Windows Media Playerで音楽再生できないエラーについて

  • Windows Media Playerを使用して音楽を再生しようとすると、赤い×印が表示されて再生されません。エラーメッセージC00D11B1が表示されます。
  • このエラーの原因は、以下のいずれかです。 1. サウンドデバイスのドライバーが更新が必要な場合。 2. サウンドデバイスが正常に動作していない場合。デバイスマネージャーで確認してください。
  • 対処法としては、以下の方法があります。 1. 赤い×印のついたサウンドデバイスを有効化する。 2. サウンドデバイスがリストに表示されない場合は、他のデバイスの中にある場合があります。該当するデバイスを右クリックしてドライバーを更新する。 3. サウンドデバイスが搭載されていない場合は、サウンドデバイスをインストールして再生を試みる。 4. インターネット上のファイルを再生しようとしている場合は、サーバーの一時的な不具合やネットワークの問題が考えられます。後でもう一度試してみてください。 5. MP3ファイルの再生時に発生する場合は、ID3ヘッダーを削除またはリセットするための非マイクロソフトのID3タグ編集プログラムを使用して、ファイルのID3ヘッダーを修正してください。ただし、ID3ヘッダーを削除するとファイルが壊れる可能性があるため、編集する前にファイルのコピーを作成してください。
  • ベストアンサー


今日PCをつけて windowsMdiaPlayer11 で音楽をかけようとしたところ 曲の横にどんどん赤い×印がついていき 再生されません。そして最後に ファイルの再生中にWindows Media Playerに問題が発生しました。詳細については次のWebヘルプを見てくださいとでます。 Webヘルプの内容は Windows Media Player Error Message Help You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. Cannot play the file Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: Your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller, requires an updated driver. To determine if an updated driver is available, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site, or see the sound device manufacturer's Web site. Your sound device is not functioning properly. Try using Device Manager to check the status of your sound device. To check the status of your sound device Do one of the following: If you are running Windows XP, click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. If you are running Windows Vista, click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage. In the pane on the left, click Device Manager. In the pane on the right, expand Sound, video and game controllers, and then look for the name of your sound device. Do one of the following: If your sound device is listed but the icon includes a red "X," the device has been disabled. To enable the device, right-click the icon, and then click Enable. If your sound device is not listed, in the pane on the right, expand Other devices. If Multimedia Audio Controller appears in the list, right-click the icon, and then click Update Driver または Update Driver Software. Follow the on-screen instructions to find and install the driver software. If you are not able to find and install the correct driver software, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site for further assistance. You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again. For details, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site. You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue. Try again later. You are trying to play an MP3 file that contains compressed ID3 headers. The ID3 header is a portion of the file that stores the song's album information (for example, the song name, artist name, album name, and genre). This information is sometimes called a "tag." To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers. After you remove the ID3 headers, Windows Media Player should be able to play the MP3 file. Attempting to remove ID3 headers might damage the file and make it unplayable. Therefore, always make a copy of the file before you edit it. If this solution does not resolve the problem, the file might be corrupted. よくわかりません。経験のある方など対処法をお願いいたします。

  • efdss
  • お礼率32% (17/52)


  • ベストアンサー

MP3でID3ヘッダーのついたファイルを再生しようとしていませんか? でなければサウンドドライバーが壊れている可能性が高いようです。 両方違うなら、ファイルが壊れてしまっていると書いてあります。 パソコンの音声は再生されているのでしょうか? OSが書いてないので正確な答えではないかもしれませんが、XPなら、 スタート⇒マイコンピュータを右クリック⇒ プロパティー⇒ ハードウェア⇒ デバイスマネージャー⇒ サウンドビデオおよびゲームコントローラ⇒ この部分のサウンドデバイスに Xマーク !マークがあれば サウンドドライバの異常です。 リカバリーディスク、PCのメーカーのサイトなどから、 サウンドドライバを入れ替えましょう。


