• ベストアンサー


以下の日本語を英語で分りやすく伝えたいのです。 英語の文でおかしいところがあったら教えて下さい。 私たちは・・・ 全て、穀物菜食です。 国内産の原料のみを使っています。 オーガニックの食材を使用します。 動物性食品は一切無し。 化学調味料は使っていません。 We use... all grains and vegetables domestic materials organic foods no animals no chemical 添削お願い致します。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • akijake
  • ベストアンサー率43% (431/992)

こんにちは。 レストランなどの紹介でしょうか? This is a vegetarian restaurant(shop) (または、We serve vegetarian foods.など) All foods are organic and contain only domestic ingredients with no MSG. とかはどうですか? 食料品に使われる化学調味料は通常MSG(グルタミン酸ナトリウム)で、No MSGという表示は結構見かけます。 ベジタリアンと言ってしまえば、動物性食品を使ってないと明記する必要はないと思いました。 ご参考まで^^*



ありがとうございます! 自然な表現ですね、参考になりました! イベントで出店をさせてもらうんですが、 そのイベントでは外国の方が多いらしく急遽、英語での説明文が必要となりました。 使わせて頂きます、ありがとうございました!


  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? In addition to improving existing products, nanotechnology is expected to enable people create raw materials and food from atoms and molecules. Today, manufacturers make goods from raw materials like wood, metal, and cotton and we eat fruits, vegetables, and grains that are grown on farms. One goal of nanotechnology is to create wood from atoms instead of cutting trees and to make vegetables by combining atoms that will grow and reproduce themselves in portable nanofactories called molecular synthesizers. Food synthesizers would enable us to create delicious foods in machines at home instead of growing them on farms. Therefore, far fewer raw materials would be necessary for our existence.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    ネットを見てたら気になる英語のサイトを見つけたのですが、英語が全くわからず訳すに訳せず、翻訳サイトを使ってもしっくりこないものとなってしまうのでどなたか和訳をお願いします。 Food faddism is as an exaggerated belief in the impact of food and nutrition on health and disease. Food faddists insist that food and nutrition are more significant than science has established. Such thinking frequently leads people to overestimate the beneficial effects of some foods (e.g., whole grains such as unpolished rice) and condemn others (e.g., refined sugars, flour and grains such as polished rice). Apprehension about particular foods or food components or about food manufacturing processes has led many people to adapt unorthodox food practices and to seek nonconventional approaches to nutrition. Many sensible, sincere people are also motivated to seek alternative food styles for ecological reasons. They are worried about environmental pollution through the use of agricultural chemicals and have turned to“organic” and other types of“health” foods. People have been led to believe that food grown without the use of pesticides or artificial fertilizers but with the application to the soil of natural fertilizers and other organic matters are more nourishing and less hazardous. They put an absolute faith in“organic” food and, as a corollary, ask for provision of evidence of absolute safety, an unrealistic and unattainable goal, with the application of new technologies such as genetic engineering to food production. When scientists discover that some component in a conventional food staff can be the risk factor for some life-style related disease, many people lose their faith in conventional nutrition and adopt approaches with the emphasis on new materials. Heightened health awareness caused by increase in information transfer, mainly through the mass media, has created expectations that at present exceed the ability of science to deliver. So-called health hustlers with application of pseudoscience take advantage of this situation. They promote tailor-made products and systems, which they insist, help one to resist disease, improve overall health or slow the aging process

  • この英文を訳してください!

