• ベストアンサー


お願いします 下記内容どなたか添削いただけませんでしょうか(内容ではなく文法を)、よろしくお願いします What is the economic system in one country you know? In Japan, we have reliable economic system. For example, Food, Food factory is heavily regulated by government. They are checked their sanitary conditions thoroughly. If factory was poor hygiene situation, Consumer might eat bad food. Therefore, Government checks them out without notice and they try to protect our life. However, Government check system was nearly-defunct few years before. They check it out regularly for the public; in fact they just flip through the document and see their assembly line only superficially. Consequently, it given rise to food industry’s moral degeneration such as doctor production date, poor hygiene situation, mislabeled food, polluted food. Many companies were laid open. Consumers angry at their sloppy management and government’s superficial research but changed low more tighten and enacted whistle-blower immunity bill. And now Government regulates the quality of food and lots of product thoroughly. Bad happen lead to good economic system.

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

内容ではなく文法をというご希望ですが、内容的に整合性があって初めて、文法がそれに伴って正しく使われているかどうかがわかります。なので完全に二つを離して考えることは不可能です。 比較的わかりやすい間違いについて・・ 1.文の主語を見直してください。単数なのか、複数なのか。それにともない動詞も変わってくるはずです。複数の単語を並べてありますが、それらがすべて主語ならば、andなどで結ばなければ意味を成しません。 (例)Food, Food factory is 両方主語なら、Food ○○○ food factory 何かが必要です。 2.代名詞の使い方を考えてください。 They、their、itなどを使う場合は、それが何を指すのかはっきりしていない限り使うべきではないというのが、英語の大原則です。残念ながらそこがわかりづらいです。 (例)They are checked their sanitary conditions このtheyは、何を指しますか? 前の文のfactoryもgovernmentも単数なのでいきなりtheyからはじめられてもつながりません。 theirは何を意味しますか? (Theyと同様の理由です) 読み手がこれだろうと想像してくれることを期待してはいけません。 3.時制をチェック 現在形、過去形など時制がバラバラです。起こってることなのは過去なのか、今なのか、それとも将来起こりうることなのか、もう一度ご自分の考えを見直されてから書かれることをお勧めします。



ご回答ありがとうございました 早速見直しました。夜中に書いたということもありましたが 確かに時制がばらばらでした。 またよろしければお力を拝借できればと思います

その他の回答 (1)

  • wathavy
  • ベストアンサー率22% (505/2263)

細部に問題ありです。 文法的にもですが、構成をよく考案してから書いたほうがいいです。 文法的な課題は非常に基礎的なので、もう一度見直してください。 ただ書いただけ、という印象がぬぐえません。



ご回答ありがとうございました 早速見直しました。夜中に書いたということもありましたが 文法が苦手ですが何とか得意に変えたいと思います またよろしくお願いします


  • 添削してください

    Even if they are poor, they feel joyful when they grow their plants, and they freely play in the park. And they have ambition to study. In society, this definition is actually ambiguous, what is right, what is rich, and what is happy. The director expressed the world of children that can not be measured by adult value. 貧しくても、子供たちが植物を育てる姿や、公園で自由に遊ぶ姿に彼らは喜びを感じる。そして彼らは「勉強をしたい」と願う向上心を持っている。社会において、何が正しく、何が幸せで、何が豊かなのか、この定義は実は曖昧である。大人の価値基準では測りきれない子どもの世界を、監督は表現している。 ・豊か、と言うのをrichで訳したのですがあっているでしょうか? 自然が豊か、と言うときはrich in natureというそうなのですが、この場合もrichでいいのでしょうか? こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 添削 英語

    I hope noticed people who let lodgings nearly always hate their lodgers. They want their money but they look on them intruders and have a curiously jealous attitude which at bottom is determhnation not to let the lodger make himself too much at home. It is an invitable result of the bad system by which the lodger has to live in someday else's house without being one of the familiy. 添削お願いします! 関係代名詞に注意してください。 英文を1度バラバラに解体し、それをまとめなおすようね感じで。 また、 代名詞はできるだけ消す工夫が大切。 a curiously jealous attitude which はいったん切る工夫が有効。 the bad system.....は解体し、まとめる方がいいだろ。 と書いてありました。 あと、they their theirをそれぞれ何を指してるかも教えてください! 以下の文が自分の考えた文なので添削お願いいたします! 私は下宿人に宿を貸しているのだかわ、いつも嫌われていると気づいた。下宿人たちはお金を欲しているが、侵入者をみている、そして、奇妙にも妬んだ態度でいる。 その奥底には自分自信の家を貸したくないということだ。このことは避けられない。 下宿人がいつか家族の一員として他の家で暮らさなければならないこのシステムはひどい。

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 少子化について原因と対策を100語以内で述べています。 Nowadays the number of children is decreasing in Japan. Since it costs a lot of money to raise their children, many young people don't marry. I think the Japanese economic is so bad that they can't earn enough money to raise. So the Japanese government should help them. I think it should make a plan to establish more preschools for mothers. If that came true, they could work at noon. Children will play a important role in the future. So I want the Japanese government to make efforts to get out of this situation. <94語> ミス、また説得力の有無などもご指摘いただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削していただけませんか?

    私は英語が苦手で英作文を作ったのですが、自信がないのでどなたか添削してください! よろしくお願いいたします。 History of soba that originated in Japan More than 9,000 years ago, buckwheat flour was found in the ruins of Kochi Prefecture. Soba was a familiar plant and food. Soba was used as a food before the Nara Period. At that time, they were eating rice gruel with grains. In the Edo period, soba was eaten as noodles. That cooking method was different from what it was today. Soba became popular around the middle of the 18th century. This is because it has changed to boiling cooking and you can enjoy the original deliciousness. And gradually, soba became a highly regional food, and the local soba was born. There is a place like [Shin-soba] near here. Soba has changed a lot in a long history.That's why they are so popular today.

  • 英作文添削お願いします。

    テーマはここ数年のニュースで話題になったものというものです。 I was interested in the news which the age of adult should be lowered to eighteen years old. I agree with this idea. Young people these days are overprotected. They can't know anything about the world. It is true that people in their teens still aren't mentally and physically mature. Many teenager don't have a full time job, live with their parents and depend on their parents, However, this is the reason why the age of adult should be lowered. Someday, they will have to live by their own. If they have to be responsible to everything they do, they will become aware that they should be independent. They would also appreciate their parents. よろしくおねがいします。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。

    Not only had the Normans disciplined the English people and welded them into a nation, they had also, directly or in-directly, given form and cohesion to their arts: a classical symmetry to their architecture, formal conventions to their painting and sculpture, measure to their music, and now metre and rhyme to their poetry. It was a beneficial discipline, but once it had been thoroughly learned, the time had come for variations on the conventions, for experiment, a greater natu-ralism, a freer, though still ordered, romanticism.

  • 日本語に直してください!

    Many girls “dropped out” of their rich families to join Teresa, and they put on the white sari of the poor. Mother Teresa started the Missionaries of Charity . Her love for the poor soon went far and wide to many places in the world. The Missionaries do not depend only on their kind hearts. They all learn professions like nursing or teaching in order to help the poor. One of their beliefs says, “We should be the salt of the earth.” お願いします。

  • エッセーの添削おねがいします。

    文法だけでなくここはこう言ったほうがいいんじゃない?みたいなのもありました、どうぞ教えてください。 Education System of Two Countries It is the common objective of educational system in any countries to foster its citizens to become productive members of its society. Every country has its own education system. Two countries United States and Japan have also their own education systems. After World War II, the Japanese education system was built based on American's education system, so the education system in the United States and Japan have a lot in common fundamentally. American and Japanese educational principle is similar; however, the entrance processes are quite different. At first glance, pursuing university education of American and Japanese universities appears to be straightforward. The basic system seems to be identical. Both countries have two-year university, four-year university and technical school. Students enter college after they have graduated from high school, or simply demonstrate their ability to get higher education. Students can take any classes that they wish to take and they are free to devote most of their time to education. Both countries put from 6 years to 15 years old children under an obligation to be taken education. Even though American and Japanese university basic system seems to be identical, the entrance processes are vary significantly. In America, compared with Japanese university, it is easy to enter university. Students do not have to take the admission examination for entrance, but all students need is just submit the required documents like high school transcript. So students need to get good grade in high school. When students enter university, they are not required the good academic skills. However, it is difficult to get units and graduate from university, because they have to show their good skills in the class, so not a few students who can’t get the units and it take much time to graduate. In short, students who want to enter American university need to study hard after entering university. On the other hand, at Japanese university, it is difficult to enter university. Students have to take admission examination instead of submitting the required documents to enter. For Japanese universities, it differs from American universities in that you need to take an entrance exam for the specific university. If you pass the exam then your high school grades don’t matter at all. In short, contrary to American university, students who wish to enter Japanese university need to study hard before entering university. To conclude, while basically, American and Japanese education system are similar, the entrance processes to enter university are poles apart.

  • 添削してください

    現代文の授業のときに下記のような一節がありました。 暇だったのでそれをもとに英訳したのですが書き始めると どこか間違えているのではないかと不安に思ってきました そこで!添削してくださいm(__)m 私としてはbelieve in thatのところが非常にアヤシイと 思っているのですがきっとそれ以外にも間違いが多々 あると思います。 どうがやさしく教えてください。 実は自分は自由だと信じている人(危機感のないひと) こそが彼ら自身の中にある偏見から自由でない。 というのは、そういう人は常に自分のした行動と思考に ついてよく調べたり考えたりすることを怠りがちであるからだ。 In fact, the very persons who believe in that they are free ; they don't sence of crisis, aren't free from rejudice that lies in their heart. because such a peasons tend to be neglectful of their good chacking and thinking about what they think and what they act at any moment.

  • この英文どういう意味ですか?

    And in 1985 a number of Maori tribes, after pressure by Maori elders, received financial reparation for having unfairly lost their lands. In 1995 the New Zealand government offered to establish a 1 billion NZ dollar fund to make up for the loss of their lands. But it was rejected, and accused of being poorly. It provoked many young Maori, and lead to threats and trampling of the New Zealand flag. In 1996 the government took a big step and apologized to a Maori tribe for taking their land and for hanging their chief 131 years earlier. 上記でBut it was rejected, and accused of being poorly.の部分が分かりません。 宜しくお願いします。