• ベストアンサー


自然な言い方にしたいです。添削お願いします! ------------------------------------------------------- 返事がすごく遅くなって心配かけたと思う、ごめんなさい。 メールを書かずにいたこの間はずっと、ネガティブ思考とポジティブ思考が入り乱れていた。自分の思考・感情が定まらないうちに返事は書きたくなかったんだ。(でなけりゃ、また私は別れたいだなんて言い出しそうだったからさ。) とにかく、せっかく真剣に書いてくれた素敵なラブレターをもらったというのに、返事を出すまでにこんなに待たせてしまったことを本当に悪かったと思ってます。 あなたを信じていいんだ、ということと、自分が今ハッピーだということが、今ようやくわかりました。 I apologize for this late reply and making you worry. My positive thinking and negative thinking had been batted back and forth and I didn't want to reply until I sort my feelings out.(otherwise I could propose divorce again!) Anyways,I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting so long even after you gave me a love letter. I know now I can trust what you said in the letter and am so much happy now.

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー

Hi, yip-man san. Let me try... I am so sorry about this late reply and made you worried. Since I got your letter, I had been so confused with mixed negative and positive thoughts in my mind. I did not want to write you back until I make my mind and feelings clear because I could say "We should break up." again opposed to my real thought. Anyway, I really want to apologize to you for this so long time to wait for me. And, thank you very much for your graceful letter. I was so glad when I read. I am now sure I will trust you caused by your words in the letter. I would like you to know I am so happy now. yip-manさんの英日文を読んで、自分ならこう書くかなと思って書きました。文法的にはおかしいのもありますが。 別れたいと言い出しそうだったの部分は自分の本当の意志に反してという所を入れた方がいいと思います。でなければ、本当に別れたかったのかと思われてしまいますよ。特にお相手の方が日本人でない場合はその点はっきりと伝えた方がよろしいかと思います。 あと、とりあえずお手紙をもらったお礼と感想(その時、自分はどう思ったか等)を一言付け加えた方がよいのではないかと思います。 あとは、気持ちが肝心と思いますので、ちょっとメチャクチャでも自分の気持ちをそのまま書いた物をお渡しするのが一番だと思います。ご参考程度にしてくださいね。きっとうまく伝わりますよ。がんばってください。



見ず知らずの私のために、こんなに細部にまで配慮していただいた添削とアドバイスをしていただき、本当に感謝しています。(思わず涙してしまいました・・・) 作りなおしていただいた英文をそのままコピペして完結するのではなく、今後は自分でもこういう文章が作れるように、marie_f_05さんの書いた一文一文を復習して、単語・表現方法・文法、全部吸収したいと思います。本当に、本当に、ありがとうございました!

その他の回答 (2)

  • luvtam
  • ベストアンサー率60% (3/5)

I am sorry that I didn't respond to you sooner. I hope you are not worried too much. I only didn't email you back because I was in the middle of negative and positive thoughts and wanted to wait until I knew how I was really feeling. (I could have ruined our relationship otherwise!) Anyhow, I am so very sorry that I made you wait before I wrote back to the most sincere love letter from you. I am now where I am confident that I can trust you and that I am on cloud 9. 文章の内容から判断してかなり親しい相手で、特にかしこまった敬語を使う必要がないと思ったので、結構意訳してみました。apologizeはかなりかしこまった言い方なのでこの場合はsorryで十分だと思います。最後のcloud 9という言い方は日本語にすると超ハッピー、まさに雲の上の気分っていう感じで、カップルの間ではこんな感じの方が自然かな?と思ったのと、待たせてしまった事に対して気分を害している、もしくはかなり心配しているかもしれない相手に対してただのhappyよりこんな表現の方が、今はとにかく超、超ハッピーって事が伝わるのでは?と思いました。



知らなかった表現方法(cloud 9など)や、知ってはいたけどなるほどこういう時にその表現方法を使うのか(I was in the middle of~)、など、いろいろと参考になりました。ありがとうございました。





I apologize for this late reply and making you worry. worry --> worried I didn't want to reply before/until I sorted my feelings out am so much happy now. --> or So happy / very happy





  • 日記風に書いて、ここgooだけで英語の勉強をしています。添削をお願いしたいのです、よろしくお願いいたします。

    Hi, my Crystal! What are you doing now? I came here again because I wanted to talk with you. Do you have time now? I talked about my miniature rose. Then she was very weak, but now she is better than before. I am very glad she becomes well. Now she has a lot of new leaves and buds! In this morning I saw two flowers blooming, they were so cute! Every morning I say to her silently from my heart “Good morning! You are so beautiful, pretty, gorgeous and cute! I love you!” And sometimes I kiss her. I want you to see her someday. Crystal, thank you for your time. Now I am feeling a little sleepy because this morning I woke up 5o'clock. So I say to you “Good night, my Crystal.”

