
  • 質問の文章は、並べ替えの問題に関してのものです。第1の問題では、主人公がスパイの友人に裏切られる映画についての文を並べ替える問題です。
  • 第2の問題では、ウェンディが非常に良いと思う本を見つけたことについての文を並べ替える問題です。
  • 回答としては、第1の問題は「The film is about a friend whose betrayal betrays him, a spy.」、第2の問題は「Wendy thinks she will find a very good book.」となります。
  • ベストアンサー


並べ替えの問題です。 1、The film (a / about /betrays / friend / him / is / spy / whose ). 2、Wendy has just found (a very book / thinks / she / will / what / be). どちらも関係詞の項目の問題なのですが、よく分かりません。 1は、The film about him betrays whose friend is a spy. 2は、Wendy has just found what she thinks will be a very good job. と考えてみたのですが、さっぱり自信がありません。どなたか回答していただけたらありがたいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー

1 The film is about a spy whose friend betrays him. その映画は、その友達が彼(スパイ)を裏切る(そういう)スパイについてだ。 関係代名詞 whose 必ず先行詞がある、whose の後に必ず無冠詞ノ名詞がある。 そして、普通に日本語に訳すとおかしな日本語になります。 その映画はスパイについてだ、どんなスパイって、その友達がそのスパイを裏切るんだ。 2 最後が a very good job でいいのなら、それで合ってます。 彼女は、自分がよい仕事になるだろうと思うようなもの(仕事)を見つけた。 いわゆる連鎖関係代名詞節で関係代名詞 what を使っています。


  • 英語問題

    1:That tall man () just come in my father. (1)whose has (2)who has (3)whom has (4)which has 2:Ynkohama is the city () population is the second largest in Japan. (1)that (2)which (3)whom (4)whose 3:The woman () I thought was her mother turned out to be a total stranger. (1)who (2)whose (3)about whom (4)whom 4:This is the house () he lived when young. (1)which (2)in which (3)in that (4)what 5:Japan is one of the few countries () people drive on the left. (1)how (2)what (3)where (4)which 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 英語 整序問題

    1, Nonody ((1)have(2)his abilities(3)likes(4)questioned(5)to) by his boss. 2, After the American Revolution of 1776, those who had supported Britain ((1)found(2)unable(3)to(4)stay(5)themselves) in the new United States. 3, We are talking about a famous film which is on next week and I say to a friend of mine : "Let's go ((1)that(2)and(3)be(4)supposed(5)see(6)film(7)to) very good." 4, The secretary ((1)tell(2)what had happened(3)forget to(4)while he(5)her boss) was away. 上記4つの整序問題の答えを教えて下さい。

  • 助けてください(涙)

    学校の宿題でアメリカの小学四年生の女の子の文章を訳さなくてはいけなくて、自分なりに訳したり、翻訳サイトでも訳したのですが、上手く訳せなくて(><;文章は三つです。 I have a friend who doesn't like him but acts like she does and she loves to put me down. (彼のことは好きじゃないけど、行動が好きな友達がいて、彼女はするし、彼女は私を押すのが好き) She told me she didn't like him anymore. (彼女はそれ以上好きではなかったと私に言った) I have been put down so much about how she will be with him. (私はとても彼女が彼と共にどういるかに関する多くにおかれました) やっぱり訳が上手く出来なくて↓どなたか助けてくださいっ!!

