• ベストアンサー


下記英文が上手く訳できずに困っています。 The DPJ aims to provide 26,000 yen a month in fiscal 2011 and beyond as promised during the campaign for last year’s general election, but has yet to secure sufficient financial resources to pay for the allowances. 特にbeyond as promised  又has yet なのですが、これは否定のnotは必要ないのでしょうか?意味は 十分な財源がない となるとおもうのですが・・・。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数6


  • ベストアンサー
  • tjhiroko
  • ベストアンサー率52% (2281/4352)

in fiscal 2011 and beyond で「2011年度以降」 as promised で「約束通りに」 have yet to do で「まだ~していない」 http://eow.alc.co.jp/have+yet+to/UTF-8/ これで意味が通ったのではないでしょうか。




その他の回答 (1)

  • F-Tomato
  • ベストアンサー率39% (20/51)

beyond as promissed と区切るのではなく、fiscal 2011 and beyond (fiscal 2011) と as promissed に分けて考えて下さい。 ここの has は、have = 持つ ではなく、have to = しなければならない です。





  • 英語の訳をお願いしたいのです。

    The move came as the Liberal Democratic Party-led opposition bloc has been stepping up attacks on the DPJ-led government over funding scandals embroiling DPJ lawmakers including Ozawa and Hatoyama, who doubles as DPJ president, and is apparently designed to dispel increasing public distrust over politics この英文ですが特にwho doubles as DPJ president はどのように訳すと全体の意味がつながるでしょうか?よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文法 訳について

    (1)よく英文の日本ニュースを見ているとDPJ sources said  Japanese government sourcesような表現があるのですがsourcesってどう訳すればいいですか? (2)‘‘The prime minister has also said it should be moved outside of the prefecture or abroad and he also knows that (relocation within Okinawa) would be disadvantageous in the election,’’ Ozawa was quoted as saying 最後のOzawa was quoted as sayingの意味わかりますか? (3)saying the plan would work against the party as it prepares for the House of Councillors election this summer, DPJ sources said Sunday. as it の用法ってわかりますか?whichでおきかえることはできますでしょうか? 宜しくお願いたします。

  • announcementはforをとりますか?

    英語の並び替え問題の質問です。 12月1日現在、まだ総選挙の発表はなされていない。 As of december 1,no announcement (made/yet/Election/has/the/General/for/been). 答えがわかりません。 先生の答えだと has been made for the General Election yet なのですが・・・どう訳につながっているかわかりません。 よく答えを間違える先生なのでもしかしたら違うのかもしれません・・・。 教えてください。 また、解説をお願いします。m(_ _)m

  • どなたかこの英語の訳を教えてはくれないでしょうか。

    すいません。英語ができないのに、どうしても欲しいものがり 初めて海外でしか買えないものを購入しようとネットで注文したのですが、以下のようなメールがきて しどろもどろしております。 頼んだ商品の入荷が遅れているという事なのでしょうか。 それとも、品切れだと言っているのでしょうか。 私が何かアクションしないといけないのでしょうか? Dear Customer, Thank you for your recent order with us. Regrettably, your backorder has been delayed beyond the initial estimated arrival time. Below you will find the item that has been delayed as well as the new expected arrival time. If you wish to cancel your order, please call Customer Service at 1-123-456-7890. If we do not hear from you, we will send your order as soon as it arrives. 日本語にしてもらえたら最大限に助かります。 教えて下さい。

  • yetの訳仕方を教えてください。

    The company has been in business for 48 years and has yet to record an unprofitable year. その会社は48年間、事業をしていて、そして … この後の訳が分かりません。 to の品詞とyetの意味を教えてください。

  • この英語訳でよろしいでしょうか?訳してて、とても変なのですが。。

    It may be that japan,even thought it has no natural resources and must make and sell things to survive,does not have to work as hard as it does:and if the eagerness to work gradually declines,we may expect that the whole pace and rhythm of the land will change. もしかしたら日本は天然資源がないかもしれないけれども、生き残るために作ったり売らなければいけない。でも、懸命に働かなくてもいい(?)そして、もし熱心に働くということが下降線をたどるなら 私たちは全体のペーストリズムが変わることを期待するかもしれない.

