
@gahyu gahyu

  • 登録日2018/05/04
  • 性別男性
  • 年代30代
  • 都道府県東京都
  • 文の数と接続詞andの使い方

    We met and went to see a movie. この文でandの後の主語が省略されているようなんですがなんで省略できるんですか? あと、接続詞がある場合sv svの文が接続詞1つあたり、2つの文をおけるんですよね?今回の場合、we metはOKだとして、went to seeは主語がないので文になってないですよね?これはなぜ大丈夫なのでしょうか? もう1つ I like apple and orange. これも接続詞1つに対して文が1つですよね?なぜこれでも成立するのでしょうか?

  • 一生通帳moneytreeを採用すれば通帳解約して

    銀行が出資して作ったアプリのようで、moneytreeというアプリを銀行がオススメしてるくらいですよね。 これを利用すれば 通帳解約しちゃって本当に大丈夫でしょうか? やはり通帳をキープするとどんどん増えていく可能性があるのが難点ですよね。 だからといって解約してしまってmoneytreeにトラブルや通帳漏れが発生したらそれはそれで困ります。 人に金を貸していて、 月々の返済を受けているので確実に履歴をキープしたい事情があるのですが、すべて無通帳化したいというのもあり悩んでいます。

  • cssのfloatについて質問です。

    cssでfloatを使い3カラムで表示しています。 クラスは左からleft,centre,rightと振っています。 やりたいことはウィンドウサイズを縮めた時にカラム落ちするのではなく、 rightのdivをlefr,centreの下に潜り込ませたいです。 イメージ的にはleft,centreのz-indexが1に対し、rightが0で下に入るように縮めたいです。 できればpositionは使いたくないです。 flexboxでも試してみましたが、比率が変わりいい感じに縮むのですが、下に潜り込ませることはできませんでした。 もしなにかアドバイスがあれば宜しくお願い致します。

    • ベストアンサー
    • shiro857
    • CSS
    • 回答数2
  • 上下だけのボーダーなのに左に意図しないボーダー発生

    . hrタグの上下にボーダーを以下のようにして入れたのですが、親要素に沿って左側に<hr>の高さ分のボーダーができてしまいました。とりあえず border-left: none; で消したのですが、左に出た意図しないボーダーは何が原因なのでしょうか? hr { height: 30px; border-top:2px solid gray; border-bottom:2px solid gray; } .

    • ベストアンサー
    • milano-com
    • CSS
    • 回答数4
  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    Major Shearer took over the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines for the wounded Berry. On 9 June, an enormous American and French barrage devastated Belleau Wood, turning the formerly attractive hunting preserve into a jungle of shattered trees. The Germans counter-fired into Lucy and Bouresches and reorganized their defenses inside Belleau Wood. In the morning of 10 June, Major Hughes' 1st Battalion, 6th Marines—together with elements of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion—attacked north into the wood. Although this attack initially seemed to be succeeding, it was also stopped by machine gun fire. The commander of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion—Major Cole—was mortally wounded. Captain Harlan Major—senior captain present with the battalion—took command. The Germans used great quantities of mustard gas. :page 17 Next, Wise's 2nd Battalion, 5th Marines was ordered to attack the woods from the west, while Hughes continued his advance from the south. At 04:00 on 11 June, Wise's men advanced through a thick morning mist towards Belleau Wood, supported by the 23rd and 77th companies of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion, and elements of the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Engineers and were cut to pieces by heavy fire. Platoons were isolated and destroyed by interlocked machine gun fire. It was discovered that the battalion had advanced in the wrong direction. Rather than moving northeast, they had moved directly across the wood's narrow waist. However, they smashed the German southern defensive lines. A German private, whose company had 30 men left out of 120, wrote "We have Americans opposite us who are terribly reckless fellows." Overall, the woods were attacked by the Marines a total of six times before they could successfully expel the Germans. They fought off parts of five divisions of Germans, often reduced to using only their bayonets or fists in hand-to-hand combat. On 26 June, the 3rd Battalion, 5th Marines, under command of Major Maurice E. Shearer, supported by two companies of the 4th Machine Gun Battalion and the 15th Company of the 6th Machine Gun Battalion, made an attack on Belleau Wood, which finally cleared that forest of Germans. On that day, Major Shearer submitted a report simply stating, "Woods now U.S. Marine Corps entirely", ending one of the bloodiest and most ferocious battles U.S. forces would fight in the war.United States forces suffered 9,777 casualties, included 1,811 killed. Many are buried in the nearby Aisne-Marne American Cemetery.