• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:漫画の台詞を日本語に訳しをお願いします。)


  • 海外で人気の漫画『バクマン』の台詞を日本語に訳してほしいという質問です。
  • その台詞では、同級生と組んで漫画家を目指す友達に対して、漫画家になる難しさを割合で説明しています。
  • 具体的には、成功する漫画家になる確率は人口の0.001%くらいであり、二人で組むとそれが半分の0.0005%になることを示しています。


  • ベストアンサー

私も今バクマン読んでるので。 和訳というよりも、そのままセリフ書いておきますね。 「マンガ家目指して一生食えるのは0.1%  いや、0.1じゃ千人に1人だから、0.001%   十万人に一人くらい。  おまえと俺が組んだら0.0005%だ。  ギャラ半分だからな。」 これがそのままサイコーのセリフです。 バクマン面白いですよね。私も大好きです☆



bookaholicさん、さっそくの回答ありがとうございますっ!! ほんとサイコーの台詞ですね。 その台詞をみていると、かなり日本語版の漫画を読みたくてたまりません。 笑 英語がまだまだな私にとっては中学3年生の会話が、すごくかたい会話に感じてしまって 内容はわかるのですが、日本で日本語のまんがを読んでいるのと感じがちがって恋しいです 笑 ほんとうにありがとうございましたっ!! まだまだ1巻なので頑張りますっ! 面白いですよね。



  • 添削してください。

    明後日、学校で英語でプレゼンしないといけません。 書いた英語が文法的に正しいか添削をお願いします。 THE POPULATION OF ARGENTINA I will tell you about the population of Argentina. There live 40,301,927(forty million, three hundred one thousand, nine hundred twenty-seven) people in Argentina―about forty million people. Considering the population of Japan is about one hundred twenty million, that of Argentina is very small. As you can see, THREE TIMES!! So the rank of Argentina’s population is the 31st, and that of Japan’s is, to my surprise, the 10th. However, the population of Argentina is increasing and its population growth rate is 0.938%. On the other hand, in Japan, as you know, the number of people is decreasing. The rate of Japan is -0.088%. So in 2050 there will be about 51,382,000 people in Argentina, and about 112,198,000 in Japan. では、よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (4) Artists almost never signed their work. The art was not about the artist. Artists were not innovators, they were craftsmen, and as you can tell from their Middle Kingdom titles, they were more closely related to scribes than to the "artist" types we think of today. That's not to say Egyptian artists weren't talented. Oe sculptor created two life-size sculptures of a high priest and his princess wife that were so realistic they scared off tomb robbers. The stone eyes implanted in the statues appeared to watch the thieves, and frightened them so badly that they dropped their tools and ran. (5) Perhaps what contributed to the tomb robbers' fear was the Egyptian belief that art had magic. Often you will see crocodiles, hippos, and snakes drawn with spears sticking out of them. If a crocodile suddenly came to life right next to you, you would probably appreciate the spear. And since these murals were one day going to become a reality, it's nice that the banquet scene has plates piled high with delicious food. (6) It must have been the attention to rules that led Egyptian artists to discover the "sacred ratio." The proportions in the sacred ratio repeat throughout the natural world. Plants, flowers, and trees grow in the sacred ratio. Sunflowers, pinecones, and the nautilus shell spiral according to the sacred ratio. The earth and the moon measure, and the galaxies spin―all to this sacred proportion. Egyptian artists drew the human body according to the sacred ratio, in the same way modern artists do today.

  • 和訳を教えてください

    In my japanese classroom almost no one enjoy manga -.- but I mean it's pretty clear that it's one of the many things that people like about your country. So is it because of the bad side that manga can have (hentai, violence) that adults don't really like it? It's funny because sometimes it's clearly exposed. Like in the Kyoto train station with the statues and pictures from Osamu Tezuka work. I don't know if I'm really clear... If not sorry. I guess what I'm trying to say is that manga opinion seems kinda contradictory in Japan. And in my opinion, Japanese people should be proud, but again.. I'm a fan, so I'm not gonna say otherwise right...? 日本語を勉強している子からのメールに書いてあった文章です。 (クラスメイトの中で漫画を読む子はいないけど)日本が好きなのは 日本の漫画が好きだからという理由の子がたくさんいるのは明白です。 大人は漫画の性的や暴力的な描写が嫌い? 矛盾してるよね、京都駅で手塚治虫のアトムの像があったりするのに。 よくわからないなあ。 I'm not gonna say というのは何を指しているんでしょうか??? So is it becauseからの文章が当てずっぽうです^^; なんとなく和訳はしてみたんですが全体の意味がいまいちつかめず困っています。 日本は漫画を文化の一部として全面にアピールしているのに一方では 漫画好きな人に対してシビアな目が向けられるのはなんか矛盾してる ということが言いたいのかなと思ったんですが。 (この前のメールでオタクのことについて聞かれたので) メールの一部を抜粋しているので意味がとれないかもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いします。 わかりにく文章で申し訳ありません…

