• 締切済み


英文和訳です No one should spend too much time on memories. Some people start doing that when they are twenty and never get over living in the past. And it is my feeling that too many memories are sad. They are of friends or events that are gone. The other day someoe asked me what year my father died and I could't remember. The date never seemed like one to memorize, and I don't think of him any less often for having put it out of my mind. 全体的に分かりにくいのですが、特に最後の一文がよくわかりません。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数4
  • ありがとう数5



こんにちは、 「思い出に時間をかけすぎるのはよいことではない。 20代から思い出にひたり始め、過去を振り切れずにいる者いる。 私は思うのだが、あまりにも多くの思い出が悲しいものだ。 つまり過ぎ去った出来事や、別れた友達などだ。 ある日誰かが私に父の亡くなった日を尋ねたが、思い出せなかった。 これまで日付が覚えるべきことだと思えなかったし、命日を覚えていないからといって、父を思い出す回数が減るわけでもない」 >Some people start doing that when they are twenty and never get over living in the past. *get over ~ 「~を乗り越える」「~を克服する」 http://eow.alc.co.jp/GET+OVER/UTF-8/ *living in the past 直訳すれば、「過去に生きている」つまり、「過去の思い出に引きずられて、今を生きれていないこと。」 (living in the pastをグーグル検索すると、「Many human beings find their selves living in the past. Dredging up things that happened at a prior point in their lives.」などの例文がでてきます) >And it is my feeling that too many memories are sad. too many memories are sad あまりにも多くの思い出が悲しいものである。 他の方が、「思い出が多すぎるのは悲しいことのように思われる。」と答えていらっしゃいますが、その場合は英文が、 having too many memories are sadとなる筈です。 ご参考までに、

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

すみません。ANo.1 の方の回答を見て恥じ入りました。 それに、最後の文の don't を無視して、反対の意味に訳していました。

  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

分りにくいというのは分ります。特に最後の文が・・・ 以下に、私の解読過程を記してみます。 > No one should spend too much time on memories. ・ 私はこの文の should からして引っかかります。おそらくは「可能性・推量」の用法であろうと思います(辞書を参照しました)。「おそらく~だろう」 ・ memories とあるので、「記憶に・・・」と訳したいところですが、辞書を見ると、「記憶」の意味では不加算名詞となっていました。そこで、「思い出」を採用します。 → 過去を思い出に浸ることに必要以上に多くの時間を費やそうとする人は(普通は)いないだろう。 > Some people start doing that when they are twenty and never get over living in the past. ・ start doing that の that とは何を指しているのか? とりあえず直前の文の spend too much time on memories という部分に呼応しているとしてみました。 → 人が過去を振り返ることを始めるのは20歳くらいで、過去の思い出を完全に忘れ去るということは出来ない。 > They are of friends or events that are gone. → その思い出というのは、過去の友人たちのことやら出来事などについてのことである。 > The other day someone asked me what year my father died and I could'nt remember. → 先日、ある人に父が亡くなった年は何年だったかと聞かれて、答えることが出来なかった。 > The date never seemed like one to memorize, and I don't think of him any less often for having put it out of my mind. ・ never seemed like one to memorize という部分で、どういう構造なんだろうと考えました。like one の one は、前の文の what year my father died に呼応していると考えました。つまり、「父の亡くなった年」です。直訳すると、「記憶しておくべきような何ものかではないように思われる」とでもなるでしょうか。to memorize は one を形容(修飾)しているのだと見ました。 ・ 次に立ちはだかるのが、any less often の部分です。less often は、often の逆で、「めったに~しない」と解釈しました(less とあるので、「全くない」というのではない)。ただし、any には悩みます。代名詞かなとも考えましたが、結局は副詞という判断をしました(正しいかどうかはまだ曖昧です)。「少しは」という訳語が辞書にありますが、any less often で、「~することはめったにない」という訳を考えました。 ・ もうひとつ、put it out of mind でも悩みました(ほとんど全体で悩んでますが・・・ 笑)。put it と out of mind に分けて、「心の外に置く」 → 「心の中から引き出して外に置く」と解釈しました。 ・ 前半が過去形で、後半が現在形の文。よけいにややこしい文ですね。 → 父の亡くなった年が何年であったかということは、意識して覚えておくような事柄とも思えなかったし、父のことをあえて記憶の中から呼び出すことは、今もめったにない。 * やや強引な意訳が含まれているかもしれません。解釈の誤りがあるかもしれません。もっとまともな訳文を提供して下さる回答者の方がおられるかもしれません。