  • Windows Media Player 11 のエラーで困ってます。

    ネット上の動画(MPEG)をダウンロードしてWindowsMediaPlayer11で再生すると『ファイルの再生中に Windows Media Player に問題が発生しました。詳細については、[Web ヘルプ] をクリックしてください。』とポップアップが表示されます。(そのサイトにある他の動画は問題なく再生出来ます)『ヘルプ』をクリックすると『Windows Media Player Error Message Help You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. 』などと書かれたIEが開きます。その下には『Cannot play the file Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: Your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller, requires an updated driver. To determine if an updated driver is available, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site, or see the sound device manufacturer's Web site. Your sound device is not functioning properly. Try using Device Manager to check the status of your sound device. To check the status of your sound device Do one of the following: If you are running Windows XP, click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. If you are running Windows Vista, click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage. In the pane on the left, click Device Manager. In the pane on the right, expand Sound, video and game controllers, and then look for the name of your sound device. Do one of the following: If your sound device is listed but the icon includes a red "X," the device has been disabled. To enable the device, right-click the icon, and then click Enable. If your sound device is not listed, in the pane on the right, expand Other devices. If Multimedia Audio Controller appears in the list, right-click the icon, and then click Update Driver or Update Driver Software. Follow the on-screen instructions to find and install the driver software. If you are not able to find and install the correct driver software, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site for further assistance. You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again. For details, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site. You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue. Try again later. You are trying to play an MP3 file that contains compressed ID3 headers. The ID3 header is a portion of the file that stores the song's album information (for example, the song name, artist name, album name, and genre). This information is sometimes called a "tag." To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers. After you remove the ID3 headers, Windows Media Player should be able to play the MP3 file. Attempting to remove ID3 headers might damage the file and make it unplayable. Therefore, always make a copy of the file before you edit it. If this solution does not resolve the problem, the file might be corrupted.』と書かれていますが英語なのでさっぱりわかりません。 『​​』に解決策が載っていたので試したが効果ありませんでした。 どなたか解決策を教えて下さい。

  • Windows Media PlayerでエラーC00D11B1がでます

    ネットで動画を正規な方法でダウンロードして、ダウンロードが終わったファイルを開くと、 Windows Media Playerが立ち上がり、エラーメッセージがでてしまい、動画が見れません。 どうやらエラーコードC00D11B1が出てしまうようです。 いろいろなWebページを検索して、デバイスマネージャで正常に動いていることを確認したり、 セキュリティを切ったりしてみたのですが、依然として見れないままです。どなたか助けてください。 ちなみに動画ファイルの拡張子は.wmv、OSはVistaです。 下記にWebヘルプを転載しておきます。 You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. Cannot play the file Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: Your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller, requires an updated driver. To determine if an updated driver is available, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site, or see the sound device manufacturer's Web site. Your sound device is not functioning properly. Try using Device Manager to check the status of your sound device. To check the status of your sound device Do one of the following: If you are running Windows XP, click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. If you are running Windows Vista, click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage. In the pane on the left, click Device Manager. In the pane on the right, expand Sound, video and game controllers, and then look for the name of your sound device. Do one of the following: If your sound device is listed but the icon includes a red "X," the device has been disabled. To enable the device, right-click the icon, and then click Enable. If your sound device is not listed, in the pane on the right, expand Other devices. If Multimedia Audio Controller appears in the list, right-click the icon, and then click Update Driver or Update Driver Software. Follow the on-screen instructions to find and install the driver software. If you are not able to find and install the correct driver software, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site for further assistance. You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again. For details, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site. You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue. Try again later. You are trying to play an MP3 file that contains compressed ID3 headers. The ID3 header is a portion of the file that stores the song's album information (for example, the song name, artist name, album name, and genre). This information is sometimes called a "tag." To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers. After you remove the ID3 headers, Windows Media Player should be able to play the MP3 file. Attempting to remove ID3 headers might damage the file and make it unplayable. Therefore, always make a copy of the file before you edit it. If this solution does not resolve the problem, the file might be corrupted

