• ベストアンサー


明日高校のオーラルの時間でスピーチを発表するのですが自分の文章が文法や表現が大丈夫なのか心配なので確認をしていただきたいです。お願いします。スピーチの題は「私の大切なもの」です。 My important thing is 2002 FIFA Would Cup memorial medal. This medal was sold in South Korea. It was myfriend gave me. My friend lived in Utsunomiya but he transfened to another school in South Korea four years ago. I sent to Fukube and shogi because I gave it. I could deepen my friendship with my friend ever after. 以上です。英文が長くてすみませんでした。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー

One of my valuable things is this 2002 FIFA Would Cup memorial medal. A friend bought the medal in South Korea, and gave it to me. My friend was living in Utsunomiya, and he moved to Soiuth Korea four years ago. He now goes to school in Korea. >I sent to Fukube and shogi because I gave it.  意味がわかりません。日本語では、何と言いたいのですか? I cemented friendship with him ever since then.







その他の回答 (1)


>I sent to Fukube and shogi because I gave it. この部分を I gave him Fukube and shogi in return (for the medal). に変えたらいいのではないでしょうか。





  • 明日急遽英語のスピーチをすることになりました

    将来の夢を話すのですが、 以下のようにまとめてみました。 文法など誤りがあったり、 言い回しがおかしかったら訂正お願いします。 Hello! Myname is ○○. Today,I will talk about my dream. My dream is to become one of staff members of the United Nations. There is hardly any reason for my dream. But I'm just fond of Mathematics and English. So,when I thought about my dream,that was it. I have two goals to make my dream come true. First,I have to make more and more efforts for studying every subject to be admitted to a private university in Tokyo. Second,after I enter university I would be have to study not only Mathematics and English but also economics. In conclusion,I will work for the United Nations as a officer in the future. In closing,I would like to thank you for listening so attentively. 以上です。お願いします。

  • 添削お願いします。

    In XX speech, the time was over 6:00 when I practiced it, but it was 5:30 when I gave it. Speaking speed was a little bit faster and I could not put tone in my speech. However, I realized that I am nervous and I regain stability a bit in the middle of the speech. 「XXスピーチでは、練習の時は6分以上時間がかかっていたが、当日は5分30秒ほどだった。スピーチでは、話すスピードが少し早く、抑揚をつけることができていなかった。しかしスピーチの途中で自分が緊張していることに気づき、落ち着きを少し取り戻した。」 *少し英語の内容と日本語の内容が違っているかもしれませんが、英語に訳しやすいように一部表現を変えています。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 英語のスピーチ原稿の添削お願いします!!

    添削お願いします!中学生です。自分なりに書いてみたのですが、文法とかぐちゃぐちゃで。お願いします。テーマはunforgettable memory です。 When I was a sixth gread an elementary school ,I decided to take an entrance examination for junior high school. But I didn’t tell a my friends this. And I didn7t tell “ going to junior high school different classmate. I was telling the lie for classmate one year.  I decided to take an entrance examination for junior high school , and I began to study . Study time increase and play with friends decrease. that time I think “it is shameful if I fail an examination” so. I didn’t tell this my classmate. The examination was taken I can’t told. And it passed the examination. the winter vacation of the year passed my friend began to prepare of the junior high school. “Did you buy a uniform?” "You and I go to the same junior high school? "”junior high school life pleasure” The answer was always "YES”I con not go to the same school. I can not wear same uniform. ”where did you buy uniform” my friend asked to me. But I can’t answer that. And I said “I cannot remember . I forgot it.” It was impossible to tell the truth unawares. Even now, I remember these days was very hard.  The day of a graduation ceremony I told to my friends going to different junior high school. and my friend said to me“I am lonely. I can not go same school. But good luck.” If I stand on the same position as her, I will be said many severe things. because I am not told truth a year. It cannot said it is the right thing I did .but I found friend who push my back.

  • 明日、英語のスピーチの発表で困っています。英語の添削お願いします!急いでます><

    明日英語のスピーチで発表なのですが、添削お願いいたします。 In this summer vaction,I could do a many things I wanted to do such as a trip,a part time job,meeting old friends and so on.Everything was good and I had a good time. Today I will talk to you about highscool basketball club's tratraining camp.In this summer,I took part in the training camp as a coach and went to Gumma for three days.Sice I entered university,I have had few opportunities of playing basketball.Therefore I played basketball after a long time at the training camp.Because I lost a lot of strength,I thought the training camp was very busy and hard.On the other hand,I thought it was pleasant that I exercise too.I watched high school students who devoted themself to club activities desperately and longed for my high school life.From the experience of this year, now I think I want to go again next year.Thank you for listening.

