• 締切済み


In order to utilize the potential increases in stability, which are considerable in high-speed end milling, it is necessary to determine experimentally the transfer functions at the various cutters to be used on the particular machine tool and to develop and suitably package corresponding software for choosing optimum speed and optimum cutter design and for evaluating the effects obtainable. stability:安定性 high-speed end milling:高速エンドミル加工 transfer functions:伝達関数 cutters:工具 machine tool:工作機械 software:ソフトウェア よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1



「高速エンドミル加工においては重要な、本来持っているはずの安定性を増すためには、ある特定の機械で使われるさまざまな工具について伝達関数を実験的に求め、最適な動作速度と最適な工具設計が決定できて、かつ、得られた結果を評価できるようなソフトウエアを開発して、それらを適切に組み合わせることが必要である。」 だと思うんですが。技術文書にしては悪文っぽいような……。


和訳の勉強においてのポイントは三つあります。 (1)主語と述語を明確にする。 (2)修飾句がどの部分にかかっているかを見極める。 (3)最後に訳した日本語が不自然でないかをチェックする。 という風に考えましょう。ヒントとして、名詞句は[]、形容詞句は()、副詞句は<>とあらわしてみます。 <In order to utilize the potential increases in stability>, (which are considerable in high-speed end milling,) it is necessary [to determine experimentally the transfer functions <at the various cutters> (to be used on the particular machine tool) and [to develop and suitably package corresponding software <for choosing [optimum speed] and [optimum cutter design] and <for evaluating the effects obtainable.>>]] やや難しいかもしれませんが、こうしてみると文の構造は明らかですね。 ヒント(1)全体的の主文は「It is necessary ~」(~は必要である。) ヒント(2)「It」は「形式主語」・・・ということは、「真主語」は「to determine ~」と「to develop ~」ではないだろうか?ということを考えよう。 ヒント(3)この文は「and」が多様されているから、ややこしく見えるだけ。何と何を「and」で結ばれているのかをちゃんと見極めよう。そのためには、「似ている表現」をチェックすること。 たとえば「optimum speed」と「optimum cutter design」は似ているよね? ほかにも「for choosing ~」(~を選出するために)と「for evaluating ~」(~の価値を見定めるため)という表現も似ているよ!(^O^) 以上のヒントを参考にもう一度自分で和訳してみよう!和訳は他人の答えを聞いても何にも力にはなりません。自分なりに出した答えを書いてみて、もう一度ここに来てください!


  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    The unique contribution of the twelfth century to the arts was stained glass, which, like cloisonne enamel, the technique of which it resembles, was begun at Con stantinople and developd in western Europe. It is important to realize that the glass was stained, dyed, in the making, that the colour per-meates the glass, and that only painting, at least in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, was with an opaque brown enamel used for drawing faces, drapery folds, and other detail. As glass could be made only in small pieces, these were ioined by strips of lead, a soft and heavy material that had to be supported by iron bars across the opening in which the win-dow was to be inserted. Obviously these bars could not be ignored in the design, which had either to be made big enough to be independent of them, or small enough to fit into one unit of the frame. At Canterbury the first method was adopted in the majestic figures of the clerestory windows, the second in the aisles, where the detail could easily be seen : Noah in his Ark, for example, which served as a type for the Baptism of Jesus in a neighbouring medallion. Against a dark blue sky Noah is releasing the dove from a window at the top of the Ark, a multi-coloured, three-storied structure with Ro-manesque columns and arches, against the stability of which the writhing ridges of blue, green, and white-capped waves are powerless.

  • 英語・和訳お願いいたします。

    英語・和訳お願いいたします。 And as each of our predecessors has followed their own particular narrative, so the accumulation of events has in turn acted as an ongoing frame of reference for evaluating whatever comes along next. そして、私たちの祖先のそれぞれが彼ら自身の特有の物語に従ってきて、それで出来事の蓄積は例え次に何が起きても進化のために継続の枠組みの参照として、同じ作用をしてきた。 和訳に自信がありません。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします!