  • 英語で「歴史とか科学とか難しいことが漫画で描かれていたら、そういうのに

    英語で「歴史とか科学とか難しいことが漫画で描かれていたら、そういうのに興味ない人も 読んでみようと思うかもしれないし、それをきっかけにそういうのに興味をもつかもしれない」 という日本語でもちょっとまとめずらい文を英語にしたいのですが。。。。 下記のような感じでいいのでしょうか? Manga about difficult thoings such as history and science might make someone who are not interesting in those areas read it,and also they might be interesting those areas.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The territories of the former Hungarian Kingdom that were ceded by the treaty to neighbouring countries in total (and each of them separately) had a majority of non-Hungarian nationals, however the Hungarian ethnic area was much larger than the newly established territory of Hungary, therefore 30 percent of the ethnic Hungarians were under foreign authority. After the treaty, the percentage and the absolute number of all Hungarian populations outside of Hungary decreased in the next decades (although, some of these populations also recorded temporary increase of the absolute population number). There are several reasons for this population decrease, some of which were spontaneous assimilation and certain state policies, like Slovakization, Romanianization, Serbianisation.[citation needed] Other important factors were the Hungarian migration from the neighbouring states to Hungary or to some western countries as well as decreased birth rate of Hungarian populations. According to the National Office for Refugees, the number of Hungarians who immigrated to Hungary from neighbouring countries was about 350,000 between 1918 and 1924.Minorities in post-Trianon Hungary On the other hand, a considerable number of other nationalities remained within the frontiers of the independent Hungary: According to the 1920 census 10.4% of the population spoke one of the minority languages as mother language: 551,212 German (6.9%) 141,882 Slovak (1.8%) 36,858 Croatian (0.5%) 23,760 Romanian (0.3%) 23,228 Bunjevac and Šokac (0.3%) 17,131 Serbian (0.2%) 7,000 Slovene (0.08%) The percentage and the absolute number of all non-Hungarian nationalities decreased in the next decades, although the total population of the country increased. Bilingualism was also disappearing. The main reasons of this process were both spontaneous assimilation and the deliberate Magyarization policy of the state. Minorities made up 8% of the total population in 1930 and 7% in 1941 (on the post-Trianon territory). After World War II approximately 200,000 Germans were deported to Germany, according to the decree of the Potsdam Conference. Under the forced exchange of population between Czechoslovakia and Hungary, approximately 73,000 Slovaks left Hungary and according to different estimations 120,500 or 45,000Hungarians moved to present day Hungarian territory from Czechoslovakia. After these population movements Hungary became an almost ethnically homogeneous country with the exception of the Hungarian speaking Romani people.

  • 日本語訳を! 2-(2)

    お願いします。  Five thousand years ago some villages grew very large, and their headsmen grew very powerful. Two villages in particular had grown so large that we would call them towns: Nekhen in the south and Tjeni in the north. Location, location, location―it was all about location even then. Nekhen was the gateway to gold. This southernmost town of the Nile Valley was closest to the Nubian gold mines. Gold made Nekhen fat and prosperous.  Tjeni in the north was also a gateway. This town developed across the Nile from where the cliffs pinched the river into a narrow roadway. Tjeni controlled traffic on the Nile. And it was also here that tradesmen returning from the west entered Egypt. The goods they brought with them made Tjeni fat and prosperous. The wealth and power of Nekhen and Tjeni grew, and when it did, their leaders grew wealthy and powerful, too.  Nothing says wealthy like things. The rarer something is, the more exotic and the finer the quality, the louder it shouts about its owner, "Look at me, I'm rich and powerful, I have all these fabulous things!" Artists no longer had to squeeze their craft making into what time they had left after tending their garden and milking their cows. People would gladly trade whatever the artist needed for the artist's talents. And now enough people lived in one spot to keep the artist busy all year.  For artists location meant something, too. One of the best locations for an artist in ancient Egypt was near a cemetery. The more power people had in life, the more fantastic their burial had to be. The dead were steady customers. Artists sculpted stone vases, molded clay figures, crafted gold jewelry, and carved stone palettes for the tombs of the rich and famous.

