, making the photographs on display outside the cinema her excuse? For a moment she did so; and as she paused, the man himself straightened and began to wander over. But then, with a shake, she hurried on. Surprised, she realized that so far from this possible encounter filling her excitement, it had caused in her a jolting kind of strong disgust. 1. 最後の文ですが、 驚いたことに、この偶然の出会いが彼女の興奮を満たすよりむしろ、衝撃的な嫌悪感を彼女の中に引き起こした。 というような訳になるのでしょうか。 日本語らしくするのは、どのような訳がよいのでしょうか。 2. 構文は分詞構文でしょうか。 3. she realized that ~ ~を思い出した、でしょうか。 4. Should she stop, making the photographs on display outside the cinema her excuse? の訳は、写真を撮ることを言い訳にして、彼女は止めさせるべきでしょうか。 となるのでしょうか。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • neglectful

    Our son had a longtime childhood friend, Jane, and they started dating in high school. Jane’s mother died when she was young and her father was neglectful due to alcohol abuse. neglectful due to alcohol abuseとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • LP-S5300を使用していますが、急に全体に黒い線がついて印刷されます。
  • 感光体ユニットの交換なのか、定着ユニットが原因なのか、トナーを交換すればきれいに印刷できるのか、わかる方おしえてください。
  • 買い替え時期なのでしょうか。