• 締切済み


以下を参考に和訳しなおして頂けませんか。 宜しくお願いします。 It followed the order of air/oil partitions coefficients of the compounds and was related to the compound's hydrophobicity. 空気/油の注文が化合物の係数を仕切って、化合物の疎水性に関連したということになられます。 The release patterns of the compounds from water varied not only in terms of intensity, but also in time to reach the maximum intensity, and increase and decrease before and after. 水からの化合物の放出パターンは強度だけではなく、最大密度に達して、以前増減する時間にも後に異なりました。 Proportions, again, altered with mastication rate, which may result in a change of overall perception of the flavor mixture. 再び咀嚼で変更された割合(風味混合物の総合的な認知の変化をもたらすかもしれない)は、評価します。

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  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

前後の文脈が不明の為、もしかしたら解釈が違っているかもしれません。 >It followed the order of air/oil partitions coefficients of the compounds and was related to the compound's hydrophobicity. それは、化合物中の空気と油分の分離率の順位により、しかも化合物の疎水性に関連していた。 注:Itが何を指すのか不明ですが、前文にそれを示すものがあると考えて訳してみました。 >The release patterns of the compounds from water varied not only in terms of intensity, but also in time to reach the maximum intensity, and increase and decrease before and after. 水からの化合物の放出(分離の方がいいかも?)パターンは、濃度だけでなく、最高濃度に達する時間と、その前後における(濃度の)増減により異なりました。 注:私の生化学の経験からいうと、compoundのintensityとは、成分中の濃度を意味することが多かったです。 >Proportions, again, altered with mastication rate, which may result in a change of overall perception of the flavor mixture. 繰り返しますが、咀嚼度合いによって変化した(化合物の?)割合は、全体としての複雑な風味の感知の変化を引き起こすでしょう。 注:前の分から続いていると考えると、最初のProportionはなんらかの比率、もしくは割合と考えるのが自然だと思いました。flavor mixtureはよい日本語訳がみつからないので、さまざまな風味、味わいの複雑さと訳しました。咀嚼回数が違うと唾液の量が変わり、それによって通常は感知しない味わいや風味が感じられるという実験をしたことがあったので、そのように考えてみました。 参考になればいいのですが・・


  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします

    この英文の翻訳をお願いします (1)An acetate : MPG mixture of 1:3 at a total COD concentration of 0.8 and 1.2g/l was degraded in 12 days by 83 and 70% respectively. (2)These results demonstrate that boaugmentation of airport runoff water can be successfully applied to prevent organic de-icer compounds from entering the receiving surface waters.

  • 化学英語の翻訳です。

    見て頂いた方ありがとうございます。 長文で宿題が出されました。翻訳をお願いします。 REPRSENTATION OF DATA EQUATIONS. In order to obtain the maximum usefulness from a set of experimental data, it is frequently desirable to express the data by a mathematical equation. An advantage of this method is that data are represented in a compact fashion and in a form which is convenient for differentiation integration, or interpolation. Frequently the form of the relationship determine the values of the coefficients in the equation, since these coefficients correspond to physical quantities. Cmmon examples of such equations follow. 以上になります。 スペルが間違っていたらすみません。

  • 化学の本の和訳

    高校2年、夏休みの宿題です。 普通の英語の和訳もままならないのに 外国の化学の本を和訳するのは 私にはちょっと厳しいので 質問させていただきました。 打ち間違えがあったら すみません。 全文ではなくて2、3行とかでも結構です。 よろしくおねがいします。 The chemistry of Carbon : Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons : From Simple to Complex A natural question chemistry students ask is "Why are there so many compounds of carbon?" The answer: Carbon contains for valence electrons and so can form four covalent bonds to other carbans or elements.(A common mistake organic chemistry students make when drawing structures is not ensuring that every carbon has four bonds attached to it.) The bonds that carbon forms are strong covalent bonds (Chapter 7 covers covalent bonds), and carbon has the ability to band to itself in long chains and rings. It can form double and triple bands to another carbon or to another element. No other element, with the possible exception of silicon, has this ability. (And the bonds slicon makes are not nearly as strong as carbon's.) These properties allow carbon to form the vast multitude of compounds needed to make an amoeba or a butterfly or a baby . The simplest organic compounds are called the hydrocarbons, compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen. Economically, the hydrocarbons are extremely important to us - primarily as fuels. Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons. We use methane (natural gas) and propane and butane, all hybrocarbons may contain only single bonds (the alkanes) or double bonds (the alkenes) or triple bonds (the alkynes). And they may form rings containing single or double bonds (cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, and aromatics). Even compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen have a great deal of diversity; imagine what can happen when a few more elements are mixed in .