  • tkltk73
  • ベストアンサー率54% (171/315)



  • 英文の和訳をおねがいします。

    It is salutary to realize the fundamental isolation of the individual mind. We have no certain knowledge of any consciousness but our own. We can only know the world through our own personality. Because the behaviour of others is similar to our own, we suppose that they are like us; it is a shock to discover that they are not. As i grow older I am more and more amazed to discover how great are the differences between one man and another. I am not far from believing that everyone is unique.

  • 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    Yes very much, people of japan are hard working, they have their own and beautiful culture and traditions:) also as much i know, they are of helping nature too and i don't think there is any reason that one shouldn't like japan. Although good and bad people are everywhere but in fact after my country i like japan most in this world. What do you think about India? 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    suggestible=被暗示性、という心理学用語ですm(_ _)m We are suggestible,ready to take ideas from others and make them our own. Suggestbility descnbes why people believe something that never happened. They become convinced because they are told about an event. They see it in movies,and they hear about it. So they combine theae thoughts into false memories―――but not real ones. Psychologists believe that many childhood memories are created by parents for their children. They tell the child that something happened: "Remember when we went to the seaehore?' And the child collects beach and vacation ideas into a memory. Propaganda is delibetately telling people ideas that you went them to believe. Advertising is another form of suggesting to people,and people of all ages tend to believe advertising. All of us are suggestible; children are particularly so.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    I think it is the year 1909. I feel as if I were in a moving-picture theatre, the long arm of light crossing the darkness and spinning, my eyes fixed upon the screen. It is a silent plcture, as if an old Biograph one, in which the actors are dressed in ridiculously old-fashioned clothes, and one flash succeeds another with sudden jumps, and the actors, too, seem to jump about, walking too fast. The shots are full of rays and dots, as if it had been raining when the picture was photographed. The light is bad. It is Sunday afternoon, June 12th, 1909, and my father is walking down the quiet streets of Brooklyn on his way to visit my mother. His clothes are newly pressed, and his tie is too tight in his high collar. He jingles the coins in his pocket, thinking of the witty things he will say. I feel as if I had by now relaxed entirely in the soft darkness of the theatre; the organist peals out the obvious approximate emotions on which the audience rocks unknowingly. I am anonymous. I have forgotten myself: it is always so when one goes to a movie; it is, as they say, a drug.

  • 英文の意味の取り方を教えてください

    The great man is too often all of a piece; it is the little man that is a bundle of contradictory elements. He is inexhaustible. You never come to the end of the surprises he has in store for you. For my part I would much sooner spend a month on a desert island with a veterinary surgeon than with a prime minister. (The Summing Up by W. S Maugham) 最初に出てくる"The great man is too often all of a piece."について質問があります。 偉大な人間はあまりにしばしば断片のすべてである・・・・・? *ここはどうやって意味をとればよいのでしょうか? 断片を統合したような人物、という感じですか? *また、too oftenのところがわからないのですが、 The great man is all of a piece.にするのとどういうニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか? 以下は前文です。 *************** I have been more concerned with the obscure than with the famous. They are more often themselves. They have had no need to create a figure to protect themselves from the world or to impress it. Their idiosyncrasies have had more chance to develop in the limited circle of their activity, and since they have never been in the public eye it has never occurred to them that they have anything to conceal. They display their oddities because it has never struck them that they are odd. And after all it is with the common run of men that we writers have to deal; kings, dictators, commercial magnates are from our point of view very unsatisfactory. To write about them is a venture that has often tempted writers, but the failure that has attended their efforts shows that such beings are too exceptional to form a proper ground for a work of art. They cannot be made real. The ordinary is the writer's richer field. Its unexpectedness, its singularity, its infinite variety afford unending material.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    When I return, Feeling as if I had just awakened in the morning sick For lack of sleep, several hours have apparently passed and my parents are riding on the merry-go-round. My father is on a black horse, my mother on a white one, and they seem to be making an eternal circuit for the single purpose of snatching the nickel rings which are attached to an arm of one of the posts. A hand organ is playing; it is inseparable from the ceaseless circling of the merry-go-round. For a moment it seems that they will never get off the carousel, for it will never stop, and I feel as if I were looking down from the fiftieth story of a building. But at length they d o get off; even the hand-organ has ceased for a moment. There is a sudden and sweet stillness, as if the achievement of so much motion. My mother has acquired only two rings, my father, however, ten of them, although it was my mother who really wanted them. They walk on along the boardwalk as the afternoon descends by imper- ceptible degrees into the incredible violet of dusk. Everything fades into a relaxed glow, even the ceaseless murmuring from the beach. They look for a place to have dinner. My father suggests the best restaurant on the board- walk and my mother demurs, according to her principles of economy and housewifeliness. However they do go to the best place, asking for a table near the win- dow so that they can look out upon the boardwalk and the mobile ocean. My father feels omnipotent as he places a quarter in the waiter's hand in asking for a table. The place is crowded and here too there is music, this time from a kind of string-trio. My father orders with a fine confidence.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします

    翻訳機などは使わずに訳していただきたいです。 1.The parents were against the introduction of ID tags containing students' names, grades, and even photos. 2. A lazy student stood in front of his stern teacher and said, "I'm sorry. I could not get the homework done by the deadline." 3. James started at Mr. Yokota, not knowing what to say or to do. 4. A : You have to take chances in life. B : Talking of chances, I'd better go now. There's a chance I will miss my train. 5. Then, in 1912, the self - starter came into use. Suddenly, cars were as easy to start as electric fans. 6. For a plant to flourish, it must have a good supply of light, water, and minerals. 7. She couldn't help but laugh at the performance by the comedians. 8. My sister insisted on my solving the problem by himself. 9. A : What do you say to taking a taxi ? B : Sounds better than taking a bus. 10. Whether they agree or not, I carry out the plan. 11. It will be a while before I get used to the new computer. 12. Why did she give up trying, when she might have succeeded ? 13. Without American influence, Japanese culture would not be what it is today. 14. They spoke only English and French, neither of which she understood. 15. A : Which of these sweaters do you think I should buy ? B : Buy whicheveryou like. 16. We had to do without petrol during the fuel crisis. 17. They say that Japanese people are punctual by and large , judging from the fact that they can start their meetings in time. 18. She borrowed my bike and never gave it back. And what is more , she broke the lawnmower and then pretended she hadn't. 19. It never occurred to her that graduate school would be so difficult. 20. At first I thought he was shy, but then I discovered he was just not interested in other people. 21. She always stays calm. I've never seen her lose her temper. お手数をかけますが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 身体の内容だと思いますので、 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 His feet like his hands are broad and fleshy though not particularly large. Quite small taking into account the size of his body. Like the hands they have a slight square ness about them. They are warm and supported by thick ankles like milk bottles. His feet are not his best feature. I would say they were more serviceable than beautiful. He is prone to harsh skin like sandpaper, and Corns or chilblains on the soles and of the feet. Cold feet pains in the big toe as if bandaged. His shoes are too hard and unkind to him and badly fitting or too cheap and he walks too much and this is the cause of much of his feet’s main problems. One of the toe nails of the left foot may be damaged or missing. The little toes themselves a little bent under.. Toes become spasmodically cramped from time to time.

  • 和訳がわかりません

    ・I am their fear of war, of the battles, rage and pain that even they are victim to. victim to ~ で「~の犠牲になる」というのはわかったのですが、~の部分はどこになるのでしょうか。 ・Father abandoned child, wife husband, one brother another; for this illness seemed to strike through the breath and sight. セミコロン以降がよくわかりません。「見渡す限りを一息で襲ったように見える病によって」となるのでしょうか。

  • 英文の和訳2

    If I don't like living here,I will soon leave andeither go back to my own country of find another country where I can be more comfortable. It is true that some foreigners come to Japan to live but find that,after a short while, they don't like it and so decide to leave. But it seems to me that these people are few and the causes for their unhappiness in Japan are usually to be found in their own characters and not Japan itself. 和訳をお願いします>< この英文の前にも文章がありますが、hereは「ここ」などと訳してもらって構いませんので。