    Concern about health is one of the driving forces behind the rapid expansion of organics,the fastest growing segment of an otherwise Sluggish food industry.In some ways organic has become "a victim of its own success." Agribusiness is swallowing up the very farms that started as a reaction to the industrialization of America's food supply. Small organic farms rebelled against conventional farming methods that relied on Synthetic pesticides and other toxic chemicals that exhaust the soil and pollute water, but there were other aspects to the organic movement that got lost when the U.S. Department of Agriculture established organic standards in 2002. Organic farmers wanted to move away from the large corporate farms that grew only one crop such as corn or WHeat, and return to the old way offarming with various crops and farm animals all coexisting. They envisioned small regional farms supplying Americans with local, seasonal, and natural foods. However, as organic farms grew they started to look a lot like their conventional counterparts, minus the harmful chemicals. Even as critics claim that organic has been "industrialized" and taken over by big business,there is no question that a lot of good has come out of the organic movement. The conversion ofland into organic has been greatforthe environment.It has enabled consumers to have more access to fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides and to meat from animals raised on heal thier feed. However,food still often has to travel thousands of miles from farm to table,the average distance for produce being about 1,500 "food" miles. One researcher, Louise Pape, director of Climate Today,found that wheat traveled 5,110 miles from a farm in Nebraska to a Wal-Martin New Mexico, stopping in four other places on its journey from the field to a box of cake mix. Organic foods are expensive, often requiring a 20 to 50 percent price increase, depending on the product and whether it's in season, and they aren't always available. It can be especially difficult to find certified organic meat. This is all likely to change as Wal-Mart adds a substantial amount of well-priced organic foods to its shelves, much of it packaged organic versions of conventional foods like boxed macaroni and cheese and breakfast cereals. Wal-Mart's appetite for organic will surely resultin the conversion of hundreds of thousands more acres of farmland to organic. The land won't 30 necessarily be in the United States, but it's good news that consumers will have more access to organic. There are also worries about the constant pressure to weaken the organic standards, which will only increase as big business gets more involved. As the meaning of "organic" is Weakened, some farmers go "beyond organic" by using words like "local" and 'sustainable" in reaction to the industrialization of organic. There's no official definition of "sustainable," but it's essentially a way of raising food that's healthy for those who eat it as well as the farms that produce it -the animals, the farmers, and the land itself. Chemical pesticides are minimally used, animals have access to pasture, and the farm itselfis viewed as an extension of the local community. What's taken out of the environment is put back in so that it can be maintained permanently and available to future generations. Local food is fresher, doesn't have to travel thousands of miles to reach you, and is less expensive When you buy it directly from the farmer.It's also better for your local economy. When you choose local you are supporting conservation of fuel resources, economic viability of local communities, freshness, and better taste. Eating locally and in-season foods is also a more traditional way of eating. The disadvantage to local is that unless it's guaranteed to be organic you have to do allthe work yourself to know how it was produced.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    A third opinion has been suggested both by learned theologians and by geologists, and on grounds independent of one another -- viz., that the days of the Mosaic creation need not be understood to imply the same length of time which is now occupied by a single revolution of the globe, but successive periods each of great extent; and it has been asserted that the order of succession of the organic remains of a former world accords with the order of creation recorded in Genesis. This assertion, though to a certain degree apparently correct, is not entirely supported by geological facts, since it appears that the most ancient marine animals occur in the same division of the lowest transition strata with the earliest remains of vegetables, so that the evidence of organic remains, as far as it goes, shows the origin of plants and animals to have been contemporaneous: if any creation of vegetables preceded that of animals, no evidence of such an event has yet been discovered by the researches of geology. Still there is, I believe, by no sound critical or theological objection to the interpretation of the word day' as meaning a long period.' Archdeacon Pratt also summarily rejects this view as untenable:

  • このxxingの使い方をご教示ください。

    英語の書籍で、言いよどみながら会話をつづけていく典型として 次のようなおもしろい会話例があります。 すこし、長いですが、そのまま引用させていただきます。 --------------------------------------------------- A.もし動物だとしたら何になりたい。子猫か何か? B. Oh, probably ... no, a large cat, something like a panther. Running free, roaming the deserts ... (うーん、たぶん、そうではないね。大きな猫かな、パンサーのような、 自由に走りまわって、砂漠をさまようような) A. And eating small animals -- rabbits and stuff.  (それで、小さな動物を食べるんでしょう。うさぎみたいな) B. Well, you got to eat, you know ... which is funny, being a vegetarian in this human body, I would choose, yeah, but um, yeah, a big animal.  (そうだね、結局食べなくちゃね。でも、考えてみるとおもしろいね。 この人間の身体は菜食主義者なんだけど、 選ぶとなったら、そうなんだ、うん、そう大きい動物なんだからね) -------------------------------------------------------- ここで、xxxingのかたちとして、次の4つが出てきています  (1)Running free  (2)roaming the deserts  (3)eating small animals  (4)being a vegetarian これは、最初は動名詞と思っていたのですが、 訳文と照らすとどうもニュアンスが違うようで気になりはじめています。 (I want to be)Running freeとか、 もしくは(I would be)Runningという感じの省略なのでしょうか? それとも、Running free(, if I can)とか、 もしくはRunning free(, if I could)という感じの省略なのでしょうか? それとも、会話体独特のお決まり的な表現なのでしょうか? 文法的にどういう仕組みなのかご教示いただきたく、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の長文なんですが、添削をしてもらえませんか?

    英語の長文なんですが、添削をしてもらえませんか? とても長いのですが、見ていただけたら嬉しいです。  英語を書くのがとても苦手なので、変な文があるかと思うのですが、  間違いを指摘していただければと思います。  どうかよろしくお願いします! 以下の文です China is different in food material and recipes in every area. A satir-fry using strong heat stands out compared with Japanese food. Also there tends to be a lot of dishes which use oil. It is important to take in hot meal, so there are few cold dishes. There are 10 kinds of different ways to fry. This time, I will introduce three famous dishes among the many. Firstly, Shanghai food is called a compilation of dishes. It has a good body, is sweet, and uses a lot of oil. It's often made with home cooking. A"xiao long bao" is often eaten in Japan. Secondly, the most popular food for Japanese people for its light flacoring is Canton food. The food material are rich in variety, for example, a swallow's nest and a shark's fin. There are very many kinds of cooking. Sweet and sour pork is also eaten in Japan. Finally, If you want to enjoy a hot taste, I'd recommend a Sechuan dish to you. Sechuan dish is famous for Chinese chili bean sauce. There are lot of spicy hot dishes, so the color is red. Many of the dishes are balanced food using vegetables. I like hot dishes very much, so I like Sechuan dishes the best. It's chili sauce of shurimp is ofeten in Japan. There are many places where Chinese food can be eaten in Japan,but I really want to go to China and eat in the home of Chinese food. <日本訳> 中国は地方ごとに食材や調理法が違う。日本領にに比べ強い火力を用いる炒め物が目立つ。また、油を多く使うという傾向がある。温かい食事をとることが重視されているため、冷たいものは少ない。炒め方でも10種類の調理法がある。今回、たくさんある中で3つ有名な食事を紹介します。    まずは料理の集大成といわれる上海料理です。コクがあって甘く、油がおい。家庭料理でもよく作られている。日本でよく食べられてるものにショウロンポウがあります。    つぎに、たんぱくな味付けで日本人にもっとも人気がある広東料理です。材料はバラエティに富み、ツバメの巣やフカヒレなどがある。料理の種類がたくさんある。また日本では酢豚が食べられている。    最後は、もしあなたが辛いもの好きなら、私は四川料理をおすすめします。四川料理は豆板醤で有名。調味料、辛みのある料理が多い。だから料理の色が赤い。バランスがよい食事が多く、野菜や肉、魚を使う。私は辛い料理が好きなので四川料理が一番好きです。日本ではエビチリが食べられている。    日本では中華料理が食べられる場所がたくさんありますが、私は中国にいって本場の中華料理が食べたいです。    ↑までです。  すみません;;  どうかお願いいたします。  