  • 英語の訳をお願いします

    この文章の英語の訳をお願いします><; ・The winding gear pulled hard but the boat started to list, and before they knew what was happening they had capsized, and all three crew members were in the water. ・They had been sunk by a swarm of huge jellyfish that had filled the net and unbalanced the boat. ・The problem facing Japanese fishermen is the huge swarms of this species, which can fill their nets to breaking point or even capsize the sip, as in the example above. ・Even if the net remains intact, the pison from the tentacles can kill the fish in the net and make their poisoned flesh inedible; catches must be discarded, and the economic damage to the industry as a whole is estimated at billions of yen every year. ・The reason for the increasing frequency of outbreaks is as yet unclear. ・Nomuras's jellyfish are known to drift on ocean currents from the Chinese coast, crossing the East China Sea to Japan. ・This has led to speculation that pollution along the Chinese coast from agricltural run-off has increased plankton there and provided ideal breeding conditions for the creature. ・Another theory suggests a correlation between global warming and jellyfish outbreakes in various locations around the world. ・Succh research is ongoing, with scientists such as Professor Shinichi Uye of Hiroshima University leading the way. ・By studying the life-cycle of Nomura's jellyfish, he hopes in the long term to identify the exact cause or causes of the out breaks. ・In the short term, he and his colleagues are developing a sysem for creating accurate jellyfish forecasts to at least give Japanese fishermen an early warning of future invasion. よろしくお願いします!!!!

  • 英語の訳について

    Bob won first prize in the contest three years ago and has gone on to work as a designer for a large advertising company.(ボブは3年前のコンテストで1等賞を取り、大手広告会社でデザイナーの仕事に就きました。) この文章の中で has gone on はどういう意味で使われているのですか? 辞書でgo on を調べても、今回の訳に当てはまる意味が全然なく、さっぱり分かりません。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!

    An Andean ’’supergrain" known as quinoa is soaring in popularity across the world――the wholesale price jumping sevenfold since 2000 ― and has been a boon to the poor farmers here in the dry and rocky soils of Bolivia's semiarid highlands where most of it grows. The diminutive seed of the flowering plant, which powered Inca armies only to be elbowed aside by the wheat preferred by colonizing Spaniards , is unmatched in nutritional value. President Evo Morales ' government had deemed quinoa a “strategic" foodstuff, essential to this poverty-afflicted nation's food security. It is promoting the grain and has included quinoa in a subsidized food parcel for pregnant women. Yet the higher prices quinoa is fetching have had an unanticipated impact where the grain is grown. Some local children are showing signs of malnutrition because their parents have substituted rice and noodles for quinoa in the family diet, said Walter Severo, president of a quinoa producer's group in southwest Bolivia. “Only 10 percent of it stays in Bolivia. The other 90 percent gets exported, “said Rural Development Minister Nemecia Achacollo. “Quinoa provides 10 essential amino acids, is loaded with minerals and has a high protein content――between 14 and 18 percent. The U.N. Food and Agricultur e Organization said it is so nutritious it can be substituted for mother's milk. “This food is about the most perfect you can find for human diets," said Duane Johnson, a 61 year―old former Colorado State agronomist who helped introduce it to the United States three decades ago. Quinoa isn't a cereal. It's a seed that is eaten like a grain, but is gluten―free and more easily digestible than corn, wheat, rye, millet and sorghum. And it can be substituted for rice in just about anything―front soup to salad to pudding to bread. Quinoa has been cultivated in the Andean highlands since 3000 B.C., and grows natively from Chile north to Colombia, mostly in Peru and Bolivia. In 2000, Bolivia exported l,439 metric tons valued at $1.8 million (148.66 million yen). In 2009,exports totaled 14,500 tons, worth more than $25 million(2,064 billion yen), principally to the U.S., Japan and Europe.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    There were increasing conflicts over diminishing resources resulting in a state of almost permanent warfare. Slavery became common and as amount of protein available fell the population turned to cannibalism. One of the main aims of warfare was to destroy the "ahu" of opposing clans. A few survived as burial places but most were abondoned. ahuは祭壇のことらしいです。