  • 英文添削していただけませんか??急ぎです

    ある海外女優さんへ送る、ファンビデオ?のようなものに参加させていただくことになりました。 それで、このメッセージを入れてもらおうと思っているのですが 不自然な部分などがあったら添削していただきたいです>< お願いします;; Hi. My name is ○○. Your smile always makes me happy. You're the most attractive of the world!! I'm so proud of you and i love you forever. Please, be in much more wonderful actress and singer from now on. I hope i can meet you someday:)) Thank you. Love you so much!! xx

  • 英文メールの添削お願いします。

    なんだか意味が分からないような気がして自信がありません。 よろしくお願いいたします。相手も英語ネイティブではないのでできるだけシンプルに書きたいです。 内容は私は向こうが気づいていたのに、返信しなかった。と思っていたが そもそもメールを見ていなかったから返信できなかったのか?という確認です。 I might have misunderstood. when you get new message,how to know that? you check it yourself or your mobile tells you with sound or something? i thought you saw my messages but you didnt reply.because in Japan, usually our mobile tells us. Didnt you see my messages? if so i have to say sorry....

  • 今日も書きました、頑張ります!添削お願いします。

    仕事帰りの電車が、私の英語の勉強時間です。携帯で書いています。 Hi,my sweet Crystal! Well, I am writing about komatsuna. Yesterday I bought three(3束のと言いたいのですが)komatsuna. What do you say komatsuna in English? Do you know, Crystal? No? It’s OK. Anyhow I like it very much. It cost 105yen all together. So cheep! Don't you think so? I fried it in sesame-oil and next put in pepper, salt and soy-souse. It was so delicious! Have you ever had komatsuna? No? OK! If I have a chance I will cook it for you. Now it is 11:40pm. So I have to say to you "Ciao for now!”

  • 長いのですが、添削お願いします!

    留学するためにホストファミリーに手紙を書かなければならないのですが、自信がないので少し長いのですが添削お願いします。 I am from Japan. My hometown is Shimane but now I’m living in Kanagawa near Tokyo with my younger brother. My hometown is a country side in Japan. I have many fond memories of there. There are many natures. So, I played outside with my friends. I often went to sea and mountain with my family. So, now I like play outside! I like watching autumn leaves and taking walks in mountain. And other hobbies are playing sports, particularly basketball, watching movies and reading books and comics. I also like going out drinking and shopping with my friends. I think I am outgoing, cheerful and mild. I like enjoying and doing something new. So, I think I can be used to new environment soon. I have 8 members of family and two cats. My older brother studies to become an accountant in Osaka. My younger brother goes to university in Tokyo. My family is so great and interesting. When I come back my home, I go out various places with my family. I respect my parents. My parents met a foreign country. So, they recommend me to go other country while I am young. And I love children and America before. So, I decide to join this program!! I took care of my cousin’s son that he was 1 years old a day in two weeks. And I learned English from my cousin. She went to study Britain before. Now, I work for nursery school as a volunteer every day. I help teacher’s works, For example taking walk, eating ranch and changing cloths, especially 1-2 years old class. I like spending children. Because children’s smile is so cute and they have many things I forgot. They make me smile naturally. I look forward to know about your family, and hope to have a good relationship. And I like cooking. So, I will help willingly. Maybe it has many differences between Japan and America, for example rules, meals, of course language! So, I want to talk anything each time with your family. Now, I can not say my English is very good, but I study English hard every day. I like to try to speak in English. So, I will be able to speak English soon. And I want to enjoy conversation! I will study and experience various things in America. It will broadens my horizons. It has been getting excited since now. I hope to spend feeling happier with your family. And I look forward to see your family. わからないなりに、頑張ったのですがもしもっと良い表現などがありましたら教えてください!