  • 簡単な訳ですがニュアンスもわかりません

    あなたはあのサイトで何を求めていたの?友達?恋人?結婚相手になる人?ときいたら i don't know... first a friend..then we will see from there.. what about you? とかえってきました。この訳を教えてください。 わからない・・・最初は友達・・・・・・・あなたはどうなの? わかりませんでした

  • 使役動詞、知覚動詞とwhat+不定詞の文について

    次の文の英訳を教えてください。 ●君は彼に何をさせたのか。 You made him do it.からはじめて → Did you make him do it?  → What did you make him do? でしょうか、それとも最後は → Did you make him what to do? ですか、使役動詞makeがあるから → Did you make him what do? ですか。 ●彼女は彼らに何をやってもらうつもりなのですか。 上と同様に考えて What will she have them do? でしょうか、それとも Will she have them what to do? でしょうか、使役動詞haveがあるから Will she have them what do? でしょうか。 ●君は彼が何をするのを見たのですか。 What did you see him do? でしょうか、 Did you see him what to do? でしょうか、知覚動詞 see があるから Did you see him what do? でしょうか。 以上同じような質問です。すべてでなくてもどれかひとつを例にして教えてもらっても かまいませんので、理由とともに解答を教えてもらえないでしょうか。 お願いします。

  • この問題を教えてください!

    次の____に適する語を( )から選び、書きなさい。 (1)I have friend ____ can speak Chinese. (which. who. whose) (2)Here is a coin ____ I found yesterday. (who. that. whom) (3)I know the woman ____ with Jack. (who. walking. walked) (4)This is the novel ____ he wrote. (who. whom. which) (5)They saw a camera ____ by the photographer. (which. using. used) (6)We use ____ paper. (recycle. recycling. recycled) (7)He is a boy ____ father is a musician. (who. whose. whom) (8)Who is that ____ girl? (cry. crying. cried) (9)She is lives in the house ____ has a lot of windows. (who. whom. that) (10)The girl ____ we met last night was very tall. (who. whom. whose)

  • 問題を解いてみたのですが、間違えていますよね💦

    次の[]に適する語を( )から選び、書きなさい。 (1)I have friend [who]can speak Chinese. (which. who. whose) (2)Here is a coin [that] I found yesterday. (who. that. whom) (3)I know the woman [who]with Jack. (who. walking. walked) (4)This is the novel [which] he wrote. (who. whom. which) (5)They saw a camera [which] by the photographer. (which. using. used) (6)We use [recycled] paper. (recycle. recycling. recycled) (7)He is a boy [whose] father is a musician. (who. whose. whom) (8)Who is that [crying] girl? (cry. crying. cried) (9)She lives in the house [that]has a lot of windows. (who. whom. that) (10)The girl [whose] we met last night was very tall. (who. whom. whose)

  • 話法の問題が解けません。

    話法の問題が解けません。 1. She said to him, "Please help me with her homework." She ( ) him ( ) help her with her homework. 2.She said to me, "Do you remember me?" She ( ) me ( ) I remembered her. 3. She said to him, "What do you mean?" She ( ) him ( ) ( ) ( ). 4. She said to him, "Let's talk about it." She ( ) to him that ( ) ( ) talk about it. 5. She said, "How happy I am!" She said with joy that she was ( ) happy. 6.He said, "May God help me!" He ( ) that God ( ) help him. 7. Yesterday she said to me, "I'll see you tomorrow". Yesterday she told me that she would see me ( ).

  • 語法?文法?上間違ってますか?

    (1) She will be surprised to see him walking. (2) She will be suprised to see walking him. ⅲ I would thought it be. ⅳ I thought it would be. (1)と(2)、ⅲとⅳはそれぞれどちらが正しい文でしょうか? また、どちらも正しい場合、訳にどんな違いがありますか? それと、こういうのをは文法問題というのか語法問題というのかも教えてくださいm(_ _)m

  • The authorities

    I’m really worried about my friend “Laura.” Laura grew up in a conservative community and married at 18. Her husband was a family friend, and she didn’t date anybody but him. After their marriage, she went to college, had two kids, and has now divorced her husband. She has broken away from her family because she says they judge her and she is intent on living her own life. I’d be good with that if it weren’t for the fact that she thinks living her own life is doing whatever she wants regardless of the consequences. Laura goes out to bars three to four nights a week. She would leave her kids (both under age 10) home alone. The authorities were called numerous times, and now her ex-husband has custody. The authoritiesとは具体的には何のことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします