• ベストアンサー


ショスタコーヴィチのヴァイオリン協奏曲第一番です。(演奏者・しょうじ・さやかさん) http://jp.youtube.com/watch?v=CW9pLu8Zryw&feature=related 次に示すのはYoutube のコメントなんですが、このなかで "her bow is on the bridge yet the sound is crystal clear" のところからすると、わたしはバイオリンのことはあまり知らないのですが、普通の人が弾くとブリッジ上あるいは近くを擦ると音が濁るか汚くなるのでしょうか? wow... AMAZING tone and control look at 4:00 her bow is on the bridge yet the sound is crystal clear

  • 音楽
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • ベストアンサー率41% (213/513)

音楽ではなく物理の話になりますが、定状波の中心である弦の中心に使いところでは安定した振動となりますが、固定端であるブリッジ近くではボウイングのたびに微妙なうなりが生じます。その不安定な場所でボウイングによる、さらなる振動を加えるわけですからうなりが生じやすくなるのは当然です。 それを避けるには振動数を一定に保ち続ける必要があり、そのためには完全に一定の力、かつ同じ方向にボウイングし続ける必要があります。 イタリアのビンテージバイオリンは特にじゃじゃ馬といわれますから、澄んだ音を出し続けることはきわめて難しいはずですよ。

その他の回答 (1)

  • scho
  • ベストアンサー率42% (9/21)

それはやや楽器によるところもありますが、 E線(一番細い弦)の高ポジション、つまり高い音を出すとき、駒から離れていると逆に音が出しにくくなります。 左指が駒により近い高いところを抑えていて振動できる弦の長さが短くなっているので、弓が駒に近づく必要があるのは察しがつくと思います。 4:00のところは音が大きく、テンポもゆっくりと、同時に非常に粘りがある音を出す必要があるので、なるべく駒に近づき弓をゆっくりとつかいます。 綺麗な音を出すには、安定した弓の動き、そして強いのに驚くほどリラックスした右腕、そしてこれほどの操作に少しの狂いも出さない正確な左手とビブラートが必要です。 これらをほとんど無意識でできる。それが世界のトップに立つ人たちの技術です。何万時間もの練習の賜物ですね。 コメントを残す人はそのレベルに驚いたのかもしれませんね。


  • きちんと和訳ができないせいか、内容の理解ができなくて困っています

    下の英文なのですが、和訳がきちんとできないせいか中々理解できません。 誰か、和訳してもらえませんか? It is this that distinguishes the ethereal purity of a flute, the sound of which is dominated by low harmonics, from the rich tone of a violin, which contains energy across a wide range of harmonics. Instruments that produce intense high harmonics (e.g., a trumpet) will tend to sound "bright." Instruments that produce intense low harmonics (e.g., a French horn) will tend to sound "warm" or "dark." These characteristics are evident even if the different instruments are playing the same note. Figure 2.14 shows the waveforms and spectra of two complex tones with the same fundamental frequency but with very different spectra. The tone displayed on the bottom will sound brighter and more "trebly" than the tone displayed on the top, since the magnitudes of the high frequency harmonics are greater in the former case.

  • 和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m

    和訳お願いしますm(_ _)m The Star Festival is based on a Chinese romantic legend to the effect that every year on the eve of July 7, Vega, otherwise known as the Weaver Star Princess, is supposed to meet Altair, or Herdboy Star, on the bank of the River of Heaven, which is commonly known as the Milky Way. The legend behind this rendezvous is that the celestial princess, who was an accomplished weaver, fell in love with a handsome cowherd. To reward her for her industry, her father, the king, permitted the couple to marry. However, the couple fell so madly in love that the princess neglected her weaving, and the cowherd allowed all his cows to stray. The celestial king was so angered by this negligence that he finally separated the lovers, forcing them to remain on the opposite sides of the Milky Way. Since there was no bridge spanning the Milky Way, the princess, who missed her lover, wept bitterly. A magpie happened to come along, and feeling deeply sympathetic, the bird assured her that it would build a bridge for her once a year. This was done with many magpies spreading their wings and forming a bridge on which the princess crossed. The legend says further, if it rains on the eve of July 7, the magpies will not make the bridge, and the celestial lovers must wait another year for their meeting. 長文で申し訳ございませんm(_ _)m

  • 高2です。訳し方を教えてください。お願いします。

    高校2年の者です。 教科書の中の「子供たちの誕生日が一致しない確立」についての話の中で、 the chance of his or her having a birthday on yet a different day decreases a little bit. という文章が出てきました。 言いたいことは分からなくもないのですが、a different day の直前にあるyetをどう解釈していいのか分かりません。 もうひとつ、 let's stop to work out what the overall probability is that each of the twenty-three children has a unique birthday. こちらはどこで区切ってよいのか分からず、訳せませんでした。 通信制高校に通っており、唯一頼れる塾の先生にも分からないといわれてしまいました。 どちらかひとつでも結構です。 どなたか訳し方を教えていただけませんか? よろしくお願いします。

  • 完了形

    1( )内の動詞を適切な形にしてください。 (1)It is still raining (rain) since yesterday.    昨日からずぅとあめが降っている (has been raining) (2)You're still playing catch.You (play) catch for an hour. 一時間キャッチボールをしている ( have been playing) (3)She is still talking on the phone.She (talk) on the phone for two hours. (has been talking) 2時間電話で話している (4)Lucy hasn't come yet. I (wait) for her since ten.               〔have been wainting ) あっているか アドバイスおねがいします。

  • 関係詞の問題教えてください

    関係詞の問題教えてください 1省略されている関係詞どこになにが入りますか? 1-1 Who was the pretty girl you spoke to at the bus stop this morning? 1-2 This is the very thing I have wanted to buy. 1-3 She is not the woman she was before she married. 2関係詞を使って1文に 2-1 Her only daughter often writes to her. She is now in New York. 2-2 He gave me two books. I have read neither of them yet. 2-3 You can see from here the roof of a white building. What is that building? 2-4 You had better put the book back on the desk. Because the owner will come back. 3「   」内の関係詞を使って全文を書き換え 3-1「than 」 It was an intersting book and I didn't expected that. 3-2「as」  He is a teacher and it is clear from his way of talking. 3-3「as ~as 」 He wanted the books , and bought them. よろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Kate stepped out on the trestle to see if it would hold her. Though she could feel it shake beneath her, it did not go down. Then, the wind blew out her light. The night was black. She began to crawl, feeling ahead of her to see if the bridge was still there. From one board to the next she went cautiously on. Sometimes she would slip and almost fall into the roaring water below. Then she would regain her hold and go on. Kate did not know what time it was. The express would come through at twelve. What if she vas still on the bridge when it came? She would be killed. But there was no way back now. Part of the way across, she saw a big tree rushing down the river. It had been torn out of the ground by the flood, and dirt still hung on its roots. It was approaching fast. It is sure to push the bridge down, she thought. And I can't stop it. Her heart beat quickly. Then the tree passed under the bridge, clearing the trestle by only a foot. Kate kept crawling. Nails and splinters caught at her clothes. Her hands were torn. Thinking of the express and all its passengers, she made one last effort and finally reached the end of the bridge. She stopped only a minute to rest. As soon as she could, she began to run as fast as she could toward the railroad station in town. It was a half mile away.

  • この英文をだいたいでいいので訳してください!!(何と書いてあるかくらい

    この英文をだいたいでいいので訳してください!!(何と書いてあるかくらいでいいです。) Everyone’s favorite love-to-hate character, Sharpay Evans, is coming back! Ashley Tisdale has inked a deal with with Disney to reprise her role as Sharpay in Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventure. The DCOM’s production will begin this summer for a 2011 premiere. Ashley will also exec produce the movie with HSM alums Barry Rosenbush and Bill Borden. The flick was written by Robert Horn. Sharpay’s Fabulous Adventures follows the thespian who is about to meet her destiny on Broadway, and luckily, theater lighting highlights her hair and skin tone beautifully. Her big break comes after a talent scout spots her performing with her dog Boi at a charity gala, and now there’s not a marquee big enough or lights bright enough to contain the glorious fame she plans on having. Sharpay and Boi head to New York, but theatre is a dog eat dog world, and nothing turns out as Sharpay expects, especially when she meets her match in a rather daunting Broadway starlet.

  • ヴァイオリンのブリッジのツマミ?

    ヴァイオリンのブリッジのツマミが4つのものと1つだけのものがあるのですが、そもそもこれってなんですか? チューニングのためについてるのなら4つが正規なんでしょうか?

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Sarah huckabee must be a Christian Right? I wonder how she feels about continuously lying to the American people? I guess maybe she feels these lies are gods work? Her tone is beginning to sound a bit like spicer - I wonder if contiguous blatant lying maybe warps your face? Messes with the shape of your mouth? Maybe if we wait long enough she'll turn in Golem? Trump is the precious. Precious.

  • どんな内容か教えてください。お願いします!

    He was used to her being silent. But this silence went on and on and on. She was just staring into the garden. After a time,she said,in her precise conversational tone, "The only thing I want,the only thing I want at all in this world,is to see that boy." She stared at the garden and he stared with her,until the grass began to dance with empty light,and the edges of the shrubbery wavered. For a brief moment he shared the strain of not seeing the boy.Then she gave a little sigh,sat down,neatly as always,and passed out at his feet. After this she became,for her,voluble. He didn't move her after she fainted,but sat patiently by her,until she stirred and sat up;then he fetched her some water,and would have gone away,but she talked.