• ベストアンサー

"Indo-European spread had spread ov

"Indo-European spread had spread over India and much of the Mediterranean region many centuries before, but it severely tested the civilized regimes." 後方にある"tested the civilized regimes”ってどういう意味ですか? あと、fell to~ってどう意味ですか? 例"Rome fell directly to Germanic invaders."

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

(1)  印歐人(Indo-European、すなわち印歐祖語を話した人)の拡散は、インドに及び、その数世紀前に地中海地域の大部分に広がっていたが、(その地域の)文明に厳しい試練を与えていた。  ここで地中海地域には可成り古い文明が開けていたが、印歐人は野蛮人で、そういう文明に厳しい試験をした(困難な状況に追い込む)と言う意味で、次の他動詞の第5義が、該当します。 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/test_2 (2) ローマは、ゲルマン侵略者の前に忽ち勢力を失った。 fall は「勢力を失う」という次の26番目の意味に当たります。  http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/fall_1


  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (19) Cincinnatus immediately went to the city and set to work. Although he could have ruled as dictator for six months, Cincinnatus assembled an army, defeated the Aequi, and than laid down his power to return to his plow─all in just 15 days. (20) For two more centuries the Romans fought against the other people of Italy. Scholars follow the Romans in calling these non-Romans Italians. The Romans saw them as enemies to be conquered, even though some of them also spoke Latin. (21) By 266 BCE, Rome controlled the entire Italian peninsula. Roman writers used the stories of Cincinnatus and Horatius to show how courage and determination helped Rome conquer all of Italy and eventually the rest of the Mediterranean world.

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (9) In 241 BCE, a Roman commander attacked a Carthaginian fleet of 170 ships. Despite stormy seas, Rome sank 50 enemy ships and captured 70 more. What was left of the Carthaginian fleet sailed home, defeated. When the ships arrived in their home port, the commander was executed. (10) After 23 years of battle, the First Punic War was over. Rome controlled Sicily and dominated the western Mediterranean. The Roman army had broken Carthage's grip. The memory of this shameful defeat tortured Hannibal's father. (11) As part of the peace treaty, Rome demanded that Carthage pay 80 tons of silver─equal to a year's pay for 200,000 Roman soldiers. The city had to find some way to pay this huge bill. Carthage sent its top general, Hamilcar Barca, to Spain. His assignment was to conquer the region and develop the silver and copper mines there. Hamilcar took his son Hannibal to Spain with him, and he did his job well. He sent money and goods back to Carthage. (12) When Hamilcar died, the 26-year-old Hannibal took over the job. Like his father, Hannibal considered Spain to be his territory. He believed Carthage must be the only power there. So when Rome made an alliance with the Spanish city of Saguntum, Hannibal fought back and fulfilled the promise he had made as a boy: to be the sworn enemy of Rome. He laid siege to Saguntum, cutting off all supplies of food and military aid. After eight months, Saguntum fell to Hannibal's warriors. And in 218 BCE, Rome declared war on Carthage─again. The Second Punic War had begun.

  • 要約のアドバイスをお願いします

    Spices have a long and surprising history. They ware first used in China about 5000 years ago, mostly for medical reasons. News of their medicinal properties and their flavors spread rapidly. Eventually, a huge spice market grew up around the Mediterranean coastal areas. In ancient Rome, spices were also used in place of money. For example, peppercorns were a preferred form of payment. They were convenient because they were small and they weren’t as heavy as metal coins. There was such a high demand for pepper that its trading value was high. A pound of pepper could buy several sheep. Only the richest Romans could afford to season their food with pepper, so it was a sort of status symbol. Most people couldn’t afford to use their pepper for cooking. Over the centuries, people mainly used spices to preserve foods and to cover up the taste of foods that were rotten or diseased. Spices were so important for those reasons that they indirectly led to the exploration of the world. In the 15th and 16th centuries, European explorers set out to find new ways to get them. Explorers like Columbus discovered new lands as a result of their search for new spice trade routes. In this way, the story of spices is quite fascinating. を80~90語で要約しないといけないのですが、どこをどう要約すればいいのか全然分かりません…。アドバイスをぜひお願いします。 自分なりにやってみたものです      ↓ The history of spices is long and full of surprising facts. In China, spices were mainly used for medical reasons about 5000 years ago. They were also used instead of money in ancient Rome because they were very convenient that they were small and light. Moreover, they have effects of preserving foods and giving the taste of foods. Thus spices were used in various ways and they were one of the necessaries of peoples lives. 

  • Spread

    文化オリエントの「Spread 3.0J」とVBを使ってプログラムを作っています。 表の中にデータが入っていて、そのデータを検索してその表に出力するにはなんと言う命令を使えばいいかわからないので、わかる方教えてください。

  • Spreadについて

    今度業務でVB.NETを使用するため、最近勉強しています。 業務上Spreadを多く使うようで、いろいろ調べてはいるのですが、 なかなか、参考資料がみちかりません。 どなたか、参考になるHPなどご存知でしたら、教えてください。

  • SPREAD3.0に関しまして

    現在、XP上でSPREAD3.0を用いて開発をしているのですが、 完成したPGをXP、2000で動かすと2000ではどの端末でも 一部、セットされた値が表示されない現象が出ています。 XPではどの端末で見ても値は全て表示されます。 こういう現象を体験し、回避された方おられますでしょうか? もしおられましたら回避する方法を教えて頂けないでしょうか?ご指導、ご鞭撻宜しくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (13) Marius defeated the foreign invaders, but the victory turned into a disaster for the Republic. Men who had once roamed the city in angry mobs now eagerly joined the army. There, they would be fed and paid. And they knew that after the war was over, their generals would give them a reward of land or money. No wonder the soldiers felt a greater loyalty to their generals than to the Roman state that had failed them! Ruthless generals took advantage of the situation. They led their armies against one another, each hoping to gain control of the city. These civil wars rocked the Republic again and again. (14) Cicero was determined to save the Roman Republic. He gathered strong allies, especially men who could recruit soldiers. One of the men whom he enlisted in the cause was Pompey, a powerful general. Pompey and Cicero had been friends since they were both 17 years old, and they had helped each other over the years. Cicero's orations in the Forum helped Pompey to gain support for his military ambitious. After Cicero spoke on Pompey's behalf, the Assembly gave Pompey a fleet of 500 ships and an army of 125,000 men to command against the pirates who threatened Rome in the eastern Mediterranean. He was victorious within a few months and became Rome's leading commander─thanks to Cicero's speech.

  • ヨーロピアンみたいな服装

    わたしはソフトなゴスロリをやっています。 よく「KERA」などの雑誌を買っています。 最近その雑誌に載っている「h.NAOTO」の中の「CHANNEL H」の服装が好きになりました。 ロリィタ・ゴスとちがってピンクのレースや綺麗な水色のレースで作ってあります。 本題です。このような服装の名前はなんですか? お願いします!!!

  • ヨーロピアンサイズについて

    今、ベルギー人の服をそろえるのに、BWHはわからない、 服を買うときはヨーロピアンサイズで36~38の間、 と言われています。これって日本のサイズとどう違うのでしょう。詳しい方、お教えください。

  • ヨーロピアンなスニーカー

    夏になって白いスニーカーがほしいなぁ、と思っています ちょっときれいめな格好にもラフな格好にも合うようなヨーロピアンな感じのスニーカーを探しています アドミラルやマカロニアンなんかいいかなぁと思っているんですが他にお勧めのスニーカーがありましたら教えてください お願いします