  • 化学の本の和訳

    高校2年、夏休みの宿題です。 普通の英語の和訳もままならないのに 外国の化学の本を和訳するのは 私にはちょっと厳しいので 質問させていただきました。 打ち間違えがあったら すみません。 全文ではなくて2、3行とかでも結構です。 よろしくおねがいします。 The chemistry of Carbon : Organic Chemistry Hydrocarbons : From Simple to Complex A natural question chemistry students ask is "Why are there so many compounds of carbon?" The answer: Carbon contains for valence electrons and so can form four covalent bonds to other carbans or elements.(A common mistake organic chemistry students make when drawing structures is not ensuring that every carbon has four bonds attached to it.) The bonds that carbon forms are strong covalent bonds (Chapter 7 covers covalent bonds), and carbon has the ability to band to itself in long chains and rings. It can form double and triple bands to another carbon or to another element. No other element, with the possible exception of silicon, has this ability. (And the bonds slicon makes are not nearly as strong as carbon's.) These properties allow carbon to form the vast multitude of compounds needed to make an amoeba or a butterfly or a baby . The simplest organic compounds are called the hydrocarbons, compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen. Economically, the hydrocarbons are extremely important to us - primarily as fuels. Gasoline is a mixture of hydrocarbons. We use methane (natural gas) and propane and butane, all hybrocarbons may contain only single bonds (the alkanes) or double bonds (the alkenes) or triple bonds (the alkynes). And they may form rings containing single or double bonds (cycloalkanes, cycloalkenes, and aromatics). Even compounds containing only carbon and hydrogen have a great deal of diversity; imagine what can happen when a few more elements are mixed in .

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Part of the program will focus on a variant of semi-permeable membrane filtration technology known as forward osmosis, according to Masdar. Other innovative technologies to be tested will include electrodialysis deionization, membrane distillation and low-temperature distillation, while the program also aims to explore the potential for cost reductions and improvements in the energy intensity and efficiency of established technologies such as reverse osmosis.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    These endowments manipulate the fraction of the task yet to complete; in the former, five-sixths must still be completed, and in the latter, only four-sixths remain. The dollar amount of a purchase varied and was crossed such that the total dollar value of the endowment was either $12.50 or $30.00. 自分で訳をまとめてみて、 「これらの寄付は、タスクの一部を操作します。前者では5/6が完了している必要があり、後者では、4/6が残っています。購入する時の寄付の量は、合計で$ 12.50または$ 30.00のいずれかになるように交差させました。」となり、いったい何がどう完了しているのかわけが分かりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    サルの進化に関する英文の一部です。 難しいですが翻訳お願いします。 This is because the genetic isolation to which the animals inhabiting islands are submitted makes it possible to eliminate from the causes of genetic change the introduction of foreign elements,either by immigration of outside species or by race mixture with novel varieties originating in different milieus. Even the changes in the environment ,in answer to which adaptation may be thought to have occurred ,can to large extent be read in the geological and paleontological record left in the sediments of ages past.

  • 文法と和訳を教えて下さい

    •Comparative analysis in which zebrafish were used were not carried out, as we wanted first to get a picture as thorough as possible of the cichilid's behavior and associated issues at altered gravity. Comparative analysis in zebrafish~ではダメですか?

  • この英文を和訳して欲しいですお願いします。

    The two compounds are principal odor components of soil, and periods of high terrestrial runoff may introduce actinomycetes and/or their odorous metabolites into surface waters, causing episodic odor outbreaks in rivers, particularly in areas of intensive livestock operations.

  • 化合物について

    創薬での化合物についてですが、 化学的に安定しているだけでなく軽い(light)化合物が望まれるのでしょうか? 英文では to obtain light and chemically stable compounds ~ とあります。 軽い(light)ことの利点はなんなんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。