  • 英語について

    前に日本が好きって言っていたけどー、と英語で言いたいときはどうなりますか? you said you like Japan but have you been to there? などでしょうか? 他には例えば You said before you have manga but is it in English? 漫画を持っていると言ってたけど、それは英語の漫画? など、ーと言っていたけど、はこの表現でいいですか?

  • 日本語で教えてください。

    次の英文によくわからないところがあります。 ネイティブに日本語を一切使わずに英語で質問して、英語でよく教えてもらったのですが、私の英語力では十分理解できませんでした。 Yobs,thugs,hooligans. Just some of the terms used to refer to young people in the British media in the last few years. The media presents young people at best as problems and at worst as criminals: 71persent of stories  about them are negative and one in three focus on crime. The majority of young people are not criminals. Just seven percent of young people in school have committed crimes requiring police involvement. But when news coverage of productive and law-abiding young people is the exception rather then the rulu, public opinion and policy tends to target young people en masse, with measures such as curfews and  the power to move on young people who are perceived as a threat. Young people are stereotyped and marginalised. ネイティブに日本語を一切使わずに英語で質問して、英語でよく教えてもらったのですが、私の英語力では十分理解できませんでした。 自分なりに訳してみましたがこれでいかがでしょうか。 日本語でよろしくご教授ください。 Yobs,~. 不良少年、悪党、フーリガンたち。 Just ~. ここ数年、英国のメディアは何度か若者たちに言及した。 (Just some of the terms、この場合のterms はどう訳したらよいでしょう。) The media ~. メディアは、若者たちが一番の問題であり、そして犯罪者の中で最も悪質で、若者たちに関する71パーセントの記事は悪いことであり、 3回に1回は犯罪についてだと主張している。 (one in three、は3人に一人という意味ですか。) The majority ~. 大多数の若者は犯罪者ではない。 Just ~ . 学校に通う、ただ7パーセントの若者だけが警察の関与が必要な犯罪に関係している。 But~ . しかし、生産的なニュースが報じられる時と、法を守る若者はどちらかというと例外的であるとし、大衆の意見と方針はすべての若者たちを 目標にする傾向があり、危険な存在と考えられている人たちとして夜間外出の禁止や権力で抑えることをその対策としてしている。 (But~~the rulu,がよくわかりません。 productiveはこの場合どういう意味でしょうか。) (power to move はどう訳したらよいでしょうか。) Young ~. 若者たちは固定観念でみられ社会から取り残されている。 (よろしくお願いいたします。)

  • 全文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    Each year, millions of tourists visit Australia to see the cute and unique koala, yet its numbers continue to decrease due to trees being cleared for farming and housing. Australia has one of the highest land clearing rates in the world, with over 80 percent of the koala habitat already having disappeared. The protection of this mammal is a national priority not only because it is important for the tourism industry, but also because it represents the richness of Australia`s natural resources. Scientists state that the koala is a "flagship" species for other lesser-known parts of the ecosystem. In other words, if its population decreases, this means that the rest of the ecosystem is in trouble. Protecting koalas and their habitats means protecting many other animal and plant species that exist within the same ( ). ( )に適切な単語を同じ段落から補ってください。

  • 日本語訳を!(21)

    お願いします (1) Rules, rules, rules...we may think that rules and creativity don't go together, but for the Egyptians, art was all about rules. Are you painting the king? Make sure you don't draw anything in front of his face or body. That was not a trick shot the king was making with the bow flexed behind his back. The painter was just obeying the rule. When sculpting people seated, make sure that their hands rest on their knees. Always draw the important people bigger. Follow the rules. (2) Walk into any art museum anywhere in the world and you will be able to pick out the Egyptian art immediately. The rules created a style that lasted with almost no change for 3,000 years. The style is called frontalism. Egyptian artists drew the head in profile and the body straight on. By drawing figures with these angles, artists could show a large number of body parts―both arms, both legs, the nose. The Egyptians believed that the drawings could come to life and journey to the afterlife. It's nice to go to eternity with as much of your body as possible. (3) Unlike modern painters who try to give their paintings depth, Egyptian painters made everything look flat. Two artists often worked on the same painting. One artist drew the outline. During the Middle Kingdom, these artists were called "scribes of outlines." And the second artist, known as a "colorist," painted in the color as if he were working on a coloring book. Do you thing he was told to "stay within the lines"?

  • アマゾンからの電話が詐欺なのか疑問に思っています。詐欺の手法や被害はどのようなものが考えられるでしょうか?
  • 詐欺だと仮定した場合、アマゾンから品物を搾取することは可能なのでしょうか?
  • 私はこの問題について詳しく知識がないため、指南役がいると思います。指南役がいて金を作り、逮捕されたり行方不明になったりする可能性もあるので注意が必要です。