
  • 質問文章の中には、動詞の変形や特定の構文に関する疑問があります。具体的には、「Did he once have himself (tie) to a mast in a storm at sea?」という文の構文についての疑問と、「He had the sailors (tie) him to a mast so that he (may) observe the darkness (battle) the light」という文の意味についての疑問が挙げられます。
  • まず、「Did he once have himself (tie) to a mast in a storm at sea?」という文は過去の出来事を尋ねる疑問文です。これは、特定の動詞「have」の使い方に関する疑問であり、その文脈では「彼が過去に自分自身を船のマストに縛ったことがあるのか」という意味です。
  • 一方、「He had the sailors (tie) him to a mast so that he (may) observe the darkness (battle) the light」という文は、過去の出来事を説明しています。この文の中には、「彼が船員に自分をマストに縛らせて、暗闇と光の戦いを観察するためだった」という意味が含まれています。主語の「he」が船員に動詞「tie」をさせたことを表しており、また、「may observe」は可能性を示す表現であるため、「観察するかもしれない」という意味が伝わります。
  • ベストアンサー


まず、動詞を正しく変形させて入れる問題で (1)Did he once have himself (tie) to a mast in a storm at sea? (2)He had the sailors (tie) him to a mast so that he (may) observe the darkness (battle) the light. ↑は何の構文なのかさえよく分かりません。。 もうひとつ、 (1)that would be very nice. (2)what do you say to getting a bite to eat now? ↑はどんなことを言っているのかだいたいは分かるのですが、正確な意味が分かりません。 初歩的な質問ですみません。よろしくお願いします

  • beskey
  • お礼率63% (247/392)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

(1) tied 彼は海上で嵐の中自分自身をマストに縛りつけさせましたか? have+O+pp. Oを~される、Oを~してもらう (2) tie, might, observe 彼は暗黒が光と戦うのをよく見るために、水夫たちに自分の体をマストに縛り付けさせた。 have+O+原形 Oに~させる、Oに~してもらう so that S may ... Sが~する(できる)ように(目的) observe+O+原形 Oが~するのをよく見る observe(観察する、よく見る)は知覚動詞 (1) それは素敵でしょうね、そうなったら素敵でしょうね would には仮定の意味が入っていて婉曲な表現になると思います。 (2) これから少し食事はどうですか What do you say to ...[動詞であれば-ing] ~するのはどうですか? I say [yes/no] to ...~に対して[はい/いいえ]と言う のyes, no がわからないとして what に置き換わり「~に対してあなたは何と言いますか?」が直訳。誘う時の決まり文句です。 だからこの to は不定詞に関係の無い、ただの前置詞だと言うことはわかりますね、そのため後には-ing(動名詞)がきます。





  • That is a nice tie you have got on

    That is a nice tie you have got on 素敵なネクタイをしていらっしゃいますね この英文なぜ現在完了なのでしょうか? you are getting やyou are wearingとしては駄目なのでしょうか? 英会話の本に例文でのっていました。

  • 和訳お願いします

    It is common for bears to carry a carcass to the riverbank and not eat a bite after finding it is a female salmon that has already laid her eggs.

  • 小説の和訳(トムソーヤ

    トムソーヤの冒険の英文を訳したのですが 日本語の意味がわかりません・・訳をしなおしてくれませんか 「トムは布団をかぶりながら最後の審判を待っていた。この異変が自分のせいだとまったく疑わなかったからだ。彼は神様に堪忍袋のおを切らせてしまったと思い込んでいた。たかが一匹の虫けらをを殺すのに部隊の大砲打つことは、トムにとって浪費にに思えるのだが、自分が虫けらををやっつけるのに、これほどの雨を降らせるのはなんらつじつまのあわないこととは思わなかった] の日本語に意味がわかりません。。。。直訳だと思うのですが。どういう意味かがいまいちわかりませんでした・・・ 原文は And that night there came on a terrific storm, with driving rain, awful claps of thunder and blinding sheets of lightning. He covered his head with the bedclothes and waited in a horror of suspense for his doom; for he had not the shadow of a doubt that all this hubbub was about him. He believed he had taxed the forbearance of the powers above to the extremity of endurance and that this was the result It might have seemed to him a waste of pomp and ammunition to kill a bug with a battery of artillery, but there seemed nothing incon- gruous about the getting up such an expensive thunder- storm as this to knock the turf from under an insect like himself.

  • あっていますか?

    Sailors had known for a long time that ports of the Baltic Sea were getting shallower. 船員は、長い間より浅くなっていたバルト海の港を知っていた。 この訳であっていますか? 添削よろしくお願いします。

  • 不定詞の副詞的用法についての疑問

    He looked up to observe that she was taking down all the details. という文章のtoは「目的用法」と考えれば、「見るために」と訳せるようですし、「結果」を意味すると思えば「目を上げたら×××のを見つけた」とも訳せそうです。 いずれが適訳なのかお教え下さいませ。

  • よろしくお願いします

    We have new neighbors that moved in a couple of months ago. They are nice people and have a toddler that my son loves to play with, but they also have a dog that is insanely aggressive toward kids. We have a dozen or so kids on the block and he’s lunged at about half of them. (He even hit my own son with his snout while his back was turned, leaving a bruise, not a bite.) Luckily, he’s been on a leash every time which has prevented a serious attack. Recently, the dog has been digging his way out of the backyard. The owners have fixed the holes when they happen, but now all the neighbors are even more scared of what could happen. The owners don’t seem to be overly concerned about fixing his behavior or doing more to keep him contained. We are all concerned that it will take a kid getting seriously hurt for something to change. it will take a kid getting seriously hurt for something to changeの訳と、文の構造の説明をよろしくお願いします

  • 和文への翻訳をお願いします

    [ ]でかこったところです。 As the grass which is suitable, when it is presented to a sheep, moves its inclination to eat, but if you present to it a stone or bread, it will not be moved to eat; [so there are in us certain natural inclinations also to speak, when the hearer shall appear to be somebody, when he himself shall excite us]: but when he shall sit by us like a stone or like grass, how can he excite a man's desire? Does the vine say to the husbandman, "Take care of me?" No, but the vine by showing in itself that it will be profitable to the husbandman, if he does take care of it, invites him to exercise care.

  • catch himself

    My father had an ulcer that became infected. It was relatively simple to cure but he refused to believe the doctors. Instead he diagnosed himself with some sort of virus. He stopped taking his medicine. He created his own ointments instead. He’s very intelligent so his reasoning could sound very convincing. It was hard to identify when it crossed the line into mental illness. But the infection never healed. He went from surfing and swimming every day to barely being able to walk. He aged twenty years. And still he refused to go to a doctor. He’d isolate himself from anyone who challenged him. When he finally collapsed and was admitted to a hospital, the doctors said he had the lowest red blood cell count they’d ever seen. Only then did he accept that things were out of his control. He’s much healthier now. He’s almost back to normal. He’ll occasionally fall into the old script of defending his actions, but he manages to catch himself. catch himselfはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • この英文を訳して下さい。

    He never noticed anyone was watching him, and it was with surprise that he heard himself spoken to.

  • thatの先行詞の決定について

    It can help him accept the fact that there is much in the world that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself. という文章があります。 that differs greatly from what he sees around him and to which he must learn to adapt himself の先行詞についての質問です。 英文の解説ではmuchが先行詞なのですが、自分はthe worldが先行詞でもいいんじゃないかと思ってしまいます。 なぜ、muchが先行詞になるか、納得できる説明が欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。