  • PCゲームのムービー再生

    PC用ゲームの 真剣で私に恋しなさい! をやっていて、ある程度進めオープニングムービーが再生される所まできたのですが再生されず少し間があきキャラクターセレクトに進んでしまいます。 Windows Media Playerで再生しようと思いやってみたら「ファイルの再生中にWindows Media Playerに問題が発生しました。詳細については、Webヘルプをクリックしてください」とメッセージが出てきたのでwebヘルプをクリックしてみた所 Windows Media Player Error Message Help You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. Cannot play the file Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: Your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller, requires an updated driver. To determine if an updated driver is available, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site, or see the sound device manufacturer's Web site. Your sound device is not functioning properly. Try using Device Manager to check the status of your sound device. To check the status of your sound device Do one of the following: If you are running Windows XP, click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. If you are running Windows Vista, click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage. In the pane on the left, click Device Manager. In the pane on the right, expand Sound, video and game controllers, and then look for the name of your sound device. Do one of the following: If your sound device is listed but the icon includes a red "X," the device has been disabled. To enable the device, right-click the icon, and then click Enable. If your sound device is not listed, in the pane on the right, expand Other devices. If Multimedia Audio Controller appears in the list, right-click the icon, and then click Update Driver or Update Driver Software. Follow the on-screen instructions to find and install the driver software. If you are not able to find and install the correct driver software, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site for further assistance. You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again. For details, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site. You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue. Try again later. You are trying to play an MP3 file that contains compressed ID3 headers. The ID3 header is a portion of the file that stores the song's album information (for example, the song name, artist name, album name, and genre). This information is sometimes called a "tag." To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers. After you remove the ID3 headers, Windows Media Player should be able to play the MP3 file. Attempting to remove ID3 headers might damage the file and make it unplayable. Therefore, always make a copy of the file before you edit it. If this solution does not resolve the problem, the file might be corrupted. と出てきて英語でさっぱり分かりません。 ファイルの破損はPS3では再生できたので大丈夫かと思います。 WindowsXP HomeEdition Version2002 ServicePack2 FMVシリーズIntel(R)Cleron(R)CPU2.30GHz メモリ246MB RAM ムービーファイルはmpegです 回答お願いします

  • WindowsMediaPlayer11のエラーについて

    ネット上の動画をダウンロードしてWindowsMediaPlayer11で再生すると『ファイルの再生中に Windows Media Player に問題が発生しました。詳細については、[Web ヘルプ] をクリックしてください。』とポップアップが表示されます。(そのサイトにある他の動画は問題なく再生出来ます)『ヘルプ』をクリックすると『Windows Media Player Error Message Help You've encountered error message C00D11B1 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. 』などと書かれたIEが開きます。その下には『Cannot play the file Windows Media Player cannot play the file. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: Your sound device, such as a sound card or sound controller, requires an updated driver. To determine if an updated driver is available, see Windows Update at the Microsoft Web site, or see the sound device manufacturer's Web site. Your sound device is not functioning properly. Try using Device Manager to check the status of your sound device. To check the status of your sound device Do one of the following: If you are running Windows XP, click Start, right-click My Computer, and then click Manage. If you are running Windows Vista, click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Manage. In the pane on the left, click Device Manager. In the pane on the right, expand Sound, video and game controllers, and then look for the name of your sound device. Do one of the following: If your sound device is listed but the icon includes a red "X," the device has been disabled. To enable the device, right-click the icon, and then click Enable. If your sound device is not listed, in the pane on the right, expand Other devices. If Multimedia Audio Controller appears in the list, right-click the icon, and then click Update Driver or Update Driver Software. Follow the on-screen instructions to find and install the driver software. If you are not able to find and install the correct driver software, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site for further assistance. You do not have a sound device installed on your computer. Install a sound device, and then try to play the file again. For details, see your computer manufacturer's or sound device manufacturer's Web site. You are trying to play a file on the Internet and the server might be temporarily unavailable or there might be a network issue. Try again later. You are trying to play an MP3 file that contains compressed ID3 headers. The ID3 header is a portion of the file that stores the song's album information (for example, the song name, artist name, album name, and genre). This information is sometimes called a "tag." To fix the problem, make a copy of the file and then use a non-Microsoft ID3 tag editing program to remove or reset the file's ID3 headers. After you remove the ID3 headers, Windows Media Player should be able to play the MP3 file. Attempting to remove ID3 headers might damage the file and make it unplayable. Therefore, always make a copy of the file before you edit it. If this solution does not resolve the problem, the file might be corrupted.』と書かれていますが英語なのでさっぱりわかりません。 『』に解決策が載っていたので試したが効果ありませんでした。 どなたか解決策を教えて下さい。WindousXPです。