  • 正しい翻訳か教えてください。

    パントテン酸(ビタミンB5)のサプリメントの注意書きの英文を機械翻訳したところ、以下になりました。 3文目について質問です。 この製品に「甲殻類」は含まれているという意味なんでしょうか? それとも、パントテン酸は一般的に「甲殻類」から栄養分がとれるよ!という意味なんでしょうか? 文の流れや機械翻訳が正しければ、後者のようにも思うのですが。 英語に詳しい方アドバイス頂けないでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。 ------------------------------------------------------------ Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) is a water-soluble vitamin that is widely distributed in nature. ⇒パントテン酸(ビタミンB5)は、自然の中に広く配布される水溶性ビタミンです。 In fact, the name comes from Greek "panthos," which means "everywhere" or "ubiquitous." Pantothenic acid is essential to many animals for growth, reproduction, and normal physiological function. ⇒実際、名前はギリシアの「panthos」が語源です∥「至る所で」どの手段、あるいは、「遍在する。」、Pantothenic酸は、成長、再生と通常の生理的機能のために多くの動物にとって必須です。 Good sources of pantothenic acid include liver and kidney, poultry, beef, pork, fish, shellfish, lobster, eggs, milk, yogurt, soybeans, lentils, nuts, split peas, avocado, broccoli, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, yeast, whole grains, and royal jelly, and it is most bioavailable from animal sources. ⇒パントテン酸の良い源は肝臓と腎臓、家禽、牛肉、ポーク、魚、甲殻類、ロブスター、卵、ミルク、ヨーグルト、大豆、レンズ豆、ナッツ、干しエンドウ、アボカド、ブロッコリー、サツマイモ、キノコ、イースト、全部の穀物とローヤルゼリーを含みます、そして、それは動物の源から最も生物が利用可能です。 Pantothenic acid is easily destroyed by heat, freezing, and canning. ⇒パントテン酸は、熱、氷点と缶詰め化によって簡単に破壊されます。 ------------------------------------------------------------

  • 科学論文翻訳の添削のお願い その5

    QNo.8073301の続きです.おもしろそう(生きたまま電子顕微鏡で動物を観察する技術)なので読み始めましたが,しっくりしません…特に,(9),(10).どなたか添削をお願いします. 因みにA thin polymer membrane, nano-suit, enhancing survival across the continuum between air and high vacuum という論文です.      (1)Although plasma polymerization so far has been used only in creating new inert industrial materials or modification of their surfaces (9), we applied this technique to the ECS of living animals to construct a protective surface barrier referred to as a nano-suit (Fig. S1). (1) とはいうものの,今のところ,唯一プラズマ重合は,新しい不活性の産業用原材料あるいは彼らの表層の修飾が使用されてきた(9),我々はこの技術を,ナノスーツ(nano-suit)(図S1)と呼ばれる防御表面構築のために生きている動物のECSに応用した. (2)Plasma-irradiated specimens left in vacuo for 60 min before SEM observation clearly showed features similar to specimens observed by SEM ab initio (Fig. 1 A–C): (2)プラズマ照射標本は60分間真空内に置かれた後,SEM観察は 最初からSEMによる観察の標本に似ている特徴を明瞭に観察した. (3) They moved continuously, seemingly unharmed (Fig. 2 A–D and Movie S2) without problems of electrical charging (Fig. 2H, arrowheads). (3)それら(動物)は連続的に(絶え間なく)動き,帯電問題なしに,見たところ危害を加え与えなかった(図2A-D). (4)An extra thin surface layer was apparent in TEM observations (Fig. 2E). (4)特別な薄い表層はTEM観察に良く表されていた(図2E). (5)The weight of each larva was measured just before the experiment and 60 min later following exposure to high vacuum. (5)各層の重量は,実験直前および次の60分の高真空への曝露後に測定された. (6)Nonirradiated control larvae and larvae pretreated by plasma radiation showed mean body weight decreases of 56.3 ± 6.0% and 8.7 ± 3.8%, respectively (n = 25), demonstrating the effectiveness of the surface membrane formed by plasma irradiation. (6)照射されていない比較用の幼虫およびプラズマ照射により前処理された幼虫は,それぞれ(n=25:個体数=25)56.3±6.0%,8.7±3.8%の体重減少の平均を示し,(非照射および照射された幼虫は)形成された表面膜の有効性を実証している. (6)We next examined whether plasma irradiation could be used to protect other organisms. (6)次に我々は,プラズマ照射が,他の動物の保護に使われる可能性がかどうか調査した. (7)Insects possessing an ECS coat such as the fly maggot Protophormia terraenovae and the Japanese honey bee Apis cerana japonica were successfully protected, but others with no obvious natural ECS were not, pointing to the importance of the ECS. (7)ルリキンバエおよびニホンミツバチ(ニホントウヨウミツバチ)のようなECS(細胞外物質)コートを所有している(はえの)幼虫のような昆虫は成功裏に防御した.しかし,他(の動物)はECSの重要性を示す明白な天然ECSがない. (8)To investigate the chemical properties of the ECS of Drosophila larvae, we carried out FTIR analysis. (8)ショウジョウバエの幼虫のECSに関する化学的特性を研究するために,我々はFTIR分析を実行した. (9)This revealed that the ECS contained amphiphilic molecules (Fig.3A). (9)この調査からECSが両親媒性分子を含むことが分かった. (10)Solutions including amphiphilic molecules were then tested in an attempt to mimic the ECS layer. (10) そして,両親媒分子を含めた解決法は,ECS層を模倣しようと試みるテストをされた. (11)One of the best results was obtained with a solution of Tween 20, a nontoxic compound commonly used in biological experiments (10). (11)最高の結果の一つは,“Tween 20(mono-9-octadecanoate poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl)の誘導体:両親媒的なポリオキシエチレンの性質によりエマルジョンの調製や溶質の可溶化に用いられる),(および)生物学の実験に一般的に使われている毒性のない化合物による”解決法により得られた. 意味:Tween20および生物学の実験に一般に使用されている安全な化合物を使用することにより,良い結果が得られた.