  • 添削お願いします

    In XX speech, the time was over 6:00 when I practiced it, but it was 5:30 when I gave it. Speaking speed was a little bit faster and I could not put tone in my speech. However, I realized that I am nervous and I regain stability a bit in the middle of the speech. 「XXスピーチでは、練習の時は6分以上時間がかかっていたが、当日は5分30秒ほどだった。スピーチでは、話すスピードが少し早く、抑揚をつけることができていなかった。しかしスピーチの途中で自分が緊張していることに気づき、落ち着きを少し取り戻した。」 *少し英語の内容と日本語の内容が違っているかもしれませんが、英語に訳しやすいように一部表現を変えています。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いします (以前質問させていただいた内容なのですが、他の質問文の回答と入れ違いになり、私も連続で質問させて頂いたため、気づきませんでした。なのでもう一度質問させていただきます。)

  • スピーチ風英文の添削をお願いします。

    駅を「here」--(lineう)--「stationい」--(lineえ)--「stationあ」としてあります☆ 「here」 から 「stationあ(自分の地元)」に帰るまでの道のりから始まるスピーチを英語にしました。 この英文を添削していただきたいです^^; I’m going to give you a speech about my hometown あ. あ is in ん prefecture. あ is toward to い from here. (「あ」はここから「い」方面にあります。と、したいです^^;) fifty minutes ride on local train of う line enables to reach い station from here. Another thirty minutes ride on local train of え line enables to reach あ station. So, I took about one and half hour when I go back to my hometown あ, including the time to change trains. あ is famous for fireworks. Firework festival is performed in あ every year. When the day comes, there are more than five hundred stalls to sell Yakisoba Okonomi and so on. About two hundred thousand(20万人,としたいです^^;) peoples go there and twenty-thousand fireworks are launched in about three hours. It tells you how big this festival is. あhigh school is also famous for having a strong baseball club. Although あ high school is not private school, they appeared on the stage of KOUSHIEN in 2001. I think it is wonderful thing. Above all, my speech was finished. Thank you for your listening my speech. ホントにわかりにくい文章ですいません。 お願いします!!! あと、文法が変なところなどあったら先生の代わりに 教えてください^^;

  • 【英語】作文の添削お願いします 

    テーマ:印象に残っている贈り物 Most impressing present in my life is a watch that my father gave me when I passed the exam to enter the high school. My father used the watch before I was born, and he wouldn't put away it even though he was given a new watch by my mother and sister. I think the watch will have been very important for my father. So, I was very surprised when he gave it to me. At first, I hesitated to receive it, but I received it in the end because my father said with smiling that "I use this new watch". The watch was what my mother and sister gave him. My watch and my father's watch is very different because mine is very old and father's is new. However both of them are filled with love of my family. 文法や構成について指摘してください。

  • 英作文

    学校の課題で、"My High School Days"という題で英作文をしました。 文法的な間違いや、不自然な部分等あると思いますので、添削していただこうと、質問させていただきました。 よろしくお願いいたします。 I went attended ABC High School. This school was founded in 1961 by Taro Oda. It is co-education now. But it was a boys' school before 1994, DEF girl's High School was next to it. They merged it in 1994 and became ABC High School. It has generally course only now. But generally course has three courses, A course, B course and C course. When I was senior, there were 48 classes in this school, and more than 1,700 students were studying in this school. I belonged to B course. In the B course, we studied aiming at entrance to school to the university. I and my friends always went to the school by bicycle. I was doing it for exercise and a saving. It takes me about fifty minutes from my home to the school. My favorite subject is civics. I liked the modern society in particular. My best friends in high school were Yuichi Masuda, Yoshitaka Ito and Toshimitsu Kato. We used to go to Miyawaki Bookstore or Book Square in Matsusaka after school by bicycle. It was late that I always arrived at the house because these bookstores were long way from my house. I belonged to the rugby club. But I have never play rugby. Because my teacher made me and my friend the member of the club by force to direct our life and to let me study. So we studied mathematics in the teacher's room while other members did club activities. My impressive teacher was Mr. Ishimoto. He was my teacher when I was junior, and teacher was mathematics and rugby club. He was severe, grim and strong.  Therefore I and my friends could not disobey. If we had not good exam result, he punched us. So my friends studied English and mathematics very hard. But I knew his good point. He always thought about students. Therefore he was very strict with us. It will not still change.

  • 添削お願いします

    About XX presentation, I got to be able to eye contact more than before. I tried to memorize the sentences, so I could speak my speech without seeing my notecard too much. However, it seems that my speech was not frequently because I sometimes lost for words in the speech. 「XXスピーチでは、以前よりもアイコンタクトができるようになっていた。文章を記憶したため、ノートカードをあまり見やずに話せた。しかし、スピーチ中、時々言葉が詰まったため、流暢に話せていなかったように思える。」 *英語で言いやすいように日本語を変えています。 大体の内容が英語で言えていれば大丈夫です。 こちらの英文の添削をお願いします。

  • 添削お願いします

    Through these speeches, I felt that I got to be able to tell the audience my speech more than the XX speech. I felt that I was conscious of my outline in order to speak frequently in XX speech. 「これらのスピーチを通して、わたしはXXスピーチよりも観客に伝えることができるようになっていたと感じた。XXスピーチでは流暢に話すためにアウトライン(概要)を意識しすぎているように感じた。」 *英語で言いやすいように日本語の表現を少し変えている箇所があるかもしれないです。 こちらの英文を添削して欲しいです。よろしくお願いします。