  • 私にとって難しいのですが、続けなければと思っています。今日も添削をお願いします。

    Hi, Everyone, as I said yesterday I played golf. Next time I come here, I will write about it. Today, I will write about my feeling. 今日も、よろしくお願いいたします。 Hi, My Crystal! As you know, I want to learn and I want to speak English when I get a chance to go to US someday. Everyday I say it to me in my heart. What do you think about my dream? These days I am feeling it is so hard to me. Of course, when I see you I do to do my best. And I am thinking I want to see you everyday. When I am with you, I speak only English. I can’t speak well, but I feel comfortable to talk with you. Crystal, what do you think about my English? Did you get my feeling in English? I hope you get my feeling. Well, I have to clean up my room. I want to be with you more and more. But I say to you “Ciao for now, My Little Sweet crystal!”

  • メールのやり取りで・・・(初級レベル)2

    こんにちは!いつもお世話になっております。 「お返事遅くなってごめんなさい」と書きたい場合、 I'M SORRY FOR REPLY YOU SO MUCH LATE. で、大丈夫でしょうか? それから、週末はどうしても返事が遅くなりがちになると思うので、ちょくちょく遅れては謝ることになりそうなのです。 毎回同じ表現だとちょっと私的にイヤなので、同じ意味で違う表現があれば教えて欲しいです。   I'M SORRY FOR MY DELAY OF MAIL. これはおかしいですか? 宜しく御願い致します(^0^)

  • カバーレターの添削お願いします。

    カバーレターを作ったのですが、恐縮ですが文法の間違い、フォーマルな言い回しなど何でもいいです。多分、間違いが多いと思うのですが、教えてもらえたらと思います。よろしくお願いします。 March 23, 2005 To whom it may concern, Please accept this letter and the enclosed information the truck driver position. I am currently seeking employment in the Vancouver area. My past experience working is also truck driver. It was 2 ton size. And I had delivered mostly food and grocery to our company members. My customers was about 400 peoples, My working was not only delivered, also response customer complaint, inducement to get new customer and more. I had a reputation for being polite to customers from my boss and my customers. This is for not only business, I really like to talk with people. In consequence it made work out. I think so. I have a cooperativeness with other working and I’d like to work with serious and fun. I am confident about drive however I always pay attention about to be overconfidence while driving. And I definitely understand my English skill is not good, I am learning now, so please be forewarned. I think I will be good worker who can contribute to your company. Thank you very much for reading this letter. I look forward to your reply. Sincerely,  

  • 日記風に、誰かに話しかける感じで書きました。添削お願いします。

    ここgooだけで勉強していますが、暫らく英文を書かなかったので、英語の文章が中々出てきません。再度、勉強をしなおさないとだめかと思っています。短い文章ですが、書いてみました。 Hi, my Crystal! The first, I must say to you “ I am so sorry! I haven't came here for a long time.” Did you worry about me? I have been well. How about you, Crystal? Sometimes I thought of you, but I couldn’t think and feel in English. I know I have to learn English day by day. Now my brain said to me “You can!" I should believe myself. I have you and you help me a lot for it. Crystal, I promise you that I will be learning with you. And someday I want to talk with you and my friends in English. Crystal, I have to make breakfast. So I say to you “Have a nice weekend!”

  • 英語のメールの添削をお願いします

    今度カナダへ留学するのですが、ホームステイ先の方にメールを送ろうと思っています。 英語はあまり得意ではない上に、外国の方にメールをするのも初めてなので、 なんとかメールを作ってみたものの、不安な点がたくさんです^^; 以下の英文の添削をお願いします。 Dear Mr.(ホームステイ先の方の名前) Hello,my name is (自分の名前、フルネーム). Please call me (ファーストネーム). It's nice to know you! I'm going to stay with your family from Feb.27 to Mar.25. I hope to see more of you. Since this is the first mail to you,I introduce myself. I'm 20 years old and university student in (地名). And my hometown is (地名) where is a regon with snowfall. My family in (地名) have a dog which is Shiba Inu. Your family appear to have a dog too,what kind of dog? I tell you truly,I'm not good at English... But I decided to study abroad because I want to able to speak English. So I'm studying hard now. I would be nice if you could reply to my e-mail. Sincerely yours, (自分の名前) ちなみに、このメールの中で伝えたいポイントは、 ・ホームステイすること、よろしくお願いしますという気持ち ・自己紹介(ホームステイ先に犬がいるということなので、犬に関する話) ・あまり英語が得意ではないこと です。 よろしくお願いします。