  • 添削の添削お願いします。

    (1)I get nervous whenever I talk to native speakers. (2)The company is located in Nagoya where is known for TOYOTA. と、友達にメールしたところ、 (1)I'm still finding it difficult when I talk to native speakers. (2)The company is located in Nagoya which is known for TOYOTA. と添削されて帰ってきました。 (1)この僕の文章は間違っているのでしょうか?あるいは、文法的には合っているが、口語ではあまり使われない表現なのでしょうか? (2)whereとwhichとthatの使い方が分かっていたと思っていたら添削されたのでショックですし、理解出来ず、余計分からなくなってしまいました。分かりやすい使い分け方ありますでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 至急、翻訳お願いします。

    至急、翻訳お願いします。 どなたか至急翻訳して頂けませんか? 長文で申し訳ありませんが、自分では訳せず困っています。。 よろしくお願いします。 Meat, game and poultry Following the healdlscares of recent years, your best bet is to choose organic beef approved by Soil Assodation farmers who maintain organic standards, use natural food with which to feed their cattle and no giowth-promoting drugs, and who are ultimately concerned with animal we1fare.The best beef comes from animals that are about eighteen months old,but this must be matured,or‘hung',for ten to twenty days at low temperatures in 'order to tenderise it and improve its flavour and keeping qualities. The lean meat on Properly hung beef should be a deep-plum-red colour and slightly moist. lt should have a good outer covering of fat, creamy to pale yellow in colour and of firm texture.       The tastiest and healthiest pork comes from pigs that have been kept outside and allowed the freedom to live as natural a life as possible.The best pork should be pink, smooth and firm to the touch;freshly cut surfaces should look sligtly moist and there should be no excessive fat.The fat should be firm and a clear, milky white in colour; avoid cuts with soft, grey and oily fat. The skin, or rind, should be thin, pliable, smooth and free of hairs.  Choosing good lamb is relatively simple. Lambs cannot be factory farmed and their Pasture is not normally sprayed, so most lamb is free from chemical residues.The time of year when slaughtering takes place affects the appearance of the meat: good-quality, winter lamb is dark red, with creamy;marbled fat, while spring lamb is slightly lighter (dark pink), with white fat.  Although many types of game are commercially frozen and therefore available all year round, the flavour is at its best in freshly killed and well-hung game,which is available in autumn and winter. It is best to purchase game from a reputable butcher who knows the origins and hanging times of the meat that he is selling.