  • メディアプレイヤー コーデックについて

    えっと、メディアプレイヤーで動画を再生しようとしたところ Windows Media Player Error Message Help You've encountered error message C00D109B while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. Cannot perform the requested action Windows Media Player cannot perform the requested action. You might encounter this error message for one of the following reasons: A codec that is required for playback is not installed on your computer. If you know which codec you need to install, try searching for the codec at or at MSN Search, and then install the codec. Windows Media Player might not support the file type (also known as the file container format) that you are trying to play (for example, Ogg or QuickTime). If this is the case, you might be able to resolve the issue by installing a non-Microsoft program that does support the file type, and then trying to play the file in Windows Media Player again. The file name extension might provide some clue about which program you might need to install. To determine which programs are associated with a particular file name extension, see the FILExt Web site. The file might be corrupted. If you suspect that the file is corrupted, ask the content provider for a copy of the file that is not corrupted. というような文章のWEBヘルプが出てきました。 コーデックがダウンロードされて無いとかで… よく分からないのでどういう意味か教えてください!

  • Windows media player 開けません!!

    「Windows Media Player Error Message Help You've encountered error message C00D1197 while using Windows Media Player. The following information might help you troubleshoot the issue. Cannot play the specified file Windows Media Player cannot play the specified file. This error message may occur for one of the following reasons: The path to the file is not valid. If you typed a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) address in the Open URL dialog box, be sure the file name is spelled correctly and the path to the file is correct, and then try again. If you clicked a link on a Web page, clicking the link again may fix the problem. The server is down or busy. Try to connect to the server at a later time. Some network protocols in the Player are not enabled. Enable all network protocols, and then try again. The proxy server settings for Windows Media Player are not configured properly. Verify that your proxy settings are correct, and then try again.」つづく・・・ ウインドウズメディアプレイアーがで画像を 見ようと思ったのですが、いきなり見れなくなりました。このようなことは初めてです。 上記のようなコメントのサイトが開きました。 どなたかこのような場合どうしたらよいのか 教えていただけませんか? よろしくおねがいいたします。

  • パソコンが起動しなくなりました。

    突然パソコンが起動しなくなりました。 黒い画面に白い文字で Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer. 2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." 3. click "Repair your computer." If you do not have this disc. contact your system administrator of computer manufacturer for assistance. File: \Boot\BCD Status: 0xc000000d Info: The windows Boot configuration Deta file is missing reguired information と出てきます。 F8を連打しても出てこず、BIOSを開いて初期化しようとしましたがダメでした。 修理に出すしかないのでしょうか? 詳しい方教えて下さい。 Windows7 NEC Lavie

  • メディアプレイヤー11のインストール

    現在WMP10を使用中ですが、WMP11へのアップグレードが出来ません。 「error message 80004005」と表示され、以下の英文が表示されます。 そして、以下のメッセージ通りの処理を行っても解決しません。 もちろんアドミニ権限でログオンしております。 どなたかお解かりになる方がいらっしゃいましたら、ご教示願います。 Cannot complete setup There was a problem migrating your playlists or accessing your library content because the current folder permission settings blocked access to the \All Users folder. To resolve this problem, do the following: Log on to your computer as an administrator or a member of the Administrator's group. Click Start, click Run, type CMD.EXE, and then click OK. Type cacls.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents" /G BUILTIN\Administrators:F, and then press ENTER. At the prompt Are you sure (Y/N)?, press Y. Type cacls.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents" /G System:F, and then press ENTER. At the prompt Are you sure (Y/N)?, press Y. Type cacls.exe "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Documents" /G BUILTIN\Users:R, and then press ENTER. At the prompt Are you sure (Y/N)?, press Y. Try installing Windows Media Player again

  • nurturing

    If you find a partner who is very nurturing and really wants kids, then he might take on the majority of responsibility so that you can continue to focus on your career. nurturingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • パソコンが起動しなくなりました

    突然パソコンが起動しなくなりました。 黒い画面に白い文字で Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem: 1. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer. 2. Choose your language settings, and then click "Next." 3. click "Repair your computer." If you do not have this disc. contact your system administrator of computer manufacturer for assistance. File: \Boot\BCD Status: 0xc000000f Info: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors. と出てきます。 Windowsインストールディスクもありません。 (Windowsはネットでアップしていました。 Windows10) どうすればいいでしょう? またロゴが出ているときにF2キーを押すと画面が変わりますが どこをどうすればいいのかもわかりません。 パソコンはあまり詳しくないです。 教えて下さい。