• ベストアンサー


和訳、お願いします。 下記の文の二文を和訳するというテストがあるのですが、私には難しくて和訳が出来ないので、和訳をお願いします。 Counseling psychology seeks to facilitate personal and interpersonal functioning across the lifespan with a focus on emotional, social, vocational, educational, health-related, developmental, and organizational concerns. Counselors are primarily clinicians, using psychotherapy and other interventions in order to treat clients. Traditionally, counseling psychology has focused more on normal developmental issues and everyday stress rather than psychopathology, but this distinction has softened over time. Counseling psychologists are employed in a variety of settings, including universities, hospitals, schools, governmental organizations, businesses, private practice, and community mental health centers. よろしければお助けお願いします・・・

  • toggy
  • お礼率100% (4/4)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> Counseling psychology [カウンセリング心理学] seeks to facilitate [促進する] personal and interpersonal [人間関係の] functioning across the lifespan with a focus on emotional, social, vocational [職業の], educational, health-related, developmental, and organizational concerns. カウンセリング心理学は個人的および対人的な機能を促進する 生涯にわたる 感情的な、社会的な、職業上の、教育の、健康関連の、発達上の、組織の関心に重点を置いて → カウンセリング心理学が対象とするのは、個人的および対人的な領域であり、対象の年齢は問わない。重点が置かれるのは、感情・社会・職業・教育・健康・成長・組織といった分野である。 > Counselors are primarily clinicians [臨床医], using psychotherapy and other interventions [介入] in order to treat clients. → カウンセラーはそもそも臨床医なのであり、患者に対するに心理療法や他の手段を用いて治療を行う者である。 > Traditionally, counseling psychology has focused more on normal developmental issues and everyday stress rather than psychopathology [精神病理学], but this distinction has softened over time. → これまでは、カウンセリング心理学の扱うのは、精神病理学的領域よりも普通の成長の問題とか日常のストレスを扱うのが主であったが、そういう区別は次第に曖昧なものになってきている。 > Counseling psychologists are employed in a variety of settings, including universities, hospitals, schools, governmental organizations, businesses, private practice, and community mental health centers. → カウンセラーはさまざまなところで働いている。たとえば、大学、病院、学校、政府組織、会社、個人営業、地域の精神衛生センターなど。 * すごく雑な訳し方ですが、あくまでも参考にということで・・・



訳の方、ありがとうございました! 参考になりますm(_ _)m


  • 和訳してください。

    Consummate in the art of interpersonal diplomacy and organizational management, he has brought together the disparate, divided, and often eccentric military leaders of the Allies in a brilliantly orchestrated and massively successful final effort to destroy Hitler. この前の文章でEisenhowerのことがでてきました。 初めのheとは彼のことだと思います。 つまり、アイゼンハワーは外交と組織運営では完璧であり、ヒトラーを破壊?するために巧みに編成し… どうやって訳せばいいのかわかりません>< わかる方和訳してください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    以下の文章を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますか? よろしくお願いします This man cannot keep secrets from you, few people can, you have unusual insight and deductive powers. You are brilliant when it comes to character reading, and looking into the mind, psychology, and motivation, your own or others. Nothing gets past you.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    The stage theory of dying was developed by psychiatrist Elizabeth Kubler-Ross from interviews with a large number of terminally ill persons. However, her methods of collecting and interpreting the data have been questioned, and she has been criticized for failing to consider such demographic variables as nature or the disease, sex of the patient, race, developmental level, and cognitive style (Kastenbaum, 1975). Thus, the usefulness and generality of the theory are questionable. However, her research has forced others to be concerned, with the psychology of dying. お願いします。

  • 和訳して下さい。

    Your account has been blocked for infringing the Terms&Conditions and the device has been removed. It won't be unblocked, if you are not satisfied you can get a refund and find another app that better suits your needs. If you're interested let me know  the Google order number/ 和訳で何と言ってるのでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の和訳をお願いします。 Consider Z-Card, which sells information and advertising materials mostly in the form of pocket-size foldout cards. The company is privately held, with annual revenue of about £6 million, or $9.3 million, and has a staff of 34. Only 16 are Britons. The rest are mainly from other countries in the European Union.

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみでお願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の後半部分です。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 It ties you more. You are more prepared to work through any problems and try and resolve them, than someone who has no planet here. Relationships leave a deeper mark on your, the scars and memory good and bad remain forever. You are less prone to short shallow relationships, the loves you will have will touch your depth because some hidden fate is always set in motion by the planet. Much depends on the planet itself as to the nature of that fate..

  • 和訳がわかりません。

    Bleached knots are done on hair when it is ventilated in the color it is ordered...the knots are bleached to make them lighter and in some cases disappear. 上記の和訳が分かりません。 Bleached knotsは、結び目を脱色を使ってください。 回答が分かる方がおりましたら、 回答頂けるとありがたいです。

  • 和訳あってますでしょうか。

    以下の和訳はあってますでしょうか。文法や単語を含めて。 間違っている場合は正しい和訳を教えてください。 But according to psychology Today, we do have to be happy, or at least have a positive attitude. Research has shown that negative emotions like fear, anger, sadness, and anxiety are not conductive to creativity. A positive attitude means being fascinated with the world around us. It makes us want to explore and discover. It inspires us to pick up new skills, see things from new and different perspective, aspect new ideas-all keys to creativity. しかし今日の神経科学によると、私たちは幸せであり換言すると少なくともポジティブな気持ちを持っている。調査は、恐怖・怒り・悲しみ・不安のようなネガティブな感情は創造力に伝導性が無い事を示した。ポジティブな気持ちは、私たちの周りの世界に魅了されていることを意味する。それは、私たちに調査や発見をさせる。新しい技術を身につけ、物事を新しく異なった視点から見つめ、新しいアィディアを受け入れることは私たちを奮い立たせます。全てが創造性のカギなのです。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    Whenever we hit heavy traffic on the interstate because two lanes are merging into one (because of construction, usually), he immediately puts on his signal and tries to merge, meekly puttering along until someone allows him in. Whenever I am driving and we are in the same situation, I drive ahead in the lane that's ending and then merge just as the lane ends. meekly以下全文の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? If you are young, aging parents may not be your biggest concern, but they are a mojor concern for the governmental, social, and financial leaders of the world, particularly for those in japan. The parcentage of people over age 65 is increasing worldwide, from about 7 percent in 2005 to a predicted 15 percent by 2005. Japan already has one of the largest over-65 populations. According to population projections prepared by the Statistics Bureau of Japan's Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, 22.5 percent of the Japanese population was expected to be 65 or older in 2010. They expect that number ti increase to 33.2 percent by 2040, resulting in Japan having the largest percentage of over 65-year-old in the world. What effects will such an enormous number of elderly people have on society.