    During preschool age considerable gains are noted in the development of attention. Involuntary attention continues to grow with noticeable increase in its stability and span. At this age the child learns to be attentive, ie, he learns to isolate those elements in the surrounding environment that are important in regulating behavior and activity corrrespondent to the tasks set by adults.

  • 英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。

    英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。 私ではきれいな日本語に訳せませんでした。 金融のお話です。 Looking at the trend in stock (debt), the total market capitalization of stocks increased sharply to \84 trillion ($933 billion at the rate of \90 to the dollar) at the end of 1999 from about \35 trillion ($388 billion) in the previous year. However, in the period following the bursting of the IT bubble to the end of 2002, the balance declined. Although the balance turned upward again toward the end of 2003 due to a recovery in stock prices, increasing to \149 trillion ($1.6 trillion) at the end of 2006, it dropped precipitously in 2008 to \69 trillion ($766 billion) because of the Lehman Shock. In terms of regional breakdown, the share of American investors has risen rapidly from 2007 onward from its previous level up to 2006 of about 41%. The share of European investors, on the other hand, has declined. The total amount of domestic debt securities held by overseas investors, long-and medium-term bonds and notes combined, has increased to approximately \50 trillion ($555 billion) in recent years from \30 trillion ($333 billion).This trend probably reflects the previously mentioned stability in the government bond market and expectations for improvement in bond yields. By region, unlike in the case of stocks, European investors still hold more than 50% of the total despite a downward trend, while American investors continue to hold only around 10%. The foregoing suggests that Europeans tend to favor debt investments in contrast to Americans’ preference for equities

  • 英語 和訳

    和訳お願いします (1)When people travel to other countries, they find that many things are different from the things in their own country. (2)It can be very hot in summer and very cold and snowy in winter. (3)People who come from hot countries often find that it is too cold for them in December, January, ane February. (4)It is sometimes difficult to talk to them on the street because they are always very busy and don't have much time.

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文の( )に入る言葉を選んで和訳していただけませんか? In the late of 1980’s, democratic reforms in the Sovirt Union began to inspire similar changes in Eastern European countries and (preserved/ fostered/ realized ) a movement toward democracy and a market economy. After several weeks of civil unrest, the East German government couldn’t suppress pro-democracy forces and announced that all East German citizens were free to visit West Germany and West Berlin. The eventual fall of the Berlin Wall paved the (track/ rail/ way) for German reunfication and the end of the Cold War. However, in the age of multi-polarization, there have been seanless conflicts around the world. We must make tenacious efforts to ensure global peace and stability beyond ideological differences.

  • 英語の和訳お願いします

    下記の文の和訳を、分かる方よろしくお願いします。 I had at least 5 guys in suits with earphones come up to me yesterday in Taito city and try to get me to go into "massage parlors" .... I didn't understand the Japanese word for it so then they made some really weird hand gestures and I understood what they meant.... prettyyyy weird and unexpected lol.... you never told me about them hahaa >.<

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)In theory an animal could pick up and go,defying all the social conventions and boundaries proper to its species. (2)For that is what animals are,conservative,one might even say reactionary. (1)、(2)の英文の和訳お願いします。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Gender differences in the meaning of these words start early. In our gender dialogues between seventh-grade boys and girls, their comments and questions often focus on "talk": BOYS: Girls talk for most of the conversation so we don't have to talk. GIRLS: How come boys don't talk first? How these gender differences can be used in dialogue to heal the relationships between women and men is the topic of our discussion. 最後のパラグラフなんですが和訳に手こずっています…

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Such a shock occurred in the 1970s when oil supplies from the Middle East were disrupted,and when as a result the price of oil around the world rocketed. (2)Many countries learned lessons from the 1970s oil shock:they learned to be more energy efficient and they also became more keen to look for alternative forms of energy,for example,nuclear power and solar power. 上の2つの英文